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Hi Primos!!

We wanted to share something one of our awesome admins helped put together for us. After posting a couple of mail videos, we've began to receive a few more things (which is incredibly exciting!).

However there already has been an instance or 2 where we received a duplicate of something.  To help avoid that, our admin put together a nice google doc that keeps track of what is being sent our way.

We obviously do NOT look there, so as not to be spoiled. But it's a nice and easy way for anyone who is interested in sending anything, to check and make sure hasn't already been sent 😊

Of course, we won't complain if we do receive more than 1 of the same thing, there are 4 us after all 😅. But either way, here's the doc if you're interested!


And if you'd like to get it updated, send our admin an email at CCWreacts@gmail.com and she'll make sure to get it added to the list! If you're on our discord you can also DM our admin Juli.

And thanks to everyone who has already sent us something! We're working on getting it all organized : )



Linda Buford

Oh I wish we could attach pics here! I made something and wanted to show y’all! I already gave one away to my tax lady! Lol!!!! She loved!! I’ll send you a pic by message!!!

Marcy Turney

Thank you, I was one who sent something then realized after that you already have it so this will definitely help 💜💜


That just means for the items you have double on each couple has their own copy and all four has their own BTS cup 🥤.. Enjoy going down the rabbit hole with the rest of us Armys. 😀

Cam T Crowley

Am I the only one who can't open it? It keeps directing me to Discord, for some reason. 😩


Same. But from the community post on the YouTube channel, I was able to see the doc. So, try there.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eD4gsfmioMIZ-rgR_6ZBHEWfcPH-yzzbnKcuGedIOVo/edit?usp=sharing here you go


Is there a working Discord link?? I’m new to Patreon and all links I’ve found are expired.


Hi, guys i think you should watch the behing the scenes episodes they are so funny


Very excited to see you guys open my mail, cause I think its something different than you usually get.