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Hey everyone, V.D.Y. here! Back with another Hereafter post!

I'm really excited this week to show off the work being done on 3D models! Let's start by showing off some of the team's first models! The boulders!

These were a great place for the team to start with a not-too-complicated shape to figure out and some lovely texture variations! I really like how the mossy boulder came out!

Next, something a bit more organic: logs and plants!

Love the details in the plant, but the log has an even more exciting story, as it was where we started looking into making the models more modular. This log has an additional "branch" separate from it that can be attached to it to add more variation!

The team expanded on this concept significantly with the following model: the tree!

The tree model you see here is actually composed of several submodels! With this, we can create more variation while minimizing the work that would go into additional asset creation.

For example, we could create a new trunk model but reuse the canopy models from this tree to create a new variant!

You may have noticed that I've mentioned that "the team" worked on these a few times, and that's because these models were a very collaborative process to create, even more so than some of our previous assets!

We're still refining our workflow, but for now, most of these models were modeled by Silk, then UV unwrapped by Error, and finally textured by Twi!

Finally, you're probably wondering about that strange header image!

This was an entertaining part of the process to look in on; when we were figuring out the sizes of the models, we needed a good reference, and since we know Aurora is roughly one block tall, Error threw together a quick reference object we could use to tell how many Auroras tall the models are to keep things sized correctly!

I hope you enjoyed this look at some of our early 3D models! 'Til next time!

~ V.D.Y.




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