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I don't think I will spoil anything by saying that in "SC34" you will be in charge of a tv-station (of sorts). I mean it's called "space CHANNEL 34" so...

Please do not get your hopes up though, since the tv-station itself will be mostly just a backdrop with little to none management involved. In fact this game will have way less management/gameplay then any of my previous games. 

OK, now I have an urge to talk about the game and it's mechanics and all sorts of other things. But I must fight that urge because those will be just words and nothing more. "Talk less grind more" and all that jazz :)

BUT!!! I promised (mostly to myself OTL...) to be more social and open with you guys. So here is a pic of what is on my desk today. This is Ashelin during her "Briefing the troops" show. And again no matter what I say I will only be confusing you more :( The only way to proceed here is to finish the first installment of the game, release it, and THAN we can talk about all this as much as we want ^^

Thank you for your support, guys. 




Great, is like real life, managers not manage, thanks for the update


Pssst...: (then =/= than)


Looks really nice :P


Can't wait for Ashelin ^^


Right... I was talking about time, so should have used "then". Crap... If anyone would ever be able to use that shit properly that would be you my friend.


Very nice looking! My porny sense is tingling!


Looks promising. I can't wait o/


Ashelin can teach me whatever she wants hehehehe.. Looks promising m8. Good luck with the rest cant wait for the first installment ^^


As someone who is trying to sketch better, I love seeing posts like this. Do you usually draw symmetry lines for these types of poses? I hope one day we get to see more videos of you doing linework and inking. Again, looks awesome, can't wait for the release.


Whoever she is briefing is probably saluting her, amiright? Anyway love the uniform, the hair, the whole deal actually, can't wait to get to know the character in the game!


Looks and sounds great! Thanks for the Update, Akabur. Quick question: If the game has less "management/gameplay", how will replayability differ from previous games? Will all CG events be story elements and simply replayed as if for the first time? Or be written as if story-independent? Or can we choose stages every time...?


that little alien elf looks pretty bangable


I got you covered fam <a href="http://akabur.com/members/index.php?cat=12" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://akabur.com/members/index.php?cat=12</a> Some of them are quite old though


No death by PowerPoint?


hope she has a "original" way of encouraging her troops. X3


Why no management metagame? Sounds pretty simple to make ...


Sadly it only sounds simple until you sit down and try make one... OTL...


There will be NO replayablity this time around. I design the gameplay in such a way that erm... It's hard to explain, but you'll see soon enough. I needed a game that I could update regularly and "painlessly" without making you guys play the same game over and over with every new release... Well, that's the idea at least. Will see if it works or not after I release first episode... Fingers crossed...


I know, Michael. That was exactly the idea! And yet I am still working on it... I honestly don't know why I keep assuming that I capable of creating something short and simply T_T And I shall refrain from saying anything about the game because I am afraid to confuse you. But if all goes well you'll see it for yourself soon.


Actually, no I almost never do any symmetry lines... But I know that how it is supposed to be done, and this was a frontal view so I decided to use the lines... They were somewhat helpful...


Heh... Yes, this game will be very "realistic" in that regard ^^


omg, EVEN better!! :D i will be ROUGH, but fair! &gt;;)

Michael woods

I think your choice on not including the management is fine :) More time for other things. After all it's just the first update so the quality matters more to me... not that a little management isn't tempting... But adding more to an already full plate sounds like it will cause more stress than it's worth.


Exactly! Thank you, Michael. I'm glad we have same opinion on this.


Y'know what would be a really awesome game for you to work on after this? Pirates of the Caribbean! Imagine the possibilities :&gt;


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4kDSS7EOBA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4kDSS7EOBA</a> Mittsies could maybe make music for your works. Ask him if you like his style


I´m always surprised on how you can manage Renpy Engine, using replaces and doing all of it drawing by pencil, scanning and later painting... It´s a caos making it on Clip Studio-Photoshop to put the eyes open and closed in exact same place... Doing it raw with scanning must be a pain! Great Work as always!


As far as I can tell from watching his stream he draws the character once with a neutral expression, then draws all the different expressions (laughing, crying, shouting etc.) seperately and puts them together in Photoshop. Redrawing the entire character by hand for each expresssion would look messy imo, since you're never gonna get all the lines for the body etc. (that dont change with the facial expressions) completely identical.

Kombi Life

This is the first time I'm seeing your page - and I love the way it is set out!


where can i play them?

Michael woods

Games are free so look around. AKABUR also has a website and I think there are links here on patreon he posted as well if you look.


Я сожалею, если это не большой русский однако я использую Google Translate, но у меня есть быстрый вопрос. Когда волшебный магазин будет завершено. Мне было также интересно немного о вашей новой игре, что ваш делать я в полном смысле suspence я влюбился в играх. Между вами, Дахр, xaljio, логан, Mity и Sp3ktr3 я всегда смотрю, чтобы увидеть, как игры идут и приходят вместе, если у меня были деньги, чтобы Spair я отдал бы $ 20, чтобы каждый, но на текущий момент его просто мечта. Следите за большую работу и, надеюсь, я буду слышать от вас скоро.


Скорее всего не будет доделана так как у спонсоров на неё не большой спрос


Just playing SC34 now ! What a pleasant gift for christmas. Thank you ! Happy holydays ! ^^


I just played a few hours of SC34. I do have a recommendation. Tht is to increase the amount of money earned in the broadcast and have it go up with popularity. Right now I find thta playing the game is very grinding. I am playing Jasmine.


I feel bad asking this, but I've searched for a while and didn't get much info. I read on the forum that you released SC34 for patreons. Am I not finding it because it's not for 1$ patreons or because it's not in a post in the Patreon page? Just so the info is somewhat clear here, I don't really mind waiting for a bit &lt;3 love your work!


Well, I sent the game to all "processed" patrons. Don't worry though, I will be releasing game for free in a couple of days...


oh! I had a problem with payments and this was the first month I was pledging so it makes sense. Thanks &lt;3