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Hello Primos

Hope everyone is having a good day. We wanted to take a quick minute to open up, be transparent, and talk about how we decide to choose content and how things will change a bit moving forward. **Fair Warning, if you don't like a lot of detail, then maybe click away or scroll down to the final point**

As we've talked about before, it's a very difficult task to balance out everything that is out there that has to do with BTS. It seems like an infinite list of content. To help us navigate this we put together a series of schedules, polls, recommendation channels, comments, etc to help us navigate. But even then we cannot possibly keep track of everything and make sure we were being fair.

Just this week, we have gotten Emails/DMs/Comments on the following:

1. Why haven't you finished the Suchwita episodes

2. We need more HOBI videos

3. We need more TAE videos

4. We need more JIN videos

5. We need more SUGA videos

6. More Music, Less Personality

7. Where are the ALBUM reviews

8. When are you going to try other K-POP Groups

9. Please don't do other K-POP groups

That's only this week. We read as many comments and emails as we can. When you see all those requests, how does one even proceed? What do we watch? We've shifted our schedule dozens of times to fit as much as possible but doesn't always help.

An example for October when we tried to get to HOBI content:

1st week October : JK new songs + Suchwita (Jk released a new song and the poll winner was Suchwita so we held off posting HOBI this week)

2nd week October: Jimin Bday (Jimin's bday week so it didn't feel right hijacking it. We held off posting HOBI for a week)

3rd Week October: EGO + Rapline + Poll Winner (Got to a HOBI song, but it was part of Chronological. Didn't want to replace Rapline since we haven't done enough of that. So we held off posting HOBI for a week)

4th Week October: JITB + Return of TROB (We got more HOBI content but it was a poll winner. At this point we had already pushed out TROB a couple of extra weeks so we decided to hold off posting HOBI for a week).

We just wanted to show what our thought process is each week and how we aren't ignoring anyone. Each week we run into hurdles when trying to squeeze things in. But we are trying.

**And just one quick comment about today's video, a bad lip reading. All four of us are fans of the Bad Lip Reading channel, as we mentioned in the reaction we watch their videos all the time. And when we found out they did a video about BTS we were THRILLED. We wanted to watch it with our CCW pick since lately most of our picks have been replaced with other recommended videos that we've tried to fit into our schedule. We wanted to take a step back and do something just fun, and random, to help loosen us up a bit during this grind. I hope you could see in our reaction, how excited we were to see these 2 worlds collide. We understand it isn't for everyone, but we just wanted to do this ONE video, for us, to just have a little fun.

So with all of that, we're trying something new:


As you see in the image attached (Click on them to see it bigger), we have been working very hard at curating a comprehensive list of all of the BTS SOLO work, as well as Rap Line/Vocal Line songs, and see how much of each we have seen (Shout out to admin Juli for tag teaming with me to compile this list). Towards the top you'll see we have calculated how many songs/personality videos of each member we have watched since we started. The purpose of this, is to find a more calculatable way to keep things balanced.  When looking at the overall percentage (in purple of course), we can see JIN is currently the most underrepresented, followed by J-Hope. Of course, JIN has fewer songs out which is part of the reason.

We'll be using this as our guiding light to keep things as equal as possible. Is it a perfect solution? Maybe not, but this is us at least trying to be as fair to ALL members. Only time will tell.

So in the spirit of balancing things out, here is a preview for next week:

We know JK has a new song coming out, but we're going to shift things around to watch HOBI first since he's behind and that's been the highest requested member lately (We aren't skipping JK). After that expect some more JIN videos to bring up his percentage as well.


There are MANY other things to discuss about changes we are considering (Polls, Submissions, Album Reviews, Suchwita episodes, etc). We'll save those details for another post but, they are 100% on our list and we are trying to fit it in. Likely in some of our CCW picks. But hopefully this helps clear up any confusion and MAYBE, lessen all the frustration we've been seeing lately from some of our viewers.

That's it for now. We'll try to answer questions in the comments.





hey! i dont say much usually but just know you guys should feel free to watch whatever you feel like watching, this is your channel <3

Jocelyn Lopez

I’m sorry you have to deal with people wanting so much more then possible todo… how you’ve been going has been good I’m just happy to watch your videos getting more and more into bts💜 for me it hasn’t matter the order you go thru 💜💜💜 THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO🫶🏼


I hate that you have felt any negativity about how you react, how you choose what to react to, etc. It's pretty crazy, if you ask me. Just do you. Everyone should experience BTS in an organic way, not forced by people with less than nice agendas.

Linda Buford

OMG and "That That" from PSY featuring Suga- please add that to his list! OMG I'm praying y'all get to see that- both MV and live are EPIC! Suga surprised everyone by showing up and performing WITH PSY in front of what seeemed to be the biggest audience I've ever seen!

Yahel Poveda

Como OT7 ARMY, la verdad siento mucho que algunas personas se la pongan tan difícil, que se vean con la necesidad de hacer esto. En lo personal aunque tengo mis bias, me hace muy feliz que vean cualquier contenido de cualquier miembro y es imposible creer que van a poder ver todo el contenido disponible con casi 10 años de atraso, cuando ni nosotras podemos llevarle el ritmo a todo lo que está saliendo actualmente. Realmente espero que la presión no los haga sentirse incómodos y sigan disfrutando el viaje, ya que ustedes son de los MEJORES canales de reacciones que he visto en mucho tiempo. Gracias por tomarse todo el tiempo para tratar de complacernos, pero nunca olviden que siempre va a haber alguien que no va estar content@, así que sigan haciendo lo que mejor les parezca que lo han hecho MUY BIEN! Un abrazo fuerte desde Panamá a mis vecinos Colombianos: Daniel y Gabriel, y a sus bellas esposas.