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Before I begin. Go visit luk's patreon page. Without his sacrifice this release would've been postponed for another week. https://www.patreon.com/posts/43122736 

Sup, bros. How is life? I'll keep this one short. Episode 11 download links has been sent out to all the active patrons. As usual, you guys have till Monday to test the thing and report bugs/typos.

The time. I just counted my posts since the previous episode release. It's been 23 weeks. So basically, 5+ months... I guess that's what happens when you don't try to rush things. Also during that time I also illustrated that "Blue Balls and Necromancy" story, but still... Dammit, 5+ month is way too long... *Sigh*

About. With this episode I tried a less stressful approach. I took extra time to ad additional choices and implement ideas I would not normally. I also spent extra time on additional art variations.

Details. Also I got a complaint from one guy about me skipping the ejaculation part lately. Meaning that in Ep10 the sex scenes are directly followed by the aftermath scene. I did that to safe time of course, but in this episode I made sure to illustrate every such instance properly. 

The choices. Because of all the choices this has got to be the biggest episode I've released to date, but at the same time it doesn't take that long to beat, since every time you chose one of the paths you skip the other two. Just keep that in mind please

In conclusion. This was a fun episode to work on. The only thing that brings me down a bit is the development time... -_- 

Win, MAC, Lin. The Android version with all the bug fixes will be included in the public release.

Feedback. Let me know what you thought of this episode. Did it feel like an improvement over the previous ones? Did it feel the same? Did it feel worse? Did you have fun with the choices or did you find them annoying? During this week I will be going thought your comments while preparing for the public release so now is the best time to have you voice heard before I go into the development mode again.

P.S. My email is still the same: akaburfake2@yahoo.com




Good cooking needs time, no? I'm glad you keep alive!


Totally worth the work o7


I haven't even finished the episode yet, but I can confidently say it's one of my favorites! Excellent work, starting off strong with that Ash scene (I do wish Genie could have been rougher with her though, and her less into it and more following orders). I love the choices thing, gives replayability, and I'm happy with the amount of content choices or not! There's not much to nitpick here, I suppose I might comment my thoughts once I finish the whole thing on the public release. Should probably mention that I love the April storyline for this episode as well. All in all this was well worth the wait!


hell yeah brother


THAT CLIFFHANGER. THIS IS TORTURE. JUST WHEN I STARTED TO CAME ALONG, I saw this "To be continued..." text. I feel soooooo blue-balled. [Aside from that, everything else went amazingly well. I still love your 4th wall breakings and you inside jokes. I still prefer Episode 10, though, because it had the BEST GIRL in it and because nostalgia ^^' Great episode, it was worth the wait in every way :3 ]

DJ Quinn

Y'know, since you're enjoying Trails of Cold Steel so much, I kinda hope you'll add one of the girls from it to SC34 at some point ;P Maybe after playing through 3 and 4? Speaking of, I'm so hyped for 4 in a couple days...!


Great work man, you are the best!


In the scene with the AF2000 April's name label somtimes appear smaller. Also, nothing new in the store - is that normal?


One small bug. The last costume for April is not accesable for her clothing doll. But I like this episode because of the choices. You can play it again and again and have a different experience. Thank you very much.


I'm surprised you think I didn't go hard enough on Ashelin. Your feedback is noted though. But come on, it was her first time with Genie and all :)


I am about to start CS3 in a few days, as for the 4th one I will wait for the Switch release.


Yes it is normal. As for the April's name, gimme a screenshot or it didn't happen.


Thank you for your feedback. And you're I completely forgot about April's outfit. I'll fix that in the public release.


Check you inbox.


I usually don't say this kind of crap... but, so far it's the best b-day present :) And now the feedback part: Episode itself - good, but I really concern about one part of the game - grind, we need to get money through activities - trade them on stars during the shows - and with stars, we can continue the story. Both activities and shows almost didn't update for 2 years, not to mention they had mini-story and it would be nice to know how they progress and concluded.


I just want to say that I follow many other projects that have multiple month development cycles like you do but you handle your community much better. Typically these other creators give us monthly updates at best and half of the time they even skip those. Mainly I just wanted to say that I really do appreciate the weekly updates that you provide (even if you basically say nothing) and I hope that you continue what you've been doing going forwards.


Check your inbox.


