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Just me talking about my whole applying for the Canadian student visa experience. 

I'm totally fine by the way, I swear! :)


The closure.

Uploaded by Akabur on 2016-08-03.



Well that just sucks donkey dick. Sorry to hear it, man.


Jesus Fucking Christ (pardon my French)... But this is un believable. I mean, you've done everything you can to get this Visa for your dream art school, and it seems like everyone is trying to fuck you up. It's just completely unfair. You above everyone should have the opportunity to realize one of your dreams. I'm so sad, angry and powerless. It's not right, you deserve much more than this. This is betrayal, I can't find any other word to express my feelings right now. This is bullshit, I sincerely hope there is still a way you could go to VanArts. You deserve this, after all you've done, after all you've worked hard so far. This is unbelievable. Best wishes, best vibes, best whatever you need, BroWaifu. I'll keep supporting you in every way I can no matter what. Don't give up, always keep fighting.


Dude you need a vication. Come to Sweden and I get my couch fixed so you have a place to stay. Get your mind at ease.


Will you try again next year? Never give up man!


I've got a couch you can sleep on if you ever come out to California. Canada isn't that far from here after that ;)


That sucks. When i see all the peoples we accept (btw I'm canadian) and in the end you get refuse it piss me off. When you says that it is better for us, I have to disagree. For me it would be better if you could achieve your dream. So rest up, re-energize yourself and the most important don't give up.


Fuck it, we'll just invade Canada.


Well. I think you should just take a break from everything. Patreon twitter. Just chill. Eat some shit watch some anime walk around outside cpear your head. Your fanbase will still be here supporting like always


Oh man.. that's terrible news, all the things and red tape you went through. I can't believe it should be so difficult, You are a freaking artist after all and a talented one! It sucks so bad to hear you lost money on all this, in fact it angers me greatly on your behalf! The injustice.. it's outrageous you won't get a full refund for rent booking, it's like they are stealing from you! I can understand that immigration has become a global problem in general and why politics has evolved the way it has, but this example makes no sense. You have a large and loyal fan group who support you and your work, if you're able to get such support from your "basement" then imagine how much tax money you could bring to a country if your talent was brought to a Company? The agency idea you speak of sounds like something to investigate. There must be someone amongst your loyal fans who has some connections that could assist in pursuing this dream of yours? I know if I did, I would sure point them in your direction! I love your work, I love your humour, I admire the commitment and energy you placed into it all, so it's sad to experience you being so exhausted. As a fellow artist at heart, whom has seen his own share of troubles in life, I'm trying to say: Hang in there dude! The sun will shine again and every problem has solutions, it's just a matter of finding the right one and make it work. -From a Danish Fan.


Be strong my friend, cry if you need to, and no give up,try again next year, it give you time to save more money, we had your back.


Really sorry to hear about your troubles. I hope you can find another way to achieve your goals. Good luck, you deserve it.

Ainārs (Hoodz)

Take the time you need, hell take some time off like some others suggest. We understand, stay strong and stay positive, and sorry for the generic cookie cutter sentence. ^^


yeah... our immigration process is a bitch! good luck buddy! It’s a lot easier if you have a working place vouching for you


Wow, the way to talk of it it's almost like they did their best to suck out money out of you :( I'm so sorry, I was really hoping you would get your visa take some rest, these kind of things can be hard on the mind, we, your loyal fans will be her for you :)


Well, you could always go to art school in Japan or the US I suppose. but yeah, I feel your pain. If I could, I would give you a friendly hug and tell you to just hang in there and never give up. Since I can't give you a hug, I'll just say, hang in there and never give up! We will always support you through the good times and bad.

Didi Solomon

So sorry to hear this! I can't believe that Canada would deny a student visa to someone who was accepted to a college and head most of the tuition paid! It's crazy! I hope you can find someplace in the US that you like just as well. And whether you go to school or not, keep up the good work!

Vega Chaos

My god I never knew how hard it was to do stuff like that I've never left my home country​ still meaby you can try again and have better luck next time


Yeah... Thanks man... I'm sure I'll be alright. And will figure something out. I just need a few days to get back to my senses... I plan to bury myself in work because it usually takes my mind of things... And eventually I'll start thinking about how I should proceed with this... I must think if I want to apply for Canadian visa again in the future or look for good animation schools somewhere else. Heh... For now I'm just happy that I have you guys to share these feeling with me... It really helps A LOT!


