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How is it going, bros? All is good I hope? Ready for another Monday Post? Well, that last question was rhetorical, Monday Post is coming no matter if you are ready or not XD

Fable. Well, new Fable looks exactly like I thought it would look. It is a modern game after all. It also gives me major Saints Row Reboot wibes. Honestly, the trailer itself did not surprise me, but the reception of it kind of did. I checked the comments section and many people say stuff like: "I really enjoyed the first game. Looking forward to this one". Oh well, personally I am glad I checked out of the modern gaming when I did. Although last year I remember some guy on discord getting really upset with me after I said: "You need to have damaged brain to expect anything good from Starfield or next Elder Scrolls". He was like: "You can't say that about the game that is still in development. We must wait and see." Sure, wait and see, bro. I'm sure GTA6 is going to be great as well. Also Kotor remake and all the rest. Good luck.

Persona 3. Many people I know (online) are very hyped about PS3 remake. This is something I also can not understand. This game did not need a remake. I beat it on emulator couple of month ago. Fantastic game, holds up perfectly well, doubled resolution looks great on modern TVs. And I didn't have to worry about any of the content being cut. Loaded up Persona 3FES UNDUB PS2 ROM and had the time of my life. No interest in the remake.

KOTOR Remake. So, content restore free DLC for KOTOR2 was cancelled recently. Again, zero surprise for me it was. I bought the first game for the Switch the moment it was released, and I knew I won't be buying the second game until the free DLC actually released, I know better than to trust promises like that. And of course I was proven right. I am playing KOTOR1 right now by the way, and the game holds up perfectly well. Who ever is waiting for official KOTOR1 remake, well best of luck.

The work. And finally the work. I spent the week working on CG's for the ending scenes. This is major spoiler territory so (although I am tempted) I will not be showing any WIPs or previews. That being said I finished a CGs for a certain secret ending we discussed before and it turned out really well in my opinion :)

Also, recently what I have been doing a lot is looking up videos like this one: https://youtu.be/h-XLStY3rmA , basically long ambient clips from KOTOR, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, GTASA, Bully and other old games. And although the vids themselves are great, the best part is the comments section filled with comments from old farts like me indulging in their nostalgia :)

That is all I have to say. This week I will continue to work on the ending CGs. Pretty straightforward plan :) Thank you for your support, bros. I'll see you all next Monday.


List of links just in case:



Marshall Iblis

The new Fable will probably be about as good as the new Saints Row was. Which is to say, it's going to be thinly veiled attempts to cash in on political propaganda.


When it comes to modern games I mostly checked out ages ago. I played some, like Hogwarts Legacy or Street Fighter 6. (both really good in my opinion) But there are so many good old games that I need to play that it will last me for a lifetime. I am a big fan of Fable TLC and I am dreading that the new one will be terrible, I can only hope I am wrong. When it comes to Starfield, I watched the panel they did after xbox showcase thingy, It sounds promising, but then again, it is Bethesda, and they have used up all of their hope allowance. I can go on and on but I don't want to bore you with my opinions on P3 remake or Kotor. (which is amazing) Glad you made the decision not to show wip's I really like to discover most things on my own, but I also hate to miss out on your posts. All the best, I am off to listen to some old video game ambience


I’ve grown a guilty pleasure watching people play these new games and just seeing how they react to the utterly garbage storytelling and the horrendous bugs of some of these unfinished modern games (saints row was hilarious) but It sometimes bums me out that every other month it seems like a new sequel of something is coming out that just tarnishes the existing series as a whole, but I’ve grown to mostly ignore it and happily play my games. I am still holding out hope for the new elder scrolls but it’s mostly just cope at this point.


I loved the first Fable. The others were OK but nothing great. KotOR 2 with a restored content mod is definitely worth playing. If you want to see a remake / remaster that actually worked out great, check out C&C Red Alert Remastered. I wish they would continue with the rest of the C&C games like they did with this one. As for "modern" games, I pretty much stick to Skyrim, Fallout 4, American Trucking Sim, Farming Sim, and a few games you don't talk about in polite company. Everything else just looks like a half-assed "who can make the prettiest graphics" flop. If you're looking up old game music for ambiance, find some of the music used in Freelancer (space combat sim, roughly 2000's era, I think you could play it on a windows 98 computer, but for sure on XP). Now there's a game I would kill to get a remaster of.


Hollywood and Mass market gaming have been sanitized, but it's logical because the target audience has shifted from 17+ males to 10~14 year old boys AND girls. 50% more profit that way! It's depressing for us, but luckily, Dedicated, Talented, Beloved creators like Akaman (and others) still exist to make the game WE want.

John Hall

Currently the post has 69 likes, which seems very appropriate.


I miss the time when you had to jump through hoops to watch Anime and gaming was something the normies stayed away from. Yes, good thing I am not going anywhere. :)