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And here we are with the public release of the gold edition.

Thank you for all the bug reports.

Version 2.03 should be completely bug-free.

(But shall you stumble on one email me right away (akaburfake2@yahoo.com). And don't forget the screenshot.)

And there is no difference between the 2.01 and 2.03 versions content-wise. Same game.

Android version is still in the works, but if anyone can pull it off it would be Xaljio. Keeping my fingers crossed...

And we really are done with this one now. Thank you everyone.

You can take a short break now :)

And I myself am happy to leave all the Agrabah and Jasmine related stuff behind for a while.

Now it is time to get back to working on "Magic Shop". Oh, wait... That's Jasmine and Genie stuff allover again...

My nightmare shall never end...

P.S. Thank you for providing the hosting, Filip. You rock!

WIN: http://core-design.info/Princess_Trainer_2.03-win.zip

MAC: http://core-design.info/Princess_Trainer_2.03-mac.zip

And just in case:








any news on a continuation


I'm trying to play the game but I can't open the zip file or find out how to open the game to play the damn thing


I can't download it from MEGA in my country pls help :(


this game is awosome, its any chance to make a Princess Trainer 2 ?


Well, nothing is truly bug free, and magic shop should be less stressing. Keep the great job Akabur, you have our support


OOO akabur is going to work on magic shop!? ... <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ9rUzIMcZQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ9rUzIMcZQ</a>


Btw during a playthrough in 2.01 where Lola during the quest 'lola's new dress' says 'crouch' instead of crotch ...but looking forward to this version!


Still no Linux version :(.


any chance of getting a mega mirror? This hosting you have now is taking ages to download. My counter says it's going to take 12 hours, and I have pretty speedy internet (80mb/s down, 20mb/s up). Sorry if that comes off poorly or as if I feel entitled or whatever, I just would really like to play this game before I have to go to sleep. If there's no way, then I'll just wait the 12-16 hours for it to download.


We need a faster mirror! please! Its gonna take 8hours for me...


The game was great, it's good to be alive during Akabur's era, I know I told you many time but I can't be thankful enough to you for that awesome game, thank you again my friend :)


Thank you Akabur. You're the best at what you do.

DJ Quinn

The slow speed of the downloads are probably because a lot of people are trying to download it at once and clogging the server's bandwidth.


where going to kill the Servers !!!!! this is so slow lol even on my Fios line


pretty sure we just ddos'd the server on accident.


Unable to connect lol .... yep Akabur your fans did it lol (part 2 lol


lol i think we broke the site again XD


Akabur we gonna need a MEGA link dl site is down


Yeah Download crashed again. (3rd time for me) I'm gonna go play 2.01 since that has alternate download methods no offense to anyone but this host it pretty bad &gt;.&gt;


Uploading to MEGA right now. Opening the mirror after that.


Awesome to have this, Akubar! Thanks for all the hard work


Here are dropbox mirrors: WIN: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/szdbhp6it7i6j1n/Princess_Trainer_2.03-win.zip" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/szdbhp6it7i6j1n/Princess_Trainer_2.03-win.zip</a> MAC: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/wql1knz7puvc3yc/Princess_Trainer_2.03-mac.zip" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/wql1knz7puvc3yc/Princess_Trainer_2.03-mac.zip</a> MEGA is taking forever to upload :( getting some errors from them... I will link MEGA mirrors when they finish uploading.


MEGA mirrors: WIN: <a href="https://(mega)(dot)(nz)/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://(mega)(dot)(nz)/</a>#!4AdwHKQJ!IXWZZc8TxRWTKBEQ40D5NdBuvdoi0zFKJsS80IEO9-g MAC: <a href="https://(mega)(dot)(nz)/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://(mega)(dot)(nz)/</a>#!JBsWAI7K!wqEJM_aNvBSbFpdLnfOVpB9KC-FZgqtf7UcziGMwMmY Bringing original links back up as well.


