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Hello, dudes. How is life? Amazing and great I hope? Year 2020 is coming to an end. What a horrible fucking year this was... But hey, you never know, year 2021 could be even worse. And on this optimistic note, let us begin! ^^

The work. This was an a good week. I managed to get plenty of stuff done. Still working on the art assets. Still have a lot to do. Ep.12's story will be the stuff of legends: multiple characters and story arcs will be getting long awaited development. 

"LoveKami -Divinity Stage-". Randomly and abruptly, let's talk games... I must say this freaking game has some really obnoxiously sexy CGs. No, seriously I can't believe I actually legally bought it on E-Shop. This fact alone is a good reason for me to worship goddess big N.  

Age Of Calamity. 35+ hours in. The story got seriously epic. Love it! Also LOVE the music! "Chapter 6: Relentless as a Waterfall" (Akalla citadel fight), when you enter a battle and the choirs starts... damn... I replayed that mission three times already simply because it makes me feel like such a BOSS!

P5S: The Phantom Strikers. Played for about 4 hours. The progress is slow, since I have to consult the dictionary a lot. As for the game itself - it's absolutely fantastic, as expected :)

The Poll. Now let's talk business. I have a serious question to ask you all. But first, please note that this is a public poll, but I am also making a second post with the same poll, but only for the Patrons. So if you are a patron make sure to vote there as well. I want to get the answer first from everyone (patrons and regular joes) and then from my patrons only and compare the results. The question is as follows...

THE QUESTION: How do you feel about "public routes" in the story? Let me elaborate. Up until now I was very careful with SC34's happenings to make sure that the only male character interacting with the girls (in a family friendly manner) is Genie. I don't mind continuing to handle the story that way, but at the same time this restriction limits the amount of fun stuff we could use the girls for. For example it could be interesting letting the turtles go all the way with April, or maybe taking Jasmine to a homeless shelter to cheer up the underprivileged citizens of Agrabah. But I can't do stuff like that because I know it will rub some people the wrong way. So the question is this: what's your opinion on sharing a girl for greater H-Energy gains?

P.S. Keep in mind that I plan to stay the same course with SC34 no matter the outcome of the poll. Nothing will change. For now I just want to know the opinion of the majority. And maybe have a small discussion, but that's it.

End of the post. Hugs and kisses. See you next week. (Now go cast your vote).


Trevor Bond

I mean, all things can work for the best in moderation right? And it's not like it's out of character for SOME of them.


I have to say that I'm confused. There have been public scenes prior to this...for example, the Lara scenes where Lara is taken advantage of by her party guests or the computer programmer are some of my favorites.


April could certainly make her coworker's motivation program more vigorous, as well as providing extra entertainment at company functions/office parties ^^


IMHO, it's okay, but from a porn perspective it's not as good as lesbian stuff or interaction with the MC. A well-written, funny or interesting scene will be enjoyable, but if the point of the scene is fap material I'd prefer to not have a bunch of random penises suddenly enter the stage. So, I guess my thinking is "OK, as long as the involvement of other men is needed for the story." April going all the way might be a good example of this, there's really no way to fulfill her turtle fetish without, well, turtles. But there's more leeway with other stuff. I'd rather something like "Jasmine humiliation" be done with women rather than men. Why not make her service the residents of a homeless *women's* shelter, or have her be someone else's "special maid", etc. Or just keep her on the ship-- some rope and a blindfold and a pallet of Eco ought to be enough to have her unknowingly service Ashelin, yielding massive H-energy when she later finds out why the rest of the crew is giggling.


Let there be sex and lots of it. Mix it up and keep it interesting...they are only toons after all!


Don't be fooled Akabur, Nintendo are the biggest prudes of the gaming industry.


I'd say - just give us the option to choose like it was with Azalea in PT


Yes ... It is not yet known what next year we can expect, whether it will be the same as this one, or better, or maybe worse ... who knows ... but I would not want to! Sigh..


I can't vote because I'd like to have another option. There's characters that I wouldn't mind throwing to the public route, but others strictly to MC. I know this is about SC34, but a good example would be princess trainer. Jasmine could f off and do whatever, kinda urked that Iris was not exclusive to MC but understood why, and Lola... Hoh, nobody laying their hands on Lola except for MC. While I have my own opinion, trying to abide by this opinion makes too much work due to needing to draw different paths for each character. Of course this opens up ntr for those who want it.


Why not do what makes You excited and interested? Your works are great and I think the result will be at its best when you’re doing what you really like to do and challenging yourself. Have as much fun with your projects as you can and I think it will show and transfer to the people who enjoy your works.