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There was a problem with my debit card... (Yes, debit. Apparently I have like zero credit. Comes with the territory I suppose). So anyhow, I had to show up at my bank in person to straighten things out... Had to take a trip to Rostov-On-Don because of that... Took my camera with me... Thought will take a lot of cool pictures... By the time I got here last thing I wanted to do is take any pictures... Yeah, a 2+ hour ride in a dusty russian bus in July with a broken AC would do that to you... Anyhow the problem with the bank has been solved... heh.. They did ask me a couple of weird questions that made me tense up for a moment there... Like "Where are your money coming from?" and such... Should have said "Drugs."... But somehow I don't think they would've appreciated the joke. I said that I am a freelance designer and get my salary form overseas... Didn't look like the clerk believed me, but since I do nothing illegal that doesn't matter... Few hours later I was on the same bus again... Same damn bus. AC is still not working. Windows are not designed to be opened... Sauna on wheels for 2+ hours in a company of sexy Russian elderly men... Good times. Made it home by evening. Today is another day already. Been working... mostly writing for now. Have way more unanswered emails in my inbox then I could reply to properly in one day... Starting to think that maybe I need to hire a busty Russian secretary or something... Although somehow I don't think that would boost my productivity one bit... Bottom line is this: thank you for supporting me. Throw in some more cash my way and KGB probably will take interest in me... If I still didn't reply to your email - I will soon. I hope to send another bunch of drawings out soon... Last batch of drawings I sent out got partially lost it seems and one of the letters even was returned to sender (me). Not sure why... And that's that. A bit tired... nope, actually quite tired. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still alive. Going to bed now. See you tomorrow.




Oh Russia...


Curiously you look exactly as I thought you will, nice photo. The horror of the bank system, glad it went ok.


Привет вам, творец, из Беларуси) Радует Ваш стиль от поросячьего визга. и хорошо что вас поддерживает всё боьше людей, надеюсь вы не бросите своё дело и бедствовать не будете.


Busty russian secretary stretch goal! But I'm glad it went ok. Can we clone you if you die?


Huh, that bus looks just like the ones we ride in China...


Reminds me of the time my bank account was suddenly freezed and i was questioned what my mentioning of "Syria" in one of my references ment. However, there where less bosoms involved.


You mean you DO NOT have a busty secretarian? I'm disappointed.


I have no idea how you keep yourself sane.


I'm from Lithuania i know all too well of the old musty buses with broken AC's and windows that don't open up. The amount of old people on these buses T.T I know the feel man :/


I thought busty Kazakh secretaries was the busty Russian secretaries in Russian itself?


2 hours in a hot bus with no AC? Makes my complaint that I cant read my book because I have to stand in the bus for 20 minutes seem weak.. And I (personaly) would have demanded a TOPLESS busty secretary. But then again, I am very immature.


I second this stretch goal! Because I want one for myself. I wonder if I can start a "get mself a real harem" patreon/kickstarter? Probably not, but the idea amuses me.


Yeah... I sold my human head for an eraser and a bunch of pencils years back... And yes, it's all fine, at least for now...


Hi. To be polite I will give you the reply in English first. After that I will try to impress you with my (hopefully) flawless Russian. Thank you for the support! And your kind feedback! And don't worry, for as long as I have the support and means to keep working I plan keep doing this. Спасибо за поддержку! И за добрый отзыв о моей работе! И пока у меня есть поддержка от людей вроде вас, а также возможность продолжать трудиться - я буду это делать до последнего вздоха, обещаю.


Well, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Russia buys the buses from a junkyard somewhere at the outskirts of China.


Heh... They can do that? Damn... Makes me wanna put all my cash in a sock...


Heh... My work is my savior. If I didn't have that to occupy my thoughts 24/7 I probably would go insane for real...


It does actually make me feel better to know that somebody else has to safer the same way I do. Thank you, brother.


Having hard time understanding what you are trying to say... To many busty secretaries in my imagination... can't concentrate.


Dude... Knowing you, you would make them to put their breast size on the resume...


cash, drug, sex and FSB... you got a good story plot my friend :D


Why do I get the feeling that if we keep sending you money, the KGB WOULD come after you?


ah yes an oddly-drawn tiger for a head looks surprisingly appropriate


New Milestone goal. Hire a busty Russian secretary.


"Sauna on wheels for 2+ hours in a company of sexy Russian elderly men... Good times." mmd


HA! The line about "sexy Russian elderly men" made me crack up. Perfect use of sarcasm about sweaty old guys on a bus.


I'm not getting on that damn thing again until winter... Which in a stereotypical russia would be like tomorrow. In real life it's fucking hot and I hate it...