The game is so great that every site it is uploaded to is broken, that's how much your game is loved Akabur ^^


<a href="http://www.filedropper.com/princesstrainer203-win" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.filedropper.com/princesstrainer203-win</a>


О да, мужик! Пожалуй напьюсь сегодня. Это ведь немножечко и мой праздник усталости. -___^


Hello there ! Where is my "saves" locations on windowns 10 ? I played the game with kimochi and it will be better to "reset every slot without "overwrite" all of them. So I just wanted to delete my saves. :) Affter some mins latter! OKKay,README now could open and it held me out. Thx for the help ! Can't wait to see you awesome work !


you don't have to overwrite any slot. there are plenty of slots in the game. click on next button to get the next batch of slots.


Thanks Filip! Finally have a 2.0.3 DL underway

Ken T.

any chance to to upload it to something like google drive im getting 1 k speed and 57 hrs. I think it's either being slammed or something since that's not my normal speed lol. Can't wait to play.

Corwin Amber

Thanks for release. Please upload to mega or similar service :)

Ken T.

Anything but mega, try either google drive or Dropbox as their free and have a good track record handling traffic


Can i make a suggestion? Please post the SHA1/MD5 hash of the original exe and/or zip, there are a lot of people posting their own uploaded files(thank you all for that), but actors with ill will might place viruses in them. Thank you.


Windows: ZIP-SHA1: 7845f68a76ab040deaadc41b3cbc99fac79f0b31 ZIP-MD5: f32b4f9275ab7ef2dfbf38e815146a67 EXE-SHA1: 7423327dae2882cf5a22714971b804744a0e9f89 EXE-MD5: 585b3daaa26750b85b90927d5839d657

Corwin Amber

Just realized after I requested a mega link that Filip posted both mega and dropbox links in the comments already.

Risax the Imp

Thank you for all the hard work, Akabur! I look forward to seeing what project you'll work on next. Though I'm sure you'd like some rest first. In any case, thanks again and keep up the amazing work!


Hey man. Current upload site is running at a blazing 3.4 kbs... Already failed download twice after 5 hours of attempting. Any chance of a mirror site?


Oh my ajshdhabsdhasd GOD!!! I LOVE YOU jajajajja Finally lest´s play!!! Thanks for all the work really, you don´t know how happy i am because of you, thanks again and i hope that you continue with this amazing games!!! Thanks !!!


i love the star wars easter egg!


anyone, any luck with "local weirdo" acheivement? did it 512 times as it says, pretty weird for me already=) mb it will be given under certain conditions, i wonder.. P.S. Oh, got it on the next day, needed MUCH less, btw=)) (edited)

Ken T.

Wow went from 1k/s to 90m/s and finish quickly from the core-design link, huh.


So, i haven't had much opportunity to play this yet, but I did get to the Persona Easter egg. Fucking love it! And Hey, you finished the game in time to be free for the imminent release of Persona 5 ;-)


Apparently the download is going to take about 10 hours XD

Tyler Gleason

ummmm, i have no idea how to start the quest "pleasing the mother, again"


MEGA mirrors were already posted in the comments. WIN: <a href="https://(mega)(dot)(nz)/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://(mega)(dot)(nz)/</a>#!4AdwHKQJ!IXWZZc8TxRWTKBEQ40D5NdBuvdoi0zFKJsS80IEO9-g MAC: <a href="https://(mega)(dot)(nz)/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://(mega)(dot)(nz)/</a>#!JBsWAI7K!wqEJM_aNvBSbFpdLnfOVpB9KC-FZgqtf7UcziGMwMmY Just edit (mega)(dot)(nz) in the URL


I am really surprised that the server is still standing with so many people connected on it at the same time :D


Iirc, you need to have to speak to Lily after a certain amount of events leading a certain person into your home.


Looved it and 100%'ed it, hope a gold edition of Witch Trainer is something you will consider one day too.


Is there anyway to remove this bug? Unless I start a new game, she never goes away. <a href="http://i.imgur.com/iin4Gvs.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/iin4Gvs.jpg</a>


OMG AKABUR! alright, so I just finished the game for the second time, got the ultra uber cool ending and I have to say. the game as a whole does NOT disappoint! had a blast going through it...... and then ARRRRRGH! that second ending just made me want to chew up my keyboard. sooooo much of a tease! I wont spoil it for those who havent beat the game the second time around with all the challenges. but I will say that PT:GE was everything I was hoping it could be. thank you for all the hard work man AND hear is to hoping that someday we'll see a PT:GE2.


Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I can't figure out how to stalk Rose.


