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Hello everybody! I hope you all had a good weekend ❤️

I’m sorry for missing the update yesterday. I had a busy weekend of renovating and truth be told I am totally pooped. Everything is in shambles right now, but we made good progress and I’m excited for it to start coming back together :)

I’ll be working on a temporary setup this week and continuing to edit the videos I’ve prepared. I thought I would be able to finish one for you to release by now, but my brain has been a little extra unfocused and the videos still need some work. I expect to have one done for you by Wednesday! I hope that is okay. In fact, I have several videos that I have been editing, which might explain why any single one is not done yet 😅 but they are coming along and I hope to be able to spoil you with some extras this month too ❤️

I love you guys and I really appreciate your patience with me. I think I took on a bit too much all at once, and am feeling a little overwhelmed. But I know the renovation will be worth it and I’m going to try to take this project one step at a time, and stay focused on you guys and making videos as much as possible! ❤️

I know this update isn’t much, I am very pooped 😴 but I’m excited to share more when my umph comes back!

I hope your week starts off smoothly!

Much love,



Matt G

Sweetheart, you take whatever time you need, because I love your umph! <3 :P

Matt G

BTW, PLEASE post some pictures when you finally get finished renovating your recording room. :)

Jon Wane

Take as much time as you need Aftyn. You can't rush perfection.


Take all the time you need. I am sure it will be worth it. Rushing the renovation would only make you want to do another one two days later anyway, and I hope to see a smiling and proud Aftyn giving us a tour once it is done ;)


Take your time, we are just happy you are back :)


Thank you for the update. We all want to see your new content, but not at the cost of you overstressing. Take your time, we will be waiting and be happy whenever you are ready


Yes it is important to maintain mental health


Everytime I see a new video from you is like Christmas came early. I don't know you personally yet everytime I hear your voice in a video my heart melts and I can't focus on anything else. I've never subscribed to anyone as far as money concerned but honestly if your content was to stop I would genuinely feel like I've lost something great in my life. You are actually amazing, don't forget that you have 3000+ patreons, that is 3000+ people alive and living that all appreciate you so much. Think about it we wouldn't all send a "stranger" money and love routinely. We send you our love because you make us feel that way, its as good as anything you can buy, because it makes you truly happy. Love from your anonymous friend W <3


i'm always here if ya need to talk, if it gets too much

Brian Long

And yet here we all are still waiting like a bunch of fucking retards