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Fazia um bom tempo que eu nao fazia algo 100% em português e alguém me pediu pra fazer isso então eu resolvi que tava na hora mesmo. É um pouquinho mais vanilla do que o normal pq eu ainda nao tenho muito comforto com o português, pelo menos nao tento quanto eu tenho com o inglês.

It has been a while since Ive wanted to approach another audio with 100% portuguese, and while most of you are here and dont speak the language but someone requested it last month on our poll and a lot of people vote for more portuguese, so why not. I just jope that with a translation you guys can understand it lol.

Tá chegando aquela época do mês e você já consegue sentir os hormônios e o stress à flor da pele, seu namorado percebe isso após chegar de uma semana tumultuada do trabalho e te ajuda a desestressar <3

Its almost that time of the month and you can feel the hormones and stress pilling up, and after a long and hard week at work your boyfriend realizes you could deal with some stress relief.

I also integrated something here that I dont think can be done frequently for women, which is JOI, I think everyone has a particular way of making that work, but I felt as if theyre pretty generalized directions and it was also pretty fun. If I did something fully focused on that, do you think you guys would enjoy that?

Here is a translation for the curious/studious hoes: https://scriptbin.works/u/BloomingVA/m4f-descontraindo-com-o-seu-namorado



Thank you for this ♥️ I’m Argentinian and I used to be fluent in Portuguese when I went to college but never had the chance to use the language ever again, so I’m rusty AF… I’m glad that I get to learn the useful terms that are not taught at college kkkkk


I grinded with the green owl the whole month just for this moment ur so lovely, thank u for this one! take care ♡


“Can you imagine blacking out from sheer pleasure? Once, I spoke Portuguese and I don't even know the language.” - as said in the movie Mr. Woodcock & thanks to Bloom, also now said by me 🫠


Portuguese is such a beautiful language. It's one of the languages I've tried to learn along with Japanese and Romanian. Sadly, the progress is slow. I quite enjoyed this, awesome work 🫶


ur pt audios are the first time ive found my language sexy lmfao (though i speak pt-pt) . fiquei super entusiasmada quando abri o patreon e vi isto hahahah obrigada bloommmmmm 😵‍💫💞🫶 espero que continues a sentir-te cada vez melhor


puta que pariu caralho buceta eu to –


primeiro: obrigada por tudo


segundo: se um dia rolar a vontade de gravar um ptbr, acho que faria absurdos por um de degradação 🫠


Thank you! I'm ngl, I was very afraid to make this as I know there are so few people who even know some of the language here and I felt like it wouldn't be properly enjoyed, but it's nice to see some people are pleased 💜


Olha, eu sei que vocês são os originais e tal mas vamos combinar que pt-br é a versão mais sensual da língua hehe. Jokes aside, que bom que você gostou querida, obrigado!


hdhfhs originais mas longe de sermos a melhor versão, por isso super combinado ✌️ e claroooo !! 💞


It’s me, I am a curious and studious hoe 😂 I don’t speak Portuguese but your voice and delivery tell a story all on their own and it’s delightful. Also brb gotta catch a flight somewhere to find someone to talk dirty to me in Portuguese, because YUM.

Anait X

Ooi Bloom, sou eu de novo! Sou a Ana lá do Quinn e pqp, sabe? Eu pedi uma janta e ganhei um BANQUETE! Seu trabalho é incrível e muito feliz que finalmente achei seu patreon, te ouvir em português é ainda mais gostoso, obrigada pelo trabalho INCRÍVEL. PS: no Quinn quando te ouvi pela primeira vez fiquei "esse é diferenciado, parece até brasileiro" e ERA KKKKKKKKK beijo e obrigada 🫶


as a spanish speaker i find myself going 'oh shit i know that word' every 30 seconds in this audio and it's driving me insane (also congrats for convincing me that PT might actually be a sexier language than spanish)


Portuguese is such a beautiful language, I love these audios


foi isso que eu pedi pra deus foi ISSO dois primeiros minutos eu tô jogada na br bloom, que absurdo 🥺

BloomingVA (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-14 20:17:39 Hahahahahah que bom que você gostou! Adoro minhas brasileirinhas 💜
2023-12-01 03:09:11 Hahahahahah que bom que você gostou! Adoro minhas brasileirinhas 💜

Hahahahahah que bom que você gostou! Adoro minhas brasileirinhas 💜


*sigh* opens duolingo