I encountered this problem whenever I tried to set a custom name for Jasmine. The only way to get rid of it that I found was to go to "game\jasmins_room.rpy" and change line 411 and 415 from: hide screen jmi show screen jmi to: hide screen jmi2 hide screen jmi2 After I closed and restarted to a point before encountering the problem, it never came up again. You'll need to extract "game\archive.rpa" to gain access to that file though.


Just visit and talk to her for a few consecutive days.


Thank you, my friend. It means a lot to hear kind words like that. Good to know all the work I put into this one was worth it :) Thanks you. And I am NOT saying that PT2 is not going to happen :)


Thank you for your help man. Now I see that poor little server of my website never had a chance ^^


Yeah... I'm yet to beat Persona 4 though... Does it even have an ending? 0_0


Да уже, праздник усталости... Это должен быть наш профессиональный праздник.


Yes! I knew I could trust you with-- Wait, what? You guys... T_T


Thank you, FooldriverDX, I try. But everything I am doing is only possible because of the support people show me. :)


Thank you, Ace. Thank you for supporting me since day one here on Patreon.


Seriously? I could pack it, but I didn't think anyone would need it...


Are the save files from 2.01 compatible with this version?

Vega Chaos

All challenges are rewarded the day after you have meet the conditions Ok this is mostly done when I do the rest ill put them up a big thank you to Akabur for this ive never been so tired if you know what I mean. Challenge 01 The Kind Master Donate 300 Coins To The Homeless Crocus Just vist him each day to give him gold could take a while as it is random how much gold is given Reward Street whore outfit (Lola) Challenge 02 Rose The Waifu Stalk Rose The Teacher Go to her and talk to her each day for 10 days Reward Slave girl outfit (Rose) Challenge 03 Life Of The Rich And Infamous Save Up Some Gold For The Rainy Day Save up 5000 gold Reward Green Courtesan Outfit (Iris) Challenge 04 The Citizen Of Agrabah Reach A Certain Number On The Calendar Just play this great game for 100 days Reward Pregnancy Potion (Jasmine/Lola/Iris) Challenge 05 Local Weirdo Vist The City Tavern Several Times During One Day Vist the tavern 10 times in a day Reward Nipple Piercing (Iris) Challenge 06 I Just Don't Feel Like It Skip A Lot Of Workout Sessions In A Row Dont work out for 30 days (god I've done that in real life whats wrong with me) Reward Lactation Potion (Jasmine/Lola/Iris) (real life a big gut) Challenge 07 Eat Sleep Lift Repeat Train Every Night For 10 Days In A Row (If only it was this easy in real life ) Train for 10 days straight Reward Slave Girl Outfit (Lola) Challenge 08 Second Chances Beat the game at lest once Just beat the game and start a new game + you well get it before the first day is out Reward Wedding Dress (Jasmine) Challenge 09 Bad Parenting Send Lola To Sleep Drunk Buy her wine from the tavern 7 times do not have sex her when you give her the wine though Reward Retro Girl Outfit (Lola) Challenge 10 Keep Calm And Clean Make Jasmine Clean Enough Houses At The Cheapside Send Jasmine to work in the cheapside for 20 days Reward An Assortment Of Paper Bags (Jasmine/Lola/Iris) Challenge 11 My Seamstress Wafifu Complete Azalea's Route A To do this keep her to yourself let no one else fuck here and tell her,her mother was a whore Reward Ball Gag (Iris/Lola) Challenge 12 Like Mother Like Daughter Complete Azalea's Route B To do this treat her like a whore fuck her and let everyone else fuck her tell her,her mother was not a whore Reward Slut Tablet (Jasmine) Challenge 13 The Early Brid Go To Bed Early For Several Days In A Row Go to bed early do not do anything at night for 14 days Reward 500 Gold Coins Challenge 14 I Think I'm Ready Complete All The In Game Quests Reward The Space Princess Outfit (Jasmine) Challenge 15 Princess Trainer 2 When? Complete All Other Challenges Reward Extended Ending Scene(wow what can I say Akabur well done my friend)


i love your games Lord AKABUR xoxo


Congrats on the official release. I look forward to playing it and whatever else you make ^_^


Honestly Akabur, thank you so much^^ The game is awesome... even though I think I now need some sleep and might be dehydrated xD


My dearest Akabur: As I said to you once, no man has ever pleased me as much as you *wink wink* XD This game worth every single fucking second we waited, every single fucking second we play it and I want to thank you all the effort you put on it. Obviously we can't (and shouldn't) forget about Dahr, Lyk and Xaljio. We all apreciate you guys, because you all rule.


