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Hello, guys.

How are you doing? all is well I hope?

Me? Well, the visa business sucking my very soul out of me OTL...
Even now when all I was supposed to do is wait, they still find ways to bring more misery into my life...

But I don't want to talk about that right now.

Let's talk about something way more interesting, like my work for example.

I keep working on finishing up the game engine. Making sure that all the buttons work they way they are supposed to and stuff like that. This stage usually is the most time-consuming. And I can't proceed with adding the actual content before this is done.

I re-worked the interface completely, now it looks way more to my liking.

All and all it's going well and I'm really (REALLY!) exited to share something more unsubstantial on this project, but the time is not right yet. Don't want to spoil the surprises I'm cooking up here ^^

To other news! There is a (HUGE) probability that DAHR will be helping me out with this project as well. It's not 100% decided yet, since he already has his hands full with "Iris Quest", but I would LOVE to have him on board again for animating "Dancing" and "Stripping" animation loops. The sketches he sent me (picture above) look simply spectacular ^^

My main goal for this project is to be somewhat simple but robust. Allowing me to make regular updates without hurting the game-flow. I think I have enough experience now to be able to pull it off.

Also I'm really looking forward to having all these girls together, and letting your guys interact with them, and also letting them interact with each other. It will be only Jasmine and Aselin Praxis at first but I plan to extend the harem rather quickly!

And that is all. Thank you for your patience. 




It's allways cool to have news from you :) I really hope that VISA thing will turn good in the end I'm looking forward to see more of this game, it looks interesting :)


Glad to see that you keep working despite all this shit dude. It will be great if Dahr will help you there. You both could be really powerful team :)


Sounds cool, its always nice that you get some help, keep the good job


Thanks for the update! Having DAHR on the project would be awesome, hopefully he can find time for both games because Iris Quest sounds like it's going to be great. I'm hoping this is the last thing you have to do for the visa and it'll all be over soon. Best of luck, man.

Ainārs (Hoodz)

Best of luck with that, you truly spoil us with your work ethic ^^


I really hope you get that Visa as soon as possible, so you can get that stress out of your life.


HANDS DOWN you are one of the best creators on Patreon... Youre having real problems and yet you work and still keep us updated. This is why you're the ONLY creator I support consistently.


Still struggling with your Visa thing :/ Best of luck on this part. Regarding your work and DAHR's possible help, I sincerely hope this will happen :) I'm sure you'll do something awesome again, as usual. So, keep it up and thank you for everything :)


i hear about other creators getting busy with "life stuff" then just dropping ALL projects and leaving their supporters in the dust... You are truly a god among men, "life stuff" never keeps you from being our great Akabur. This is one of the many reasons why we respect you so much... Stay golden Akabur! Your most loyal Akabites shall gladly follow you off a fucking cliff if we have to! :D


Dunno where shall I write this, but I was extra touched be Tron: Legacy inclusion in Magic Shop! God I love that Universe!) THANX for that!


*by, sorry, mistyping ^^


I am so excited and can't wait to try out the new game.:)