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Password: oooffff

I made these with the small amount of battery life that was left on my camera after recording role plays for both of these characters. That means you have MORE nurse and school girl videos to look forward to! Yay!

I hope you enjoy some sexy ear licking times with these ladies. School girl Aftyn was very fidgety but loves letting off some steam by licking ears and Nurse Aftyn just wants to try and help you and isn't afraid to get into it. I love building new characters but for the most part this is just me dressing up and licking ears. I hope you enjoy the finished products and I'm excited to share the rest of the videos I've been working on :D



<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/CMB-mKEFKQtvUFeJz71SpDuceGEO2UGiuaDsX1iTz818BV2z9cbW8r1GlXTHRYH2.png?token-time=1683676800&token-hash=zmW8YCRFvuRQPH7zxSNP8aQiR-pPsP7bfrzxatrp4YA%3D"><br>


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/WrOEivk6EZ17blj8mrKBGBRUhUlJxdkEQ4kdS8sq09-W1JR13LPmJeBfAfWpeerN.png?token-time=1683676800&token-hash=563I5QPSH3SuOmskNyQ0kNnKFhnDuKrdQfU8weFdNOA%3D"><br>


Those are the two characters I role played as!


Yay!! New videos! Thank you, Love!


Your tongue could topple kingdoms.


The nurse one was lovely until i ruined my own tingles by almost choking on coffee going down the wrong pipe haha , I'll be back!


I just listened to these wonderful videos back to back...both are INCREDIBLE, Aftyn😍❤️If I were in class with beautiful Schoolgirl Aftyn, I would probably faint. And then after being dragged to Nurse Aftyn's office, I would probably see her and faint again😂


My only issue with Vimeo is that I can't use it in the background or while the screen is locked but it's very much worth it for these videos

Jack B Nimble

Agreed, that's my main gripe with Vimeo as well. Google Drive lets us rip the audio, which is convenient. Here's hoping.


Sat next to SG Affy, fainted (check). Was taken over to Nurse Affy's office and died from a massive heart attack (check). Vampire Affy found me and bit me back to life (check)… Now if I could only get mauled by Werewolf Affy….