Hi everyone, did you notice? in Azalea quest, whatever the task you may take, you only get +1 Development Points, except if you give her gold where you get DP+3 (ahh women...) but if you manange to do the task by a women, whatever Lola or Iris, you'll get DP+3! does it mean in "PT Gold" verse, women are better laborers than men...? ;-)


О боже, Акабур, как же долго я этого ждал, и мои ожидания окупились, да еще и с лихвой. Я даже зарегестрировался на патреоне специально, чтобы поблагодарить тебя за игру. Даже несмотря на английский перевод, хоть для меня это и не проблема, игра вышла отличной. И спасибо за все эти отсылки, это лучшее, что получается у тебя больше всего, после красивых артов конечно :D Еще раз спасибо за то, что ты вообще есть и решил занялся созданием таких игр, ДА ЕЩЕ И БЕСПЛАТНО ИХ РАЗДАЕШЬ, О БОЖЕ МОЙ СПАСИБО ОТ ДУШИ ОТ МЕНЯ И ОТ ВСЕХ РУССКИХ ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЕЙ С НЕТЕРПЕНИЕМ ЖДУ ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ PT, И ЖЕЛАЮ ТЕБЕ ТЕРПЕНИЯ И ВДОХНОВЕНИЯ, ОНО ТЕБЕ ПОНАДОБИТСЯ. УДАЧИ! P.S. Единственное, что я так и не смог перевести - это pervert, как я понял это извращенец ведь так?


akabur i send u mail but i ask here too: Pubic hair on pants <a href="http://imgur.com/BjZsklf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/BjZsklf</a> Bug or not? Naked jasmin with max purity and 1 discipline lesson after change in wardrobe <a href="http://imgur.com/vwmHldf" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/vwmHldf</a> <a href="http://imgur.com/tELl1JU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/tELl1JU</a> <a href="http://imgur.com/gZ7CYH9" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/gZ7CYH9</a> bug or not?


how do i completely reset the game? im trying to make a fresh game but theres probably a save file installed somewhere that keeps backuping the game even when i delete its folder and get a new copy EDIT: foud out myself... inside Users/~YOURUSERNAME~/AppData/Roaming/Renpy


So pleased you got this finished. The new stuff I've unlocked so far has been a hoot, really enjoying the game. Thank you!


Thank you so much for the mega links, I signed up and have megasync, has been very useful ^_^


but there is a trick to it ..if u choose lola to get rid of the kids(which she possibly cant) will give -1 dev points so u gotta choose who is right for what task


Having finished the game, challenges, quests and all, I would like to say "WOW!". Akabur, you magnificent princess-training rascal, you did it again! It was all that I had expected and so much more! I especially loved the "Wet" and "Lula" references - brought a tear of nostalgia to my... um,,, eye. Thank you so much for all your efforts and your humorously perverse mind! And kudos to all the great guys in your "team" as well. You are the best!


Did anyone make notes of all the references in this game? damn this game even has jabadahut!


Thank YOU for letting me do this. It's ALL thanks to you, guys.


"Английский перевод"? Хех... Игра изначально создавалась на английском. Но мне приятно знать что тебе игра нравистя не смотря на языковой барьер. Спасибо за добрые слова.

General Degeneracy

anyone know of a way to edit save files? the game crashed and i lost like an hour and a half of progress because im an idiot do doesnt save often enough ;-;


I'm not sure, but there is an option to load an auto safe in top left part of screen. I hope it'll help you! It helped me few times though


did anyone have a problem (bug) again on this new version 2.03 ? The bug is Already completely Iris Quest as whore, but after that she never shown on brothel to working as whore.


Кстати, интересно, почему ты не одобряешь некоммерческие переводы, которые распространяются бесплатно? Русский перевод обычной версии PT был довольно неплохой, даже сам проходил на нем.


