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Because links to pages with adult material will get me suspended again I have to put this link behind a paywall. This is silly but rules are rules. Here's the link!


It was a long time coming but I finally decided on where and how I want to do merch! Expect more merch designs and please feel free to suggest the next daki/ merch idea. Just keep in mind that for now I need to keep variants to a minimum so if you want to suggest something its best if it was a new idea instead of a variants version of something that's already been done or variant versions of the same ideas you're suggesting.



Song the Snow leopard would Awesome as Dakimakura


Master Tigress as Dakimakura would awesome one side could have her in her uniform and second side could have her arms tied up above her head with her uniform in tatters her blushing from embarrassment captured and tied up.


How about your girl Missy as a Dakimakura?


I'd love to see your Arcanine girl on a pillow.


I'm late to the party on this one, just have to say that I would purchase a daki with a mouse or rat character for sure. It's a bit selfish to say Freya Crescent, but I'd buy any mouse or rat girl daki no doubt, as long as you're the one drawing it!


Oof. I'm super late to this party! YAY! MIK DAKIMAKURA AND NO PAYPAL INVOLVED! Couple quick questions: 1) What're the actual measurements on this? Website says 8"x11"x.25" but uh... XD / 2) Any plans to release a palette swapped version with white stockings/gloves? Or perhaps different clothes?


Those are just the shipping measurements. It's a normal daki! As for options only time will tell. Stock has to be purchased ahead of time and right now we don't know what demand is like for this kind of thing yet.