Hello Sir Akabur. Nearly four year patron here with my input on the new release. Pros: No major bugs that I noticed, thats a good thing. Art work is excellent, as always. The humor had me cracking up, like usual. The ways you come up with to humiliate the girls and make sexytime with them are always enjoyable, and this release was no exception. Cons: the space combat scene and associated mechanics were, IMHO, meh at best. I feel like in H-games, this type of stuff is way overdone, so if its going to be included, it should be given some sort of injection of ingenuity(i.e. sexiness) to make the player feel engaged (i.e. turned on) while playing it. For instance, if the player controlled L.O.L.A and she gradually suffered clothing damage, or H-attacks or something along along those lines. I dunno... just something other than little unsexy spaceships doing turn based combat. Also, I miss the sandbox elements of your older games. I get the desire to do an episodic release format to keep people engaged, but it seems like the game started off in one direction, then switched and now feels a bit disjointed. Not in a terribly bad way, but just....off. It almost seems like the game really needs sort of a recharge (not a remake) just to get some of the earlier loose ends tied up, like the chibi animations and stuff I mean, I still love your work and my patronage isn't going anywhere, just offering my view on it. I'll leave a few more pros so I don't seem like to much of a dick: SC34 is still one of my favorite games out there because of the care that you've taken to give each girl her own unique personality, and have actually stuck pretty well to each one with out too many deviations. Also, I have stayed a patron so long in part because your Monday posts are one of my favorite things to do each week. I appreciate you're dedication to keeping your patrons informed of your projects and that you even make it a point to post if you don't have too much to say. I can't tell you how many other devs I've given up supporting because they go months without a peep. Keep it up bro! Look forward to the next release! Salute!


Hm... Sorry, are you saying you didn't get the links or...? 0_o


This was well worth the wait! The art was well done as always and the choices were fun to play through. Your humor is what gets me! I have yet to find works other than yours that makes me consistently laugh. Thank you for the consistent updates during the making as it made the wait more bearable!


Dang. I was hoping skipping the jizz scenes was a new standard. I'm fine with not watching dudes blow loads, personally.


Still cant play the game on my PC in fullscreen. I have two monitors, one of them is 2k. Game just kinda stretches over two screens. It is persitent over all episodes of Star Channel, other RenPy games lack that issue.


There you go, a good example of different strokes for different folks, and me in the middle trying to please everyone...


You should be able to fix that by messing around with your graphics card settings. If that doesn't work you could also just run it into a windowed mode and stretch it out manually.

Trevor Bond

I'm fine with a longer dev time if it means the developer doesn't end up crashing into a pile of nerves and caffeine!

John Hall

Great episode! In the final scene, Jasmine says "Guys, you remember Princes Trainer right?" You should be able to spell the name of your own game. :) If it HAD been Prince's Trainer, it would have been a very different game! Oh, and one little thing that's always bugged me. Only a king or queen should be called "Your Majesty". A prince or princess should be called "Your Highness". I'm a Brit, so I know this stuff. :)


Nice one, I do like having more game in my game. Both the shooting stuff as a break and to make you feel like you 'earned' the stuff later on, and having choices in the dialogues instead of being a spectator mindlessly smashing next. I hope you can keep that up. the vibration sound was a bit obnoxious tho.

Yuu Yi

Loved the episode, I understand why but still sad to see the outfit options for Azalea, Lola, and Maslab to go. No bugs I noticed, but am curious about page 2 of the Gallery the third across and third down is a question. Can you give a clue or hint to this one?


New patron, can I get the download still


Woo, thanks for all your hard work, Akabur!

Baron Ned

Finished the update a few hours ago, 10/10 great update! Well worth the wait.


just finished but notice no new wardrobe despite the preview saying an outfit was unlocked. glitch or is text wrong?


Fun episode all in all. The addition of the ship combat was great fun. And I enjoyed the multiple choices. I do hope we get more of the base game mechanics in the next update. More episodes to record for the girls. More dancing/stripping/special. (Oh special you have been neglected for so long.) And some actual items in the shop again would also be wonderful. I don't think the shop had had a single use for 6 or more episodes which is a damn shame. I get driving the plot forward but it seems to come at a cost to the basic functions of late and that is a bit worrying.


