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Hi, guys.

I touched this topic in the video above, but I want to expand on it a bit more.

After all, where else are you supposed to get any information on how my games are getting created? The behind the scene info and such.

So let's talk about a guy named Lyk. That dude was with us ever since the early days of "BHB". And I mean THE ORIGINAL "BHB" from years back. He never expected any money form me of course. And I didn't have any back then to be honest. We all were doing this just for the heck of it. Those were the times... 

Oh, and I probably should say what exactly Lyk is doing for me (and us all).

Lyk is my proofreader AND editor.

Remember that Lara Croft scene from "Magic Shop"? The one where you find Lara in a dungeon all tied up? Well, back in the day I remember being very surprised when Lyk said that he had to go an extra mile with her to make sure she sounds British enough. Yes, without Lyk's help my rendition of Lara Croft would probably sound like if she grew up in a Russian neighborhood of England. 

Don't get me wrong, I do my best with the texts I'm writing (ALWAYS!). Every freaking time I make sure that I write them to the best of my ability. But even your absolute best is not quite good enough when English is your second language...

Over the years I had a lot proposals and promises and help from all kinds of people... It is always very flattering. But the hard truth is nobody of the people contacting me are ever actually ready to do the work. On rare occasions I do take a chance with somebody, give them a task and almost every time I never hear from them again. That is why as the years go by I start to really appreciate the very few people I know I can expect to get the job done professionally and on time.

Oh, and on a side note, your, guys, job as a supporters is to support me, which you are doing masterfully and with finesse, so I am not talking about you here of course.

Back to Lyk. I realized something recently... The way I work I send lyk my texts as a part of the in-game code. And that is what he has to work with. He has to fish the lines of dialog out of the lines of the script. I am sure that makes his task more difficult but it makes MY work easier, so that is how we do it. 

So that thing that I came to realizing... You know, every once in a while, somebody may say that some small part of my game was a bit boring (burn the heretic!)... And he may be right... But he was still playing the game, you know with the pictures and some sort of sound at least... 

So, you know, after that person beats the game and it takes them 8 hours maybe, that's it. That is how they experienced the story. But Lyk is basically playing all my games by just starring at the codes and imagining what is supposed to be happening on the screen right now. As far as I know he never even plays the finished versions of my games, because what's the point? Every single thing has been spoiled already. 

By the end of the day Lyk takes my half-baked stories and turns them into something wholesome. But he is never too liberal with the original material and usually refrains from changing a single word unless absolutely necessary... And I appreciate that too.

Well, that is that. Thank you for the years of service, my friend LykD9. Here is to many years to come!

P.S. Lyk's Patreon page shows barely $100+... It's been like that forever... And big part of that number consists of my own pledge to him. In the meantime idiots like "SadCrab" and "CartoonClub" who do nothing but piggyback of my work rock big numbers. 

So, if your pledge to me is $1 then just ignore this :) If it's $5 or even more... Maybe you could consider taking $1 form that amount and giving it to Lyk. This is just a suggestion of course, and don't worry, you won't miss out on any content from me because of that.

And I am not ordering you to do this or anything of course... Just listen to your heart and do what you think is right. 

You guys are already beyond awesome in my book anyways.

That is all I have to say for now. Better get back to work.

I hope you enjoyed the video :)


LINK:  https://www.patreon.com/Lyk 


AKABUR wispiring in your ear. (ASMR basically :)

Uploaded by Akabur on 2016-11-27.



Didn't see a link, so here it is! <a href="https://www.patreon.com/Lyk">https://www.patreon.com/Lyk</a>


FUCK! Forgot the most important thing... T_T Thank you, Dev. I'll add it to the post now too...




No, YOU are great. Personally, the length of the video was fine; getting to know creators and receiving some insight about whatever they are working on is pretty cool. This is my first post on your Patreon by the way, I probably should make a joke about cherries or something, right?


It's always good to hear from you. I didn't know Lyk was that important in the process. I'm impressed ! Good video, the ASMR is funny x) Take care, BroWaifu o/


It's allways nice to have news from you my friend ^^ I'm really looking forward for your game :) if you make more videos or posts, it sure would make me happy, I'm allways happy when I see one of your posts :D I think the first time I saw you talk about Lyk was when you were making princess trainer, you also mentioned Dahr and Xajilo, I supported them all since that day because they were part of that awesome experience, and I wanted to thank them :)


You rock man, giving honor to those who deserve honor, hope he get more support from this.


