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The release finally happened. Quite a few bugs were reported already. The biggest one is the not working music room and the Jasmine doll getting stuck on the screen after you fiddle with the "Only address yourself as..." and use "direct input".

All and all I am just glad it finally happened. The release I mean... Although it doesn't feel nearly as euphoric as I thought I would... You know when you decide to refrain from having sex or jerking off for a long period of time for whatever reason? And then when you finally do it it sort of feels like a chore... 

Well in any case, I hope you guys have fun playing the game. 

My website is still down, but I didn't contact my hosting provider yet because you guys will just crash it again right away, won't you? :) Let's wait a bit and let the hype die down.

Also I found this awesome sculpture, 3D-render thing in my inbox this morning. This proves yet again that my fans, people who support my work are pretty freaking amazing. Thank you for this fanart  Tammuz Onan, you rock man. 

Now do Iris :) Heh, I'm just kidding. ^_^ I am speeches, and I would kill to have this statute in real life :)

Don't forget to check out the pictures as well, in the attachment. 

Now I shall return to my slumber for few more days...


PrincessTrainer_turntable by Tammuz Onan

Dailymotionで PrincessTrainer_turntable by Tammuz Onan から送信された動画 "rubaka" を視聴する。



Damn you Akabur, I didn't sleep at all this night, your game is too good T_T But seriously, I really want to thank you for the great game, I haven't finished it yet, but I really loved the story of Lola, was so emotional, thank you again :)


Hey Akabur where can I download the game?


Great figure, nice to see that your art inspire other artists ^^


I have no idea what I'm missing for the Azalea Route A challenge, I've got everything but it and the final one :(


Torrent: <a href="http://treetorrent.com/torrents/e-princess-trainer-2-01-g-o-l-d.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://treetorrent.com/torrents/e-princess-trainer-2-01-g-o-l-d.html</a> So we can protect the server.

AJ Ferolie

I got a possible bug. I tried to do the have sex option, but she didn't do it since she wasn't at the right level, but the option vanished. I thought this was normal. However I am almost maxed at each now, and sex hasn't shown back up, even though i have her in the brothel. Any way I can fix this? I don't want to revert to a really old save and lose what I did.


Never mind, I'm just dumb as hell


idk it was bug or not but jasmine have only 1 obedience lesson but i can make her naked in house (pubic hair etc) i think she should be more... disobey in this point of game


Another bug with custome outfit pubic hair was on pants not under


Um... I promise you I'm for real. I downloaded the game and first time I tried to run it, it restarted my pc. Second atempt and it made it turn off (had to manually power it on again). I'm running Windows 10, 2x gtx 780 with an i7-4770k and 16GB ram DDR3. Any suggestions? I love your work man and it's probably on my end since nobody else has reported anything similar but I really have no idea of what to do.


I got a bug, after I made Jasmine give me a blowjob for the first time, the option simply disapeared. Now I can just make her feed me, dance for me, jerk me of or let me fuck her, while i cant choose the last option at all, because i only did 1 of the blowjob scenes before :(


I've found a potential solution. It seems that some programs that aren't too well optomised for windows 10 crashes the pc when in fullscreen. Problem is I can't seem to find a file with display settings. I'd love it if someone could help.


Any download links?


Sleep Sleep all you want now !! Don't worry about the euphoria... In my work I do really long projects and I put all my heart into it, But I don't feel good once it's over , only a week after or so i begin to feel relieved I think your brain does not admit it is over ^^


ok, my bad. I actually didnt finish the dancing task compeltely, i was confused because it already shows 04/04 when you didnt finish the last one, so i didnt notice^^ Sorry to bother you, just ignore what I wrote


The routes divide when she ask you if she should do "massages" just for you or for everyone. I belive it happens after 3rd development of store. An now you can tall me how to unlock "stalking rose" option. I have "?????????" when i talk to her.


Do you have any ideas on when you plan to release the final version?


So no one is going to be helpful and explain where to download it?


If you refering to "extended ending" i belevie he was just teasing us ....but if not ... then like 2 years &gt;&lt;


Oh my Fu$% God!! Finally!!!! :') But i'll wait for the finally version without bugs, :)


Congrats on breaking $10,000


how do you get both of azalea's routes. im trying to get all of the challenges and only have azalea route B left


Прошел все что можно, а продолжение будет то в финальной версии? И все же не хватает чего-то в публичных унижениях... мб ещё её можно будет заставить убрать эту накидку на лицо, и что бы она уже от своего имени предлагала свою грудь для теста?