I suppose, to make her work at brothel you must fuck her at night without slapping, chokking or threating her with knife, at the end she will ask something about working as a whore and you must agree that she can work there pretty good and make her shift like this (Rest, Brothel, Tavern). And then someday she will show up there. Good luck with that


Damn akabur, you really did it with that ending scene xD I normaly hate to come with "next game pls" but hell, you really made an awesome cliffhanger in that one xD Still, the game is awesome, just awesome. But you know that, after you put in that extended ending scene, making them all go underground resistance, with promise for rose sex scenes and Lola/Iago possibility... you know that people will riot when you dont make a Princess trainer 2? xD You brought that on yourself by being so awesome at making these games ;)

Gazukull Thraka

Just become a patron after playing this. 10 / 10


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. Before loading the script. Exception: Couldn't find file '._archive.rpi'. -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "E:\Princess_Trainer_2.03-win\renpy\bootstrap.py", line 289, in bootstrap renpy.main.main() File "E:\Princess_Trainer_2.03-win\renpy\main.py", line 220, in main renpy.loader.index_archives() File "E:\Princess_Trainer_2.03-win\renpy\loader.py", line 138, in index_archives fn = transfn(prefix + ".rpi") File "E:\Princess_Trainer_2.03-win\renpy\loader.py", line 504, in transfn raise Exception("Couldn't find file '%s'." % name) Exception: Couldn't find file '._archive.rpi'. Windows-7-6.1.7600 Ren'Py


whats going on here??


did i miss all the easter eggs? where are they? :P


How do you tale both Iris, and Jasmine to the cheapside? Great game btw.


go to your home, and take both iris and jasmine after you get wardrobe for iris.


Thanks so much Akabur! Rest well knowing that we will enjoy your labor of love~


little help please ... how to get please my mother again quest ... it doesn't seem to appear like the other quests . great game by the way . really loved it


Pls help princess trainer 2.03 is not responding. The window starts up but only the white screen is shown. <a href="http://imgur.com/HyVp1yB" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/HyVp1yB</a> . i have also downloaded python 2.7 and renpy but the result is same.


I don't have any sound or music? Does anyone know how to fix this?


nice job, can wit for part 2


It's masterpiece ! I hope you will continue creating games like that.. :D Love u man (No Homo) ! &lt;33


i can't seem to figure out azalea route B. i got route A. I do stuff for her and get development points and I use the pts to have sex with her but i can't seem to get the route B. Any advice?


U have to play new game or load save before getting route B


This happens on my computer, which is an older computer. Literally you just have to wait for the game to finish loading. (At least on my system!)


So I discovered an "issue?" Apparently, I can't play the game if I load it through my Nvidia High Performance GPU. But if I load it through my integrated gpu, it runs fine. No idea why that works. So for those of you get the message "Princess Trainer GE.exe has stopped working..." and also have 2 Video Cards, try switching between them. You should be able to do with Right-Click&gt;Run with graphics processor&gt;choose one


how do yo get the ability to stalk rose?? i really can't figure out


hey boss man. cheers for fixes. to confirm does this also fix that nasty buy in making jas use a custom name? it use to keep overlaying a diff pic of her than my custom costume one over top and would nto go away between scenes.


love the game just started and , found a lil cheat to make jasmine naked early game. I dont know if it s bug but when i went to wardrobe she appeared naked and i quickly click on done and she stayed naked. so.... WIN :)


Help! I'm stuck on completing Red Phoenix Rising, jafar keeps saying no but dont see any other options through out town


There are mostly three kinds of times that change your options. Times with Jasmine with you, her working, and at night.


I sorely wish I had read this before I did the "Local Weirdo" achievement because I had sat at my desktop for an hour and visited the tavern of 1000 times. Yay repetitive motion injury.

Didi Solomon

Been playing the game, figured I should throw you a buck. Nice work. :-)


Some of the quests are broken. Pleasing the Mother Again, after picking up cleaning wench outfit, Iris disappears from all options, including training her after starting the Iris Trainer. the Nightmare Job, Broken Toy, Blood Oath, and Fixing Everything just crashes the game entirely and corrupts the save file


Disable Nvidia Experience. Its already being reported as causing issues with far more than just this game. Ark Survival Evolved, Civilization V, Life is Feudal, Borderlands, Fallout 4, pretty much anything produced in the last 5 years does not work with it. Its starting to create the same issues as what the Catalyst Control Center was doing for the last decade.


