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Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

These golden bracers are infused with Aether, an alchemical composite made with pure arcane energy. Aether is a primordial form of energy ancient and powerful. It can only be found in places blessed by the God of Magic or in settings exposed to such powerful magic effects it affected the very environment. Alchemists can attempt to prepare an imitation of Aether they call Eather. If you are proficient with Alchemist Tools, you can spend ten days of work and 500GP worth of materials to craft one bottle of Eather.

These bracers have 6 charges. When all charges are spent you’ll need to expend an action to recharge the bracers with Aether, or a bottle of Eather. While you are wearing these bracers, you gain a +1 bonus to spell Attack rolls.

Arcane Boost. When a creature casts a spell while wearing these bracers it can immediately spend one or more charges of this magic item. No action required. The creature conjures the spell as if it was using a higher spell slot. Increase the slot level by the number of changes spent.

Primordial Recharge. As a bonus action, the creature can expend two charges of this magic item, burn the aether and absorb its magical properties. The creature regains a 1st level spell slot.



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