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Hey guys. I am still working on the writing. Finally got to the point where I don't freak out as much and just work steadily. I also created a new pledge button: "Investor". No, I did not got obnoxious. The truth is I've been asked to put up such button one more then one occasion. And pledging as an "investor" doesn't give you any additional perks. But like I said, it's been bothering me that I promised to created that button and never did. Finally this book can be closed now. I also put up two new goals... Both are pretty much nominal and would probably happen anyways... But with those goals reached they will happen much sooner. I will be getting a new laptop next month I think... And if all goes well I plan to move in 4+ months or so... And as for "VanArts"... Well this has been my only goal in life for years now, to be honest. I think if I could do that, if I could have the skill of an actual professional in my disposal there really will be no stopping me... Imagine the things I could create 0_0 A little personal history now: There is this artist: Steve Rolston. No idea how I stumbled on him but I did... I think it happen 10 years ago or so... I really liked his clean style... back then he was working on this underground comic-book called "Pounded". I ordered the book the moment it went into printing. Got it. Loved the shit out of it. The story was mediocre at best, but the art... Bad-ass dudes, punk-chicks and clean clean inking. Back then Steve was young as fuck... I googled him now: man got old. Fuck... I didn't get any younger either... Anyhow, later I found-out that he was teaching a class in VanArts. That's how I discovered the school, and the moment I did - I knew I wanted to be there more then anything... Not because of his class. He is teaching a comic book class, and I think I could teach that myself by now. What I need is drawing skill I want. I even attempted it once... To enroll into VanArts I mean. Got accepted too. I think 5+ years ago or so... But my visa application didn't go through... They gave me no explanation but I think that was because of that stupid Olympics that's been taking place in Canada during that time... Looking back now I think it was for the best because to be honest I didn't actually have enough money to pay the VERY HIGH VanArts tuition and I don't know what I was thinking... When my visa application got rejected I decided to go to "Seattle Central Community Collage"... Got accepted there... Was the only foreigner in the entire design program... (Probably the main reason why I was accepted) Yeah... Long time ago that was... Anyhow. I'm still alive, still working on the game, still appreciate your patience and patronage... Don't know what else to say... See you in my next post I suppose... P.S. If I didn't reply to your message on pateron still I apologize. I will get on that ASAP.you'd like (comments, links, etc.)



Aarvil Kemph

Onestly if I could effort I'll gladly pay the remaining 100 dollars.... Ah we want a picture of your new badass laptop. ;D Keep up the good work.


Glad to see this is going up, you will see how your VanArts will come soon. An regarding the messages, we are more than 200, and you take the toiime to answer all of us!! its really cool and we appreciatte it.


You are a damn cool guy Akabur. It will be great if we helped you go to a school you have lusted after for so long. And I don't mind in the slightest if you don't reply to my comments. Ares is right... we are legion. You can't be expected to spend all your time writing us back... you'd have no time to draw :P


You've come a long way, man. I can see all of this easily coming to fruition. In the future I hope to be able to pledge more money your way, you deserve much more.


You've got high ambitions. To make your wish come true I increased my pledge so, that we'll reach those goals soon enough. You are a passionate artist and I love your creations. You deserve it.


Dude, you are doing your part don't you worry. We will get there, one step at a time. And as for the laptop - OF COURSE I will share the good news with you!


Thanks mate. So, sometimes I also get big letters from some people *wink*. Those letters deserve a proper reply so I put them away until I am in the mood to answer properly...


Yes, but you are MY legion. I want to spend as much time among my courageous troops as I can if I can help it.


Ambitions? You really think so? Dunno... To me it just looks like such a waste... My life I mean. I always see this amazing artists who have no idea what to do with their skills... They work for someone, they take commissions... I never felt like that... I always had dozens and dozens of stories I wanted to tell and things to create but my skills a laughable. I know I am not anywhere near my full potential and it's bugging me. It's annoying really. Well, maybe with your help we will be able to fix this and I will be able to create some really professionally looking things for grown ups! And I see you are an "Investor" now. Don't feel obligated to stay there forever. Take care of yourself too, you know :)


I sure did... You just need to google my old artworks... But it took me way to long... Anyways, thanks to you I can't really whine about money anymore. But as you can see I am still more the willing to whine about not having proper art education... So, let us fix that too. And then, who knows, maybe I will stop whining all together...


It's been some times that I follow you, and I allways found you were a cool and nice guy, I love your drawings and your games, so if I can help you by giving you a bit more money, I will gladly do it because you deserve it, and I hope you will be able to find a nice place to live and that school will help you to reach a skill that is over 9000 :D


Aw, man, your life is everything but a waste. You're really talented and dedicated to your work. I imagine life hasn't be cool since a long time but now, we're behind you and we won't let you down. I also took up my pledge to Investisor, because it looks so cool :D And because you clearly deserve it. Keep it up ! - W -


Exactly... All is this is possible only because you bothered enough to show your support! I can never forget that. And can never stop being grateful. I wish I could be cool and composed about this, but all I want to do is say how much I appreciate what you are doing for me. Well whatever, I will try to thank you with my work.