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Hey guys!

Just wanted to remind you that we will be choosing the winner of the Carbon 1299 build tomorrow, Saturday June 9th.

Please be checking your emails between 1-2:30pm EST as we will be emailing the top five winners to get reactions on camera.

The ONLY email will be from JaretCampisi@gmail.com

Hope you guys are excited.  Thanks so much again for supporting what we do and best of luck to everyone!

Prize List as follows

1.  Carbon 1299 Panigale

2.  Paypal cash transfer $200

3.  Paypal cash transfer $150

4.  Paypal cash transfer $100

5.  Paypal cash transfer $50




Rolan Rex Granberry III

Welp I didn’t win smh!!! That would of been my dream bike I don’t even have a bike wish it could of been me!!

Kristofer Knittle

Thanks for the excited motor mods and Dado's sarcastic jokes. Jaret if you are ever at Cycle Gear's monthly meetup Id love to talk more about your projects. Im living on West Shore. Ride on!

Jaret Campisi

haha thanks man glad you enjoyed it! And yes we will try to make it out to a cycle gear event in the future for sure!