OK, pledged Lyk. Only partway through the new episode. I played the sim room stuff first, it was fun! Nice way to outsource some content and still keep the regular look & feel. Making it happen in odd scenarios (fantasy worlds and such) makes the inevitable difference in dialogue style less noticeable, so well done. Some feedback: The more choices thing worked for me. I was afraid it would impact the plot quite a bit so I’d have to chug through a bunch of playthroughs, but for the most part it followed the familiar Akabur formula of tweaking the dialogue without actually altering the plotline. I *like* that model, since it is a ton of fun but doesn’t hide significant content. All in all it was good, but I’m not sure it added enough value to spend a ton of time on it. If I was given a choice between this much choice-heavy content and twice as much more-linear content, I’d choose the latter. *warning some mild spoilers below* Speaking of content, ton of it this update. Inclduding lots of little CGs—- thanks for that! Good solid amount of fresh gameplay. Some of it was pretty sexy, in particular the long-awaited Ash/Lara/Genie scene. I hope that gets explored a lot further. And speaking of *that*, as a huge fan of lesbian scenes: in response to Jasmine’s closing request, I’d love to see her have an arc where she is punished for something by being a sex toy for the other girls in the crew— and if the other girls don’t want a sex slave, then so much the better for H-energy. Perhaps a good way to put that in would be to create a new stage #3 event (as an alternative to Webcam Show) where some of the other girls dominates Jasmine in a chibi-show. That way you wouldn’t need to do all the dialogue and CGs (although it would be amazing if you did, of course). Even in chibis a Jasmine on her knees servicing Hermione would be hawt as hell……


I'm glad you mentioned the battle. I know it was rather rudimentary, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. And I hear your suggestions and agree with pretty much everything, shop included. My resources are limited so I have to prioritize, but I hear you and will see what I can do in the future...


Thank you for the detailed feedback (holly hell). And HUGE thank you for supporting, Lyk. The choices thing was there to help steer the scenes slightly not block you out of certain marts of content. I'm glad it worked exactly like that for you. Also I hear you about the pros and cons of more choices and linear stuff, I will think on this some more as I work on Ep12. Funny you should mention web-show with two girls since it was my plan since day one. The idea was to let the player choose the girls he wants for the two-girl shows, for example a strap-on sex show and you get to chose the participants. Pulling this off proved to be extremely time consuming (even with chibis) so I eventually shelved the though. I hear you about Jasmine and all that stuff. I'll think on this. Thank you for your support. ^^


Enjoyed the update. Not totally sure which options give other content. Would REALLY like you to introduce potions again, especially big tits and ass for the whole crew!!!!!!


hey akabur after completing the alien fleet mission I get an alert for a story mission but it's blank not sure if it's an error or not and when i try to get the video scenes it's also blank and hermoine's webcam is not working


I've managed to go to a previous save and that fixed the issue overall great update with lots of choices just wondering when selecting webcam shows i see hermoine's portrait but i can't seem to select her


New patron, can I get the download still?


Dude can u drop to me too?


New patron, can I get the download still? Pretty pls Senpai


Not on bug patrol today, just wanted to say you really knocked it out of the park with this one! I've only replayed a couple of episodes up to now, but with the added choices I already know I'm gonna go back for another run or two


Can i get one too? Thanks


Hey hey, new patron. Can I get a download link =D


Hey Akabur, love your work! This episode was really cool and well done. I’ve been a fan of your art for ages and I still remember the first piece of yours I ever saw was your flut flut farm comic. Ever since Ashelin was added I was wondering if something like that was going to be in this too, especially with how she was so okay with doing stuff with Daxter because he’s ‘just an animal’. But after the bit in this last episode with Genie avoiding the option to have Ashelin do it with Daxter because of bestiality, I was wondering if you planned to not put more of that kind of stuff in star channel 34? I think using her acceptance to do stuff with daxter would be a great way to get more stuff like that with her in, and a reference to your flut flut comic would be brilliant. Totally up to you, of course. Thanks a million for all the great content. As always, Akabur rules!


Patron has very strict rules against bestiality, incest and rape. So any of this can not be used in works, which are on this platform. Even imaginary beasts like Bronx (Gargoyles) have led to problems with Patron.


happy to have Ep. 11, dont stress about how long it took. you kept us in the loop and in the end I would prefer you release things when you feel they are ready instead of just pushing something out


Хэй Ак ! Слушай, а ты планируешь продолжать сцену с Ларой и группой богачей? Не знаю почему, но тот арт, где её лапают за задницу для меня все еще самый горячий, очень ждал продолжения =) Будет?


Yes, the plan is to continue that story thread eventually. Hopefully soon.


Though I'm unfashionably late to this party, I couldn't resist dropping by to shout out: hail to the king, baby! Episode 11 raaaaaaawcked, man! It was a return to the good ole grassroots Akabur we know and love. Absolutely brilliant work! 100% fapworthy and 100% meta-psychoticatically funny.


Now I feel all warm in fussy inside. Thank you ^_^ Also that shows me that I was on the right track with that ep. Let's hope next one will be even better :)