You must worry less! We true Akabites will be here and support you always! Even when you go silent for a while we know in our hearts that means you are focusing on your work and we know that, that means things are getting done :D ... a few suggestions if you need them :P If you feel stressed out and what not, maybe buy some incense? lately i have been using them to calm the mood of my apartment. they work wonders for me but some people dont like them but it's worth a shot if you want :D Also you can always start streaming again (with things that dont have spoilers) if you feel like you dont interact with us enough, i personally loved your streams cause it brought us all together as a community, we got to easily interact with you as well as each other while live.


I have to honor you for standing up and giving credit to your big helper.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-05-12 22:26:24 あまり見られないからこそ突然のくすぐりシーンには本当に興奮してしまいますね。 本気で抵抗出来ないのを良いことにスタッフさん方には時間の限りくすぐって欲しいです。 今月も毎日更新本当にお疲れ様でした!(いつも5時の更新がとても楽しみでした)
2016-11-27 08:54:10 Support your opinion)

Support your opinion)


OH MA LAWD THE NOSTALGIA... Man I forgot how much I missed your videos man, that russian accent never gets old. and every single one of your videos makes me chuckle. haha But all in all it's all good Akabur San. You do you. Go with the flow. whatever is easiest for you.. do that. I personally will always be here regardless. I dont know if you remember but I said I could only pledge on and off.. And when I did first pledge I was hyped that I was helping my favorite artist, and You said "welcome to the clan" or something like that lol but I was just too pulled in by your amazing work to unpledge. so I just decided pledge every single month (and will in the future months) because I really wanted to, plus consistency is the best lol. Also dont worry about the content man it's always worth it.. Not to mention you shouldn't get pissed at people who piggyback off you because that just PROVES how fucking amazing you are at what you do.. Listen Akasan... Those people will always be second hand and copycats. but you my friend..YOU'RE THE OG... the one who sparked the Flames of originality. They may take your Ideas. but they will never take your talent. Dont forget... every great man has a wannabe imposter.. P.S. I've always wanted to help you out with proofreading and such but I knew I didn't have enough free time to do it consistently.. and there was a chance that I may not be able to finish it for some stupid reason and I didnt want to take that chance and get your own hopes up.. so I never offered, but what I CAN do (for now) is give suggestions or proofread the final product.. Although I do plan on offering my help once I'm done with personal stuff and have REAL free time. (hopefully) no promises lol. P.S.S. I'll take my pledge from Xaljio and pledge Lyk on and off (dont tell Xaljio I said that OTL). ANYWAY. you're the greatest dont forget that and good luck with the rest of the game. ;D


For what is worth, a brotherly hug from Italy.


When I first played your games I was amazed at how much love you put in them. Anyone who knows how hard is to make a game alone, or with inconsistent help from random people, is gonna be stricken by the quality of your creations. I truly think that your haters have never put an hour of effort into making something I could call exciting. I’m pledging (not much) to you since recently, but when you said Lyk and others have a role in your games and you wanted us to give them some love instead of you, I didn’t think about it much and went ahead. Proofreading is very important indeed for us non-native English speakers making games, and if you’ve find someone that can consistently fill that role, you’re a very lucky bastard! xD


I love these posts ))PS:And who are they CartoonClub ?


Heh... Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. And thank you for supporting me, Anclav!


Yeah, the number on his page grew a little. I am happy ^^


Don't think I didn't notice you guilt-tripping me into working even harder! Jokes aside, thanks, you'll get the big batch back soon, I've got a free evening and plan to use it well. And yeah, I haven't really played any of the last games, I tried it a couple of times, but it always boils down to me just skipping everything and not feeling too interested because I know the entire script and all of the secrets already in advance.


"You must worry less" - that's exactly what my physician keeps telling me... :( Yes, I did try incense and just ordinary candles... Also relaxing music... It helps to a degree... And I enjoy streaming stuff a lot! But only because it's not really working but just chatting with you guys^^ Well, maybe I'll host another stream soon :) And thank you Tuuku!


Well at this point not doing so would make my feel shitty about myself. And I am only saying the truth... :)


Heh... I'm not even going to click on your profile to see exactly how much you are pledging. I try to never do it to be honest. I see the red little supporter banner by your user pic and that is all I need to know. Thank you for your kind words too. I can feel that you have some experience. Thank you for appreciating my work!


