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Hey Primos!

It's time for the next episode of AVATAR (uncut).

A new family member has joined Friday with the cousins today! Welcome our nephew, Seth! He'll be stopping by to make an appearance from time to time. Today he sat in for Gabriel, who was unable to join this time around. But we are so excited to have Seth join us!

Hope everyone enjoys todays episode and see you in the comments!




Faye Erika

OMGG a new family member 💜 it’s Seth’s debut to CCW videos! Haha welcome 🙏🏻

Melody Ann

Seth really looks like my neighbor 2 houses away, he is in high school. Actually you both and Gabe can pass for Pacific Islander if you ever came to Guam, just speak Spanish here and all eyes will turn and ears will listen even if we dont understand. Its so cool to hear other languages besides other Pacific Island language...


i really liked seth, i hope he comes back (maybe something bts related too?). i love this episode so much. aang's face when he sees that he hurt katara makes me so sad. loved this as always

S0uL YgR

Gabriel #2 was adorable! Thanks for being such a kool kid and having so much fun watching this with us. Please feel free to come hang out again, even if Gabriel is back Seth can join too 💜


Loved the reaction as always, the avatar is such a good show !! Seth seems so nice, hope to see him again (with Gabriel too bc I did miss him lol 😂) Can’t wait for the next episode 💜


Welcome, Seth! Hope to see you more in the future. It's cool how you remember the show but also how you can watch it as if it was a completely different show because of the age difference (how now you notice deep teaching of the show and not only the cool visuals :D ). Now, I'm off to liking this on your yt. Catch you on the next one.


This must be your Tae look alike😂😂😂😂😂 Great smile!!

Sarah Almeida

Hmm, something’s different with Gabriel but it can’t seem to put finger on it 🤔


Hello seth. 👋 He seems comfortable on camera. It’s good to see

Rafaa Z

Welcome Seth 💜💜