Ha-ha. Thank you, my friend ^^ Just hearing that makes me feel better. Maybe after another substantial game release...


I won't give up of course.... But at the moment I honestly have no idea what I will be doing next... I need some time to get my bearings...


Ha-ha. Sure... And I could cross the border illegally only to study in VanArts! Now THAT would be a story to for the news.


Thank you, NBaron. This really means a lot. And I know that sometimes you can have the best documents possible collected but still get a refusal, and sometimes you can have very slim chances but still get the visa... It's almost like a lottery... I am only upset because somehow I really invested a lot of emotions and time into the process this time around. And at the end it was all for nothing. Or maybe not... I have more experience now and if I decide to try this again it should be way easier... Well, in any case, thank you for your words of support. That helps! ^^


Im telling you Russia screwed you indirectly. I would not be surprised if they declined because of the whole crimea / donbass situation. They might've banned the bank you are using for example <a href="http://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2014-58/FullText.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2014-58/FullText.html</a>

Yron Vol

Sucks man :( Hang in there!


Sad to hear all this Aka :( But I believe you will find your further path anyway and everything will be alright. As I can judge from everything I know about you from your posts, blogs, videos, games, you are smart and cool guy. So don't be too discouraged and don't cut off your testicles, I'm sure you'll be okay despite all this crappy stuff. P.S. I wish those bureaucratic faggots eat hairy balls of old transsexual whore!


So sorry to hear about that, man :( As someone with his fair share of experience in receiving professional rejections, my heart goes out to you. Hang in there and keep up the good work. When a door closes another one opens. And this is not some Coelho piece of BS wisdom. I've seen it work. It's really freaky, let me tell you! ;)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-13 07:21:57 お外に出て歩くだけでムラムラしちゃう女の子よきですな…(˘ω˘)
2016-08-04 13:59:45 I'm just like you, I don't believe in fate or destiny. But when something like this happens to me, I usually just think "it probably wasn't the right thing anyway" and then I just move on without it burdening my mind. Hopefully this will motivate you or inspire you in some other way. Stay positive and remember that you have thousands of people who care about you! :)

I'm just like you, I don't believe in fate or destiny. But when something like this happens to me, I usually just think "it probably wasn't the right thing anyway" and then I just move on without it burdening my mind. Hopefully this will motivate you or inspire you in some other way. Stay positive and remember that you have thousands of people who care about you! :)


For what is worth, I'm so sorry for you. Besides, your animations are good enough already: fuck Vanarts.


I hope you don't let this stop you! I remember just a few tiny years ago that you were just starting out on HF and look how far you've come! Personally I would call up your advocate and have them call the embassy, scan and send him a copy of the letter. That way you can find out exactly what's going on.


Well that is a bummer. Wouldnt the empty refusal form be something that kind of voids the whole refusal? Hope wherever you decide to eventually go is easier for you. Sidenote; those TMNT doodles made me realise how much I miss your April stuff. Specialy the comics. I vote for the next project being a April/TMNT game or comic!


well thats a bummer, hopefully you we will have better luck in the future


Sucks to hear, Akabur :( I can only imagine all the tape that's required to get a visa. Don't let it keep you down though! We're here for moral support! :D


My wife's UK visa application was rejected three times before she found their Facebook page and made a very public complaint. She received her visa in the mail three days later. No idea whether this exists for Canada but it may be a worthwhile last ditch effort if you still have the energy. If not, no matter - open up your own art school. A thousand Akabur mini-mes would make the world a better place.