The routes divide when she ask you if she should do "massages" just for you or for everyone. I belive it happens after 3rd development of store.


guys how do you do "rose the waifu" ?


i dunno if it's just me but the scene in nightmare job quest gets cut out.


How do you take both Jasmine and Iris to the Cheapside? Training menus are only thing i can see with no options to take both.


Abakur, have you considered uploading a Jasmine 3d cad file or similar so others can try 3d printing it? Obviously you can't use Shapeways cuz IP laws.


Anyone completed pleasing the mother again quest? and also who has gotten the challenge credit for second chances...?


Fantastic game, man :)


akabur please can i have download for pt gold edition


I'll give you several! ;) princess trainer 2.01 <a href="https://www.google.ru/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&amp;ion=1&amp;espv=2&amp;ie=UTF-8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.ru/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&amp;ion=1&amp;espv=2&amp;ie=UTF-8</a>#newwindow=1&amp;q=princess+trainer+2.01


I'm stuck with "Pleasing the Mother. Again." I bought the cleaning wench outfit from Azalea, but I can't find a way to get Iris to come with me. I just graduated Iris, but haven't done "The Nightmare Job" yet, don't know if that has anything to do with it.


Downloading the game right now!


God it happened... Honestly I feel myself more happy for you, than for the opportunity to play your new game. I will not be able to play it until middle of April or May I think (a lot of job, moving, other private stuff, etc). But I'm really glad that you did it. It's like you just leveled up yourself, man. I'm sure it's a really great game and it will be a biggest pleasure for me to play it. Congratulations Sir Akabur and good luck to you! Cheers! :D *Guys let's call prostitutes and order some cocain. We need to celebrate it!


In pleasing the mother again I can't get the event to trigger to get the painting.??


Try visiting Jafar alone.


Akabur when i open the status screen the shady background on the status screen and makes the top bit a little dark...was it suppose to happen like that? the screen might looked brighter without that IMO


Btw REALLY nice move on the dice game challenge where we wont be able to save before every roll haha!! ..tbh i used to exploit it too on the prev. game but hey i can still save before the dice game starts hehe :3


OOO found a bug.. but how do I send the information to you? anyways the bug is with maslab ...when i load a save, where i have the option either to wrestle ,play dice or leave.....choosing leave after loading the save, i do leave his tavern but his body with the table and speech screen stays in the front....problem i dont knw where i can send a screenshot for u to see hehe :3


Ah made some screenshots to help you out ^_^ .. <a href="http://imgur.com/a/FY4LS" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/a/FY4LS</a>


Stuck with the challenge : "Local Weirdo", tells me to visit the tavern x times in the same day but... I'm already at 19980 visists and still no challenge won... Please, help ? Edit : After some time, I crashed the game doing so... would it be that I crashed the counter ? :/ Edit 2 : After the crash, all the challenges have been reset. Edit 3: After the crash, I've relad an older save, then went a day normally, and went to do sport. When the night ended, I was awarded AGAIN all the achievements I've done, Local Weirdo Included, and got 2000 gold pieces again from one of the achievments. Also : When doing errands, some time there is a mission about a man job, with a +2 next to us if we do it personnaly, but we are only awarded with 1 point when we do it.


you only have to go 10 times, but challenges are only completed after you slept


Heya Akabur! I got some sort of bug I think? Otherwise, awesome game! ^^ *MAY CONTAIN SPOOILER* I have gone pretty far in the game, but Iris won't appear anywhere anymore, last I saw of her, was after the steal. She is not at the tavern or the brothel. How to fix this, is there a certain order quests need to be done for everything to work properly?


hey, how did you re-open the red pheonix? i've been stuck on this quest for 3~ hours now and no new dialogue has opened up, i have tried every dialogue with every character available 10 times in a row and nothing new yet, don't know if its a bug or not.


guys ho to open daytime events?


I had a similar confusion, somehow options you cant pick just go invisible. You either have to make her do other obidience tests more first or she has to visit more classes.


how to open the brothel: Tak to Jafar, he will give you a permit, you can pick it up 2 or 3 days later for 100 gold. Then just go back to the brothel at night and give the permit.


Hey just ended the game, but I thought we were supposed to be able to defeat Jafar with IRIS? Do something with that bird iago? Or is that not released yet??


Is there no way to bang rose at the academy?


I waited for this day since I first laid hands on your Princess Trainer. I can't describe how happy I'm right now. Thank you so much Akabur for bringing us that much joy. Now take yourself some days off you earned it!