What do you do after Iris visits brothel for the Dream Job quest? I keep visiting her, but nothing new is happening


mega is MUCH more faster


Congrats for the release ! Was worth the wait. :)


а русский язык есть?


how do i get ´´Route A Azalea´s`` achievement


I want to know if there is a way to get these achievements too without restarting.


I'm stuck on Pleasing Mother. Again. I get the outfit for Iris, but then I can't find Iris anywhere. Where is she? is she at the tavern?


Just finished getting all challenges done. Really love the newer Azalea stuff, especially route b, but she's fantastic in every scene.


How do I get the second chances challenge?


Akabur Keep up the great work love the games take your time and make those game the best as you can looking forward to see what awesome girls you come up with keep it up man


Hello, and thank you for the really good game. I have one question on a Mac where is the save file at? I was wanting to start over including all of the challenges.


Can somebody upload the Android Version on Mega? Would help me a lot! thx :3


I have a problem the game does not open


That Lola scene really touch my heart. :_) I was almost crying over the poor girl. Akabur put a lot of love and deep emotions in his characters. PT.GE is not only a good hentai game, it's a good story.


Привет. Есть животрепещущий вопрос: может ли Жасмин делать bj после хэнджоба, если ее об этом попросить? Она постоянно отказывается со ссылкой, что ее об этом не просили и уходит к себе в комнату. Просто интересно: есть ли совпадение событий при котором она это может сделать? Очень хороший продукт выпускаешь, к слову. Keep it up!


this is a good quality of him! I need to learn it! ^^


Problem fixed... deleting the mod files (and keeping the money hehehehe) brings the game back to normal... it seems it modded more than just the money related variables. Unbelievable these wannabe script kiddies. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - My game is broken... for real. I reach a point where there's only 2 quests left "18 The broken toy" and "19 Pleasing the mother Again". At this point every time I take the guy to the tavern at night the daughter of the owner is always there asking if today is the day of her final examination and after I finish she graduates, moves in to the house and next time I go to the tavern at night this cycle repeats... always graduating and moving in, graduating and moving in, graduating and moving in, etc. And during the day the guy is always saying that he shouldn't go to the tavern despite already having taken the sword and doing the blood pact. I thought it was a corrupted save game file, but I already downlaod the game from here, applied the money mod and started the game twice again from beginning and twice the same thing happened. WTF??? Am I missing something here? Because like this, I will never see Lola reaching womanhood. That sucks... please if someone knows the solution to this, I need a little help here. PS: Probably one of the best games in this gender... and the humor and jokes are hilarious. That's what separates a regular game from a great one.


Ok so first of all, Great game bro this was very well made I enjoyed it a dam fuck ton. Second I got a question, when do you think you'll be getting around the part two of this Master Fappice, or is the Magic Shop the sequel?


Спасибо за игру. Очень понравилась. Над новыми квестами "поржал от души" !!!


Thanks for the game. I liked it very much. Above the new quests "neighing from the heart" !!!


Im absolutely devestated that ive finished the game. I got hooked on it like it was heroin. absolutelt fantastic work. Would love to see more of Iris and Lola. :3

Tom Ristenbieter

i cnat play the game i the folder there is no princesstraienr exe option to play the ganme´´


You are the fucking man!!!!


what is the name of the song in the credits ?


After switching to fullscreen I can't access most of the screen, this happens every time i switch to fullscreen. Does anyone know of a fix?


That must have something to do with your video card settings. The easy way here is instead of going fullscreen just to grab the edge and resize the game to be almost full screen. ^^


SPOILERS ! I found a super secret ending, in which we find Aladdin . Then , he finished a game . End where we overthrowing Jafar will in future versions or in the new part of the game?


I sent an email with a few screenshots. it looks like the game is broken. you cant give lola's mother the gift after you buy it from the fruit stand. I tried it at night and day with and without jas it never gives me the option.


