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Item 3

Tags: Evocation, Magic, Shove


At first sight, this mace appears to be made of stained glass, but you are mistaken if you think of it as a fragile weapon. It is built with a material as strong as diamond and is especially susceptible to elemental magic.

This magic weapon is enchanted to be able to absorb elemental damage. Once per round, when you are affected by acid, cold, fire, or electricity damage you can use a reaction to reduce 1d4 from that damage allowing the mace to absorb the elemental energy. After that, until the end of your next turn, increase the weapon damage dice it deals to two instead of one. For instance, a mace would deal 2d6 damage instead of 1d6 damage. The extra damage is of the same type of the elemental damage absorbed.

Activate: Reaction Frequency: Once per round Trigger: You are affected by acid, cold, fire, or electricity damage


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