Sure sounds like a great idea... The problem is I don't think I will be able to relax fully... I just know that my thoughts will be returning back to my work... But I promise you to try and do all of the above eventually... Maybe after I release the first installment of the game. Maybe I will also record a video where I will talk about unrelated things and just chill... Or a maybe host a long-ass stream where I will be doing nothing, and just hang with you guys ^_^


...thank you for you kind words. T_T Reading through your message made me feel a little bit better actually. It really did. You guys show me so much love that to be honest I have no right to complain about anything ever. ^^ Thank you. And yes, it's true that with proper resources in my disposal I could create some cool things that would benefit EVERYONE. I don't know about joining a company, but lunching a small studio would be neat... Well in any case, for as long as I have you guys to back me up I'll figure it out eventually. I just need give all this some thought... In the meantime I'll keep on working to calm my nerves :) Thank you for your kind words, man.


Thank you, Ace. ^^ I'll be alright, I just need a few day to get in terms with my situation...


Don't worry, the "generic cookie cutter sentence" does the job just as well. Thank you for all your support, Hoodz.


Well, it's not just Canada. With many countries applying for a visa is like playing a lottery... (Especially when you're some dirty rusky:) But thanks, man. Now go work on that sequel we're all waiting for^^


Yeah that's how it feels... I know it was not intentional, but that's how it was... Don't worry though, I'll be fine. You guys open all sorts of possibilities for me with your support. It is honestly quite scary to think where I would be without you. So thank you for your support, and I'll be just fine... I just need a few day to re-evaluate and re-think some things...


You already support me enough with your kind words and with the actual money! You are doing more then enough to make sure I don't stress too much about this new development in my plans. It is true I could look for a 2-D animation school in another country... But VanArts was just THAT school that I thought I would never be able to afford... Going there would've been surreal not because it's a great school (which it is), but because it would be like fulfilling one of my most deep desires and dreams... I honestly think I would have teared up a bit crossing the threshold for the first time. But, like you said, now I can afford I really good art-school in USA or some other country, so maybe I should be adult about this and look into that possibility... Dunno, yet... Need time to process all this. Well, in any case, thank you for your support, J.


I know... VanArts is not a cheap school. I had paid about 80% of the tuition. I had enough cash on my bank account to pay rent and buy groceries for a year in Canada easy. I always thought that would be enough to get the visa... But there were also a ton of other documents too... Oh well... Thank you for your kind words, Didi. And for your support... We shall get through this together ^^


Thank you, Aske. I really appreciate your kind words.


Actually it's usually a bit easier... I mean very few countries welcome russians with open arms, but still it's usually way easier... And I don't think it's because of any political situations or anything... I think it was just bad luck... The Canadian consul guy might've had a headache on that day and been giving away refusals left and right... OTL


Yeah... Could be... Or maybe the guy who's been reviewing the visa application had a headache on that day and decide to refuse a whole bunch of people out of spite... We'll never know the truth... That's how it usually is with that visa business... They never explain themselves... Oh well... OTL...


Going to Canada sucks, trully. They have really terrible customs officers and they make hell for everybody (not only Russians) My story: we (me and GF) traveled to Canada for WORK-RELATED seminary (lesson). Entire customs hall was empty (only us) and it still took 3 hours for custom officers to "think over" whether they will allow us to visit job seminary... fucking Canadians. I am not suprised they refused Russian citizen. Though its sad.


I think most of the world right now, well, specifically North America, seems to have a stick up their ass about Russia right now. Not that the Russian president didn't bring some of the criticism upon Russia, but it sucks that this goes all the way to affecting the citizens who want to legitimately pay and leave for an education abroad. It also sounds like you ended up dealing with a jumble of incompetent and lazy people, and I'm sorry you had to go through all of that just to have your hard work crumble like that.


Even I want to write a complaint! This is ridiculous! This was Akabur's dream, and a lot of us want him to succeed.


Oh, you know it. My wife and I travel to China to visit her family about every two years, and the cheapest flights all seem to go through Vancouver. Even though we are just passing through, we have to go through slow as hell Canadian customs to get to our next plane. And they question you like you are planning to stay or something, um no, I have a plane I need to be on to China in 30 minutes, why would I stay here? Our luggage manages to just get transferred, but we go through a bunch of shit. It is interesting to note that you can avoid this by flying Air Canada or one their partner airlines. You just go from your plane to the next through a special section of the airport.


We have a large contingent of Russians living around a town to the east of me. They are just like everyone else, they want to have a good life and not have to deal with the shit caused by governments.