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Hey guys!

As we started downloading the names and creating the list for the upcoming Panigale V2 giveaway we came to a realization and I wanted to run something by you all.

Because of the way it worked when Patreon switched my billing over from per episode to per month, everyone who was already signed up previously will not actually be charged for March, which means you wouldn't be getting entered to win both bikes.

When you were charged on March 1st that was actually for the February content since it used to be a per episode model.  Now that its switched to monthly when you get charged on April 1st that will now be for the month of April.

I know its a bit confusing BUT the best way around all of this would be to hold off on choosing a winner for the V2 Bayliss until Saturday April 6th to assure you guys get your final entries towards the V2 AND your entries for the BMW as well.

I hope that all makes sense and I want to make sure you guys are all OK with this change.  It will also give us more time to make sure the list is created properly with all the changes the page has undergone on the back end as well.

If you've swapped tiers or signed up after the page has switched to monthly then you are not affected either way regardless of the giveaway date changing.

If you have any questions drop them below and I'll try to clear up any confusion as well.

Thanks guys!



Brian Conrad

Still cold here in Ohio, so yeah.. should be warm enough for me to pick her up on the 6th! 😜🔥

Karanji C

I am here for it all Campisi, bring it / appreciate the update (it's a good call)!