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tldr is im starting to feel better, will come back slowly soon



Hi Bloom, as a new subscriber, I wasn't really sure how to word this but I'm glad you're feeling better. please take your time to gather your thoughts and to find your peace. As someone who also struggles with insecurity and anxiety, I understand how it feels to have your sense of security shaken and to experience that strange sense of being on-edge no matter how hard you try to control your thoughts or environment. I honestly can't even begin to image how it must have felt for someone to violate your boundaries like that with something so personal. But you are strong and we are all here for you and I do wish you all the best. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and I hope you are safe and surrounded by people you love and people who support you wholeheartedly. So, please don't feel pressured to come back before you are mentally ready. Take your time and I'm sending you lots of virtual hugs!


Self image and self esteem stuff is hard to deal with so I'm glad you're doing better and totally agree with what Bunni said. I hope you'll be able to create what you want without having to walk on eggshells. Take care always, baldie!