Ok, so here's my problem: I run the game, my screen goes black (loading the game I guess). My pc's CPU fan goes cazy, then my pc either shuts down or restarts. I've read up on this and found that it's probably a driver issue. I have also found that if I could just get it to run in window mode it would most likely work. Problem is, I can't change the setting from within the game as it makes my pc turn off instantly. I can't seem to find the display settings in the files (because I'm not much of a programmer). So if you could maybe tell me where to change that I'd be very happy! :) Love your work man! I just wish I could take part in your latest and maybe greatest creation.


Hi Akabur, 1) Great game! really! 2) bug1: jasmine fully trained, go to JSG school, click on train her again, game crash 3) bug2: jasmin "tits on plate 1" , Lily give me 200g, amout of gold is now 200g (before i have couple of thousands) hope i help :)


Ok so, i completed the game in a full day (epic length) i am about to do a replay cause i didn't unlock a couple of stuff yet. I noticed there are bride outfits, so is there an event when you marry one of the girls?


Isn't it a bit strange for Jasmine to agree to sweep floors naked in front of a landlord when she still has a maxed purity level?


CAN CONFIRM MAJOR BUG! - Need to steal painting with Jasmine and Iris, cannot get Iris due to "Graduating" option always overriding chat vat night, Iris is never around during day despite having outfit. Cannot cancel quests or accept new one, sadly game breaking and locked out of all progress... *See Below all sorted. Always treated the house as a sub menu for stats during day. Surely sending Jasmine to clean house would be a more fitting location for trigger? Thanks Antor18


Isn't it a bit strange for Jasmine to agree to sweep floors naked in front of a landlord when she still has a maxed purity level?


Not to mention that you can see her naked thanks to the wardrobe option as soon as she loses 1 point in purity... In the original game seeing Jasmine naked was something you had to earn. I don't know if it is possible to fix that, anyway I thought it worth reporting.


AND! In "Lola Night Dates" in tavern, she ask about "how is Iris in bed" before Iris start working in brothel,


hye not sure if you uploaded it or not but someone uploaded princess gold trainer <a href="http://hentaifromhell.org/game-princess-trainer-gold-v2-01/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://hentaifromhell.org/game-princess-trainer-gold-v2-01/</a>


I just finished it (100% completion yay) It was awesome!!!So we can expect the next part in a month right?


update bug.. when ever I completed an daily event lily gives me money but it erases ALL the money i had.. I had around 4k moneys and then lilly gave me 1000 for tits on a platter.. all my money was gone except for the 100 lily gave me


What next part? akabur want add something more to GE? or u talk about bugfix?


Just beaten the game twice with all challenges and I enjoyed it! the challenge I had the most problems with was "My seamstress waifu" to figure out how to get "The route A" with Azalea, cause it meant to be honest and rude with her which is a bit tainted of hypocrisy cause in fact all we want, is to f**** her... frankly I prefer "The route B" much perveted! Azalea's quest was a very good surprise for me, one of my favorite actually! but "my favorite" is Lola's quest, all you have to do to finally have her! but she definitly worth it! the sex's stage are great! just too bad there isn't doggy style, seeing more butts drawn by talented Akabur. Must admit I'm not a fan of Jasmine nor Iris... their stages/story are nice but less interesting and not as developped as Lola's, from my point. now I can only dream for a Princess Trainer 2 in a few years... the end of the game even extended, didn't give a lot of clue... well to conclude I would just say that Game is just like a love's session, a lot of preliminaries for a few moment of climax... thanks Akabur!


Here's something which I just ran into (excluding the bugged Jasmine rendering that appeared due to the manual input bug, which I forgot about in my masturbatory trance): After going through both Azaelea routes, and getting both challenges, I saved each route in different files, then went to sleep. Today I discovered that the challenges weren't there initially, even though I remember getting them pre-save. This is however not a game-breaking bug as sleeping away the day seemed to fix it (on both saves). Anyhow, I tip my post ironic meme fedora to you Akabur, as I am enjoying this game even after an angry default Jasmine got stuck to my screen late in my run through the game.


Stuck at "dream job", Iris appears from time to time when I order Wine, but i just can't make her feel better, help ? EDIT : Forget it, I'm stupid.


How do I unlock challenge 8 and 11. I assume challenge 8 is unlocked when you complete during new game+? Route A Azalea how is that achieved?


basically by being brutally honest telling her that what her mother did was whoring and encourage her to NOT end up like her mother, fucking costumers for sales.


Please make this statue so I can buy it! Shut up and take my monies!


Nice one