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Hey guys,

The top 5 have been emailed.  Please check your emails from any email from JaretCampisi@gmail.com and respond asap!

Congrats to the winners and sorry to all who didn't win this time...luckily we've bot a full carbon V4S coming next so I hope you're excited for that!

Thanks again for everyone who supports what we do.  We truly couldn't do it without you.




Malcolm K. Adams

It will be nice to watch how the winners are selected one time. Either way congrats to the winners

Jaret Campisi

We’ve got a selection video online of when we choose the winner of the Daytona 675r as well. This one was done exactly the same way and will be up shortly!

Zef Lorenz

Bummer,... i was so sure i’d be “the one”. Now what am i suppose to do with this showroom podium stage with the floor lit carousel feature i custom ordered online? I already cleared out the entire formal living room and made it ready just for her majesty. This potential garage queen belongs in a museum to be admired as the piece of art it is, not even tracked!

Jaret Campisi

haha yeah sorry man...at least we'll be building a full carbon V4S to take its place :)