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Mace, uncommon (Requires attunement)

At first sight, this mace appears to be made of glass, with a translucent liquid moving inside its head. But you are mistaken if you think of it as a fragile weapon. It is built with a material as strong as diamond and is especially susceptible to elemental magic. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic mace.

This magic weapon is enchanted to be able to absorb elemental damage. Once a day, when its wielder is affected by acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, it can use a reaction to reduce 1d6 from that damage while the mace absorbs the elemental energy. After that, for 1 minute, every time you hit a creature with this magic mace, the creature takes 1d6 extra damage from the same elemental type.


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