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I have finished a video! To be quite honest I am not really satisfied with how it turned out. I decided this one may be good enough to share though. I do like the premise of it! I was inspired by both an idea someone shared in the discord and a script one of my friends wrote and shared with me. I was experimenting with some perspectives in this video, and I think the overall quality suffered because of it. I am not pleased! But I have been told that I am too critical of myself so I hope you guys enjoy this video anyway<3 You should listen to it laying on your side for optimal immersion ;) And please let me know what you think! I‘m not feeling satisfied with any of the videos I’ve recorded but I’m going to keep working on them and try to get to a place I am happy with and share more of them soon.  

This weekend will be full of studio renovation again, so to make sure I don't disappoint you with a late update, let's say that I will post again on Monday! I hope to have some good progress pics for you by then too!  

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week and your weekend! Thank you for being so understanding with me <3 I really hope you like this video more than I do <3

Much love



Relax in my lap

Lie down in my lap and relax, I'm going to make it all better!


hend van duijn

Aftyn, you are not dissapointing us with a late update, we know you do alot for us, just take a chill pill, we understand ❤️


Im 10 seconds in and it’s soooo perfect!! I love it! ❤️❤️❤️

Dominic Osborne

Watching on Android until I can access my computer. Anyone else have performance issues playing this video?


You send content frequently and update us often. I appreciate it a lot. Thanks for the video and the update. I'm sure it's amazing as your content always is. You are a bit too critical sometimes though that is a good trait to have in moderation.

Noah Smith

anything from you is a gift and a blessing

Jens Van Schuylenbergh

Perfect timing! Was just about to head to bed so this will surely make me snooze in seconds, and then i can watch the whole thing again tomorrow morning, double blessing. Thanks for keeping us updated Aftyn, and good luck with the rest of the renovations!


I saw the update notice. I saw its in the Enthusiast category. I knew I'd be great. And it most certainly was. 11/5. Will be watching again.


😍😍 great concept....as always i find myself answering you when you ask questions 😉

William Wolf

Don’t be so hard on yourself, Aftyn. You made a great video, and I enjoyed it a lot.


The angle is slightly awkward and could use some work, but the sounds and whispers are great, the lingerie is smashing and the idea of you showing us videos of yourself is really cool and original in a meta way!


You are way too hard on yourself, Aftyn! The video was perfect, and I love that you experimented with a new angle! I thought I was cuddling in your lap for real! I had a bit of a bad day, but this was the perfect treatment for it! Love you, Aftyn, and thank you so much!

jeffery keith

your perfect the video like always was perfect and dont think i will be going to sleep any time soon!


I don't know what was supposed to be wrong with that video. I thought it was really hot. I am however prepared to research the matter....thoroughly.


I'm sorry you are not very pleased with this video but I am glad that you are experimenting with new ways of doing things. Maybe you can just think of this as a first draft and learn from it. I enjoyed the closeness and the perspective of being in your lap. I realize that maybe hard to translate into camera angles and things but I really appreciate the effort. I hope you don't abandon the effort to film this perspective. Maybe in the future you can get it more to your liking. Please don't stress yourself out trying to publish content for us during the renovation. As a top tier subscriber I feel that the communication that you have given us about everything puts everything into perspective and if things are delayed or even pushed into April I wouldn't get upset. The post that you have made, keeping us in the loop make me feel like I'm getting my money's worth. I was so glad that the last post got lots of likes and comments. I hope this encourages you that people are interested in your day to day. I am so looking forward to seeing the renovation. I hope you make lots of pictures and videos. It will be interesting to see the difference it makes in your content. Lastly I do hope you have been getting rest. You seemed so tired in your last post. You are doing great Aftyn. I'm proud of you.


Wow. If you're not happy with that then I can't wait to see a video you are happy with!


Everyone is their worst critic. I'm very happy with this video~! Made me feel all warm and fuzzy ^////^;


Okay yes, it's a little rough around the edges and likely due to you trying new things. However - it's still 10x better than content put out by most others. Perfectionism is a blessing and a curse. It's all right setting high standards and it's also all right if it's not perfect. You do fantastic work and we love you for it! 🤗🥰 Edit: I would not be doing "research" if I had a "scientist" like Aftyn waiting for me 😂


This was such a nice video 😍 I know the 'from your lap' point of view isn't easy but you pulled it off great. Don't be too hard on yourself! Thank you for keeping us updated, hope you (and we) can enjoy your studio soon 😁


AftynRose, your boobs sound amazing up close. Thank you for the video. Loved it. Can't wait to see the studio!

Joseph Winchester

Yay! Christmas again! 😍Can't wait to check this out! 😍(won't be able to for a while tho). Thank you , Aftyn! ❤️

Neil Moody

Thank you. If this is the enthusiast level, can't wait for the next Dirty Thirty. Holy shit this was sexy.


Thank you <3. I really appreciate all you do. And we are our own worst critics, your content is levels above anyone else, your content is always amazing, even when you say its not.


Just an unbelievable amount of sensuality that comes with each video! You've got such a glorious body, and I love that you get turned on turning us on. You're doing wonderful, please keep up the great work!

Zhan Thor

Just finished watching the video and it was awesome I love everything you do


As others have already said, don't stress yourself too much. It's easy to fall into that perfectionist mindset and get completely locked up. I know, I do it far too often. And don't worry about your post frequency, things are allowed to take time. And if you're worried about how the videos turn out, they just keep getting better and better, from my perspective at least.


