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Hi, bros. I hope everyone is alive and well. Welcome to another Monday Post. Your benevolent leader is still around and keeps bringing joy into your life with his high quality Monday Posts. 

The Games. I keep playing ToCS2. And I am starting to think that this game simply has no ending. I mean, come on, I am almost 100 hours in and it kind of does feel like it's almost over, but it felt exactly the same way 10 hours ago. Seriously, there was a chapter called "The Finale" and here I am 8 hours after beating it -- still playing. I absolutely love the game though. Seeing Rean just breakdown like that after the events of the finale (and in front of Towa of all people)... Not gonna lie, that little scene really got to me.

The work. Alright enough with the weeb nonsense, let's review my plan from last week's post and see what I managed to accomplish so far.

- I am almost done coding-in the final event. (DONE!)

- I will be writing "Next Episode Preview" event. (DONE!)

- After that I will be coding it in. (DONE!)

- I will be adding buttons for new outfits. (Not yet...)

- CG galley preview icons and such. (Not yet...)

- I will be putting together the CG gallery. (Not yet...)

- I will be putting together the Holo-Archive. (DONE!)

- I will be arranging the events in order (Not yet...)

- I will be adding sounds and music. (Not yet...)

- I will testing the whole thing. (Not yet...)

It may not look like it, but I actually completed the most difficult and time consuming tasks from that list: creative writing and scene coding. For some time I even thought that I will be able to release Episode 11 next week, but I forgot to factor-in the time Lyk will need to proofread and edit the texts. Well, it is what it is. I am 100% done with all the creative work and can relax for a bit. I will be spending this week coding, communicating with Lyk and such. 

That's it. You've completed this week's Monday Post. Congrats. And I'll see you next week :)



Trevor Bond

Wow, you took a big bite out of your to-do list! I hope you relax some, you've earned it! Good job!

Lord Lorac

Well it was surprising to have another two dungeeons AFTER the final boss... And one playing Lloyd. A bit too long if you ask me, but CS2 was a great game. CS4 is release in a week. Can't wait for it.


Lyk is faster than light when it comes to proofreading. I have faith in next week's release date :D (No pressure, I'm joking, take your time, guys ! I prefer a well-made game with a long development cycle over a half-done rushed one)


The piece of papper picture... that give some kind of artisan ambient I like so much. Have a nice week man, keep safe!


Seems like this episode is going to be a big one. It'll be interesting to see if that's in regards to size or what's happening in the story. Or both. I'm sure I'll have enough work to keep me busy either way. ^^


It's not like I actually counted the lines, but it feels like about 50% bigger then usual. I don't think it will necessarily translate into longer play time for the player since there will be a lot of extra choices and that means extra text for you to work through...


Well... Shit. But I guess that's how I earn the cool patreon neetbux. ^^


What a delight to read about your successes in ToCS2))) Glad you like it ... Yes, try to relax for a while.