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Well this was a surprise. Apparently the majority of you don't mind the public stuff at all. Oh, almost forgot: welcome to the Monday Post - the safest space on planet earth!

The Results. Both Patrons-Only and Public polls show pretty much the same result: only about 12% of people are strongly against the public stuff. That's a very good result. Way better then I expected. Opens up some interesting possibilities :)

Worry not though. Like I said last Monday I don't plan to make any drastic changes in the way SC34 is being told. For now I will stick to the "private route" only as always. And if I do include any "public" content I will make sure to make it optional or skipable. 

That being said, it's good to know that the majority of you is totally fine with more hardcore stuff because that is definitely something I would like to explore eventually.

The games. I am 50 hours+  in the Age of Calamity. Having a lot of fun. I never played a (Musou) warriors game before, had no idea they were this addicting. Also I really enjoy the story of AoC, way more than I thought I would. ^_^

P5S. Making some progress. Loving my time with the game, but Age of Calamity is taking the priory at the moment.

FAST RMX. This game was in my wishlist since the dawn of time. Supposedly it's very good. I don't have the time to play it right now, but it just went on sale with a 50% off, I have got to pick it up.

Fantasy Tavern Sextet -Vol.2. It has been finally announced and drops in January. I will be picking it up for sure since I really enjoyed the first one ^_^

And finally the work. This was a good week. I managed to get a lot of stuff done. Only one major CG is left. I hope to be done with it by next Monday. ^_^ This ep will have more art assets then any of the previous ones.  I think you gonna enjoy it a lot. Thank you for your support and your trust in me, bros.

That's it. Thank you for taking part in the poll. I hope you are doing well and I'll see you all next week. Oh and Merry Christmas and all that :)




Merry Christmas, BroWaifu <3


Merry XXXMas =D


Cool that there is going to be future public options, and Age of calamity is awesome, especially impa who has a giant ninja army that obliterates waves of enemies.


There's probably a strong correlation between people who liked your work in the past which heavily featured public routes and people liking you enough to give you money. ^^

Trevor Bond

It's easy to trust in someone who's proven an able storyteller lol! And yes, properly done Musou games are time-eaters! So, because next monday is later, Merry Christmas to you!

John Hall

"Age of Calamity"? Sounds like someone has made a game about the Covid-19 pandemic! :)

morris ridgeway

Merry Christmas to you and Happy Solstice Day. Thank you for all you do.


Okay, keep up the pace, good luck with your games and your work! And of course have wonderful holidays!


The only circumstance I would have considered letting another dude have access to Genie's Harem of Galactic Preservation would have been letting Professor Snape have access to Hermione. The results of this poll are just another example of how disappointing 2020 has been.


Yeah, Impa is a lot of fun. I also like the old mummy monk dude. ^_^


Belated Merry Christmas to you too, Trevor ^_^ Thank you for your support!


Yeah, a Covid-19 themed Warriors game. We need to contact Koei Tecmo and sell them this idea.


Noted. -_- Don't worry though, like I said, this poll was mostly for my personal curiously reasons.