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Good Morning CCW Primos!! 

Here is the uncut reaction to the latest episode of TLAB. We ran into some frame skipping issues with this video so we apologize for that. I believe I've found a fix for this. 

Also, we are experimenting with a new layout. Let us know if you prefer this method or the old. Or something entirely different 😊

Hope you Enjoy!





Not sure if it's clear but the airbenders aren't any more powerful or special than the other benders. It's just the Avatar that's particularly powerful because they can master all four elements. And as mentioned above the Avatar is reincarnated into each nation in turn (and because of that cycle, the people looking for the Avatar just know that he should have been born into the Air Nation this time). Looking forward to you guys getting deeper into the story and the world building 😁 You're gonna see a lot of different cities


Can you please react to 2 episodes in one video. Because 1 Episode is really short. PLEAAASSE


Can you please react to 2 episodes in one video. Because 1 Episode is really short. PLEAAASSE


Can you please react to 2 episodes in one video. Because 1 Episode is really short. PLEAAASSE

S0uL YgR

I call Aang Angustio 🤣 just wanted to share that for all the Spanish cousins lol hope y'all get it otherwise ignore 💜


Also! About Aang's fighting abilities at this point - he's mastered air bending so he's already as capable as anyone else, but air bending is primarily about defensive movements, in contrast to fire bending that's focused on offensive moves. That'll become more apparent as we go but it's just fun to keep an eye out for how each bending style and philosophy is different :)


Ohhhh. I watched Avatar before i really liked it. Will watch this after shift

Bere Muñoz

Hopefully they can also see the anime of Kimetzu Noyaiba, it is very good, cold due to the reaction


I would love them to watch One Punch Man. lol!

aleksisti (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 00:00:48 Ahhh... too short :< Please react to 2 episodes in one video
2023-02-05 11:54:34 Ahhh... too short :< Please react to 2 episodes in one video

Ahhh... too short :< Please react to 2 episodes in one video


I watch another reaction channel react to these. Because the episodes are so short, they record two of them at a time. just a suggestion :)