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I'm really trying. I can understand if you want to drop support. This has not been a good month for me. I'm physically drained... I can barely keep my head up/ eyes open for more than a few hours at a time. Probably been sleeping 16+ hours a day for several days now. I'm sorry everyone ~_~


Tazer Silverscar

I'm not going anywhere. Look after yourself first and foremost!


Take it easy and I hope you feel better soon.


You might have sleep apnea. Talk to a doctor. Hope you get better.


Its all good hun. I'm here to stay for one. Just focus on getting better. If you have to, try finding a doctor to get some help. Sleeping for that long doesn't exactly sound healthy...


Easy there buddy! No need to stress yourself too much. Least with your remaining patrons, we're not going anywhere. We'll be patient, so take your time. If need be put your Patreon on pause. Also as many are suggesting, a doctor visit may be due if you already haven't. We're here for ya!


Take some rest dude, your health is more important


As some here already said. You should go and get checked by a doctor if it keeps happening or gets worse. We more want you to get better then worry to much on our behalf.


Have you been to a doctor? 16+ hours for several days does not sound too well.


Damn that sounds serious, concentrate on getting better fam, your health and well-being matters most.

Serow Arriss

The art means nothing if you're suffering, please worry about yourself first.

Nick R. Kupila

Work on getting better, that's the important thing. I know I'll be sticking around.


Part of your responsibility to Patrons is self care. Anyone who doesn't allow you time to do that is a prick. Go see a doctor, try and sort this out. I'm staying for the next few months at least! Just make sure to make up for it with plenty of butts.

Varryance Preez

Not leaving! I understand! Get better and stay great! =)


your work has had a huge impact on people, myself included! it's just so beautiful. but you're also a human being beyond being an artist, please don't hurt yourself with the crushing self critique. we are here for you. if this excessive sleep continues much longer I hope you'd consider seeing a doctor.


I’ve been there too, it can be really tough but please do talk to a doctor about what’s going on, it really does help. You’re one of the best and you can do this!


Hey dude, it’s great to hear from you, no matter the circumstance. I can’t speak for your other patrons, only myself, though this will echo those who have already spoken. I’m here to support YOU, I’m not here to treat this like a subscription service. Don’t get me wrong, I love getting extra art out of it. But I am here because I want to show my favorite artist some support and thanks after years of getting the best art for free. So by all means, do what’s best for you, and get better! (Octopath Traveler has been my recent cure) If you feel anxiety and guilt over the past month+, judging from the past few updates, I would strongly urge you to let it go. You’re tough on yourself, and that’s commendable for art, but don’t let it get too far. There are a lot of people that have your back, take these other comments as proof! No way would I drop support because of such a small bump. And if things are getting to you, even a small update message like this one goes a long way, we appreciate hearing from you no matter what. So if you start assuming the worst, drop a line here and you’ll see evidence that things aren’t so bad, you have some sincere support.


funny thing is im kinda in a odd loop to, tho instead of sleeping for 16 hrs its me sleeping for 3hrs and being awake for 5hr then loop again really hard to work this way when you have energy for 5 hrs. im happy to get a lil work done. well hope things get better for you. also nice stream last time^^


Hope things get better for you soon, take your time, don’t stress about it, you come first

Andrew Hunter

S'all good. Take care of yourself! Wing me a message if you ever need to vent about anything. Us creative types carry the burdens of multiple worlds.


Do what you need to do to be healthy. Relax, reset your schedule, track what you're eating and drinking, go to the doctor, whatever it is, really care of yourself. We'd rather you be less productive but healthy, than killing yourself for art.


Your own health and well being comes first! Dont sweat it, Dude!


Just take care of yourself. Rest and be healthy. :)


I can understand you, i know this feeling. I will still support you ^~^


I am very patient. It's okay.


Hey, the only person you gotta apologize to is yourself. We'll be ok! Taking care of yourself is more important, and maintaining a good sleep schedule and staying healthy are necessities for working on a regular basis. If you need time to recover or see a doctor, take it. We're here for you, man.


I don't support solely for the artwork that is created, but for the artist(s) to be able to create. I just like art a lot and love to see artist doing what they like to do. If you're having a rough patch and can't create, big deal, I'll still be supporting anyways. I like to support the artist not just the art


No need to sorry, I'm sure people will understand, you are not a machine though. Take your time, get some good rest :3.


Drop support? No way! I'm still with you! I understand.