I just found this a few days ago, and as someone else mentioned it was like crack, lol.. I do have a few questions based on graphics from several online CG galleries, and wanted to see if these just didn't make it into the 2.03 gold edition or if I somehow missed them.... Are these still in the game and accessible from player actions?? One picture with Lola in her original outfit and look like she had been giving boob jobs. Jasmine was also there in pony tails, naked except for a slave collar and covered in mud and looked like she had entertained a crowd. <a href="http://g.e-hentai.org/s/3c1fa77e88/692654-972" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://g.e-hentai.org/s/3c1fa77e88/692654-972</a> Another set of graphics were the little mini's, like during the Azela scenes and when Genie has sex with Dhalia, except they were Genie and Jasmine. Are these in the game still, or was that the earlier version of Genie visiting the brothel and picking the Princess? <a href="http://g.e-hentai.org/s/b1ec9c5d50/692654-873" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://g.e-hentai.org/s/b1ec9c5d50/692654-873</a> Last one.. Is this from an earlier version of Azeala, or is it in the final Gold version? <a href="http://g.e-hentai.org/s/eb338ac2a3/692654-852" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://g.e-hentai.org/s/eb338ac2a3/692654-852</a>


How can I complete the ques "The dream job" ? Please help.


Hello AKABUR Sorry for my english. I do not speak English I rise here to tell them that it is an ingenious game. I'm a big fan of them and I hope never deas sie the loss of this game to lose. But I would be very happy if they also add a German language. The wish so much. so I can enjoy this game to 100% I hope you answer me! (I mean all of their games) Your FAN!


Hi, I got problem after completed A Dream Job. Iris is nowhere to be found. Finished all the quest accept 3 quest related to Iris


Hello. I just had Iris move in and she is not showing up when I knock? What is wrong?


Check her schedule -- she'll only be in her room on nights when she's not working at the Tavern or Brothel.


Does somebody know how to open cheat menu without using console?


i though the game was broken for real when i want to buy some wine. nice joke u got there dev


When do you finish APK version ?


I congratulate you on a wonderful game! I played it months ago and now started up again. As a photorealist, I am intrigued by the complexity of the process of creating a game like this in a photorealist style (not 3D as it is now). However, I would like to suggest you work through the storyline with a girlfriend of some artistic and dramatic talent. Try filming the R/p and then review for artistic ideas. You might surprise yourself and at least a pleasurable exercise..

Anthony Michelli

For the life of me, I can't figure out how to trigger Daytime Event #1, anyone know what to do for that? I don't wanna end the game with that 8/9 events looming over me.


Hey bro hope your doing well. I've beat my meat to witch trainer and princess trainer multiple times and I've played both through with hundred percent completion&gt; I was wondering if there were any cheats to add gold like the one in WT ? Really tryna get a quick fap but I also don't feel like spending a hour trying to speed run the quests n stuff.


Lola has to live in your house to trigger event 1


I think I've stumbled across a bug: I've completed dream job, but now can't seem to find Iris (or Dahlia) at the brothel. FWIW I played 1.02 first, and then 2.03. When I was playing 2.03 I noticed my saves from 1.02 were still available, so I started from that. That screwed things up a bit, so I just started a new game on 2.03.


Also, I think the menu for the obedience tests gets screwed up — sometime each option displays sequentially, sometimes it hides things between dancing and sex.


Bist du Lernbehindert oder einfach noch ein kleines kind? Jeder sollte English sprechen können dafür lernt man das in der Schule ^^ man braucht es überall egal ob Für porngames oder der Verständigung mit anderen ländern.


i found out you finished the game a few houres ago but sadly i see my fav part has bin droped. Meaning that lola leads jasmine true the city on a leash. I loved that and i hoped you build on that part. I dont know if its possible to rework that part of the game back in, But i hope you find the time to do so. Still overall a great game and extremely good drawing. Its beter then witch trainer but not by much haha. Still great work


does anyone know how to install the game


how do i complete the challenge "my seamstress waifu"


Anyone know how to get Jafar to Re-open the brothel?


Is there continuation after the appearance of Aladdin? I am very anxious to see what happens next (Sorry google translator)


Just finished PT gold and I have to say: Great game. But the ending really bothers me, even with the secret ending, like I genuinely feel bad for Jasmine, I wish I can do right for her somehow. So did Akabur confirm anything about the seconed game? Like will it happend, I really want to know. I felt like a monster after seeing the wedding tbh


Great job