Yes! Let's share the guilt!!! And basically you are making a big sacrifice and ruin the game for yourself so that the rest of the world could enjoy it to the fullest. You are a true hero, sir. Now hurry up with those texts! :)


Hey man, is there a way to contact you? I mean an email or something?


What is this "cartoon club" that's ripping off Akabur?


I miss those good old times, when people have written TL;DR short summary in their posts :)


Akabur please don't focus on the success of people you do not want to see successful. It is not worth your time and you are right, Lyk deserves a lot more support than he gets.


Heh... Just some idiots. Internet is full of them ^_____________^


what do you use to code your games ? :)


Ren'py is the engine and Editra is used to look at the code outside of it if I remember correctly.


Maan, thanks so much, I'm freakin glad to hear you again! And even mentioned me in video, ha-ha)) Dude without any paphos, you are the one of very little amount of people who really inspires me. Maybe it sounds corny, but it's really so. Even when I feel myself deep in shit I remember one cool guy named Akabur who also was in deep shit once. And if this cool guy had enough balls to handle it I can do it too. I sincerely glad that I met your art and had opportunity to know about you a bit from your old blogs. I hope you will be alive and healthy, will keep doing what you do and will not turn into a stripper)) Thank you for proof-of-life video again! No homo bro-hugs \(^_^)/ Aka-power!


Akabur at what age did you start drawing?


Well written, as usual, but good on you, always love a bit of backstory. And teamwork ftw


im curious about if you are going to make a teenage mutant ninja turtles similar to art style you did in your comics are you working on any games so far or starting any new ones


AK AK AKABUR He wrote one big ass list To go with the vid he put on patreon AK AK AKABUR Patreons greatest porn artist No matter what he just kept working on


Thanks, man. I really appreciate it. I completely understand what you mean when you talk about being inspired or motivated. Life can get really tough sometimes... And I am definitely still find ways to suffer here in our glorious homeland even now. Dunno, life is strange... I'm just glad I have fan like you man. Don't give up, man. And I will try to do the same... Heh... It's a man's duty to keep the fight going, rights? ^^...............


^_^ TEAMWORK! \o/ You guys supporting my projects! That is a good example of teamwork!


"SC34" will have April O'Neil in it eventually of course.


I believe in you!😇 It continues to amaze! Good luck!😉 P.S. Your work is inspiring!👏👏👏


yeah hes just about as popular as gabe who makes the legend of queen opala games judging on how many pictures there are on princess trainer and witch trainer aka the artist fuck it


lyk the person who should be jealous is this best leach club because you are supported by akabur more then likely he/she are going to be blocked from this site since he/she have that attitude about ripping off his games and yes his/her money does belong to akabur not the person he/she paid to rip off his games

Michael woods

If you first asked nicely to mod it and posted a link to his site and here as well as prominently display him as the main creator. Example: idk AKABUR'S PT GOLD FAN MOD EDDITION? people might not hate you so much... also it MUST be free. Then you can have some credits afterwards with whoever... and maybe..... set up a patreon for modding for the fan community. BIG MAYBE on this last part. My reasoning for this.(so that people don't hate on me). Lots of great games get modded by fans and turn out great. Imagine if it never happened.... big difference with what you are doing however. Also not sure what county's fair use is in play here but where I'm from what you are doing is wrong.


Yeah, modding is cool but making money of other peoples' games is bullshit. 99.9% of the work was done by the original creator.

Michael woods

Totally agree it's the making money part that is wrong. However being able to mod a game without permission is normal. The problem here is the utter lack of respect to the original artist/creator. If I had more of a disposable income right now I would totally mod this game yo. But I would ask and not alter the name or credentials of the game. That's the right way of doing it. I would suggest adding new art and translating it to other languages. That way you are actually making a contribution worth Getting pledges for. But yeah 99% not yours as of right now.


played the best leech game and its pretty much takes place after the story of princess trainer but the fact that the modder wants money is messed up which ive been saying


wow... and i tough you were working WITH the people of sadcrab but now... a huge thanks to you and every guy (or girl) which is working with you!!!!

Michael woods

Yep I hear ya. Not to mention it doesn't look that great. If people want to mod it go to AKABUR'S site acabur.com and get a group going there. Remember run it by AKABUR first and don't take credit for anything of his or the universe it's set in. Remember it must be free so going out of pocket is likely... unless people do the work for free. I'll leave it at that.