Aftyn J’arrête l’abonnement...1pas en avant 2 pas en arrière.... Même si tu est extrêmement doué pour l’érotisme, je m’en vais! Et tes video fuite toute de partout de manière gratuite...j’irai sur les site gratuit....et vu que tu réponds a aucun message... By by...


Merci d'avoir contribué tant que vous le pouviez. Jai fais du patan a roulette. Je naim pas manger le chien. De retour à l'école, je n'ai jamais été bon en français.


Awesome video!! Hope the renovations are coming along nicely, very exciting!


No pay, no future videos. maybe you could only pay 1$.


This camera angle was a nice experiment !

Lit Dank

Much sexy


I'm so glad you make asmr a priority in these videos think you're the only person who does! Love it keep up the awesome work

Jerry hsu

perfect body <3___<3


Please give us a tour of your new studio!


You are what's known as a "creative" and people that work hard at their craft are seldom entirely satisfied with the work they produce. So don't let the "perfect" become the enemy of the "good". I find absolutely nothing to quibble with regarding this latest video. It is a clever concept well executed and dangerously hot. Aftyn, you keep revealing other facets of your personality in these videos that have been released since after your "break" I especially liked seeing you with your hair down in the beginning. This was a powerful piece of work. Thanks! @Aftynpillow.


You're definitely being too fussy. That worked brilliantly, I loved it and I really hope you do it again, soon. It felt so loving and relaxing, I honestly couldn't spot and major flaws. If I had to be super picky may be there was some occasional focus hunting? If that was it, you could film some bits in manual focus mode although that's making more work for yourself than is necessary. It really didn't bother me or detract from the video. Otherwise, if that wasn't it, I'm sure whatever it is that was bugging you, you really didn't need to worry about. It was a great video and I really look forward to more of them in the same style.


OMG! I don't know if this was from my suggestion or not, but either way this is AMAZING!! Thank you so much for this! Loved everyone second of it!

Michael Zubas

That was amazing. Fulfilled a Personal Fantasy. Thanks.

Convenience or Death (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-11 16:03:00 Great video, comfy af and really enjoyed it, was super tingly and very sexy. New angle was fun, and loved being double-teased by you. &lt;3&lt;3
2021-03-27 14:30:23 Great video, comfy af and really enjoyed it, was super tingly and very sexy. New angle was fun, and loved being double-teased by you. <3<3

Great video, comfy af and really enjoyed it, was super tingly and very sexy. New angle was fun, and loved being double-teased by you. <3<3


I've noticed a theme emerging from the videos this year. You continue your mastery of mixing sexy with relaxing, but now there's also a layer of comfort settled in like a warm blanket. These idyllic domestic scenes are not just relaxing in the moment; they are calming in concept. Wouldn't it be nice to live in bliss with an accepting and playful lover? There's been a lot of stress in the world lately. I think your videos are really helping.


Damn! I'm really envying the dildo in your shower

James Bogucheski

21st century schizoid man album cover is my face when you tease me like that.

Joseph Winchester

For some reason my comment isn't posting... I'll try one last time... I finally got a chance to immerse myself into this one. I can honestly say I THOROUGHLY enjoyed it 🥰 Oh, to be a fly (...or a black dildo?... 😛 ) on the wall for that! Hahaha I'm hard pressed (pardon the pun) to figure out what it was exactly that you weren't so pleased with 🤔 ... I could only speculate from your comments, at best... For me there was nothing at any point that took away from being fully immersed in the experience from start to finish 🤤 (I may need to watch it several more times to be sure I think hehe). I wish I could give better feedback. I LOVE that you're always experimenting and testing your own artistic boundaries. A true passionate artist. Do keep it up! I can't wait to see what else you come up with in the future! 💚 The perspective on this was great! You had me smiling the whole time like a total nerd 🤓 You bring genuine sensuality to the table that's just ... 🤪 I think there are a bunch of us here who can totally relate to the whole "It's not ready yet ; I don't want to post it yet ; I'm not happy with it ; 'I'm my own worst enemy' conflict ; etc..." hahaha (myself included). The awesome thing though, is that you still posted it, doing what you could, with the time you gave yourself. Too many times artists submit too late or not even at all, which would be a shame, tragic even, for both sides to be missing out, so good on ya 🤝 -Immersion ; Perspective : Freakin loved it 🥰 -Fabric and skin-on-skin rubbing sounds while looking up a you : MAXIMUM drool factor 🤤🤤🤤 -You looking absolutely stunning doing it : 20/10 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 ... just ... wow... 🥴 We're all so excited and looking forward to seeing your renovation updates! Can't wait! Be sure to rest well in between (but I'm sure the artistic inspiration side of you will do it's job in keeping you awake at the most inopportune times 😈 )

Anton (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-11 16:02:59 &lt;3
2021-03-29 15:24:04 <3



Kind of late to the party here, but I just wanted to say that this was really nice! Enjoyed having the relaxing aftercare at the end. 👍👍


Just taking the oppotunity to remind my favourite asmr creators, you guys are awesome 💚

Matt G (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 20:13:43 I could live my remaining days happy just looking up at your beauty! &lt;3
2021-04-15 03:24:19 I could live my remaining days happy just looking up at your beauty! <3

I could live my remaining days happy just looking up at your beauty! <3