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Hello. This is me - your benevolent leader. I am here today to share another amazing piece of educational material with you. Go download it and share it with you family and friends. 

 Thank you for all the bugs and typos reported over the week. Here is a list of things that's been fixed:

- A number of typos.

- Lola's slavegirl outfit has a proper phrase now.

- Azalea's outfit selection button fixed.

- A list of all the title screen illustrations  added to the CG gallery.

- L.O.L.A. pantiless version added.

EDIT: Actually forgot to add L.O.L.A.s pantiless version. Sorry. Will add it with next update.

- Jasmine full nude version added.

- Lara topless mocap suit added. 

And that's about it. I don't feel like talking much. All is good, working on Episode 11. Thank you for your support. -_-

Oh, and you can find the new episode on my itch.io account. 






Probably me being blind and or stupid but i cant find the L.O.L.A. pantiless version


No, I actually forgot to add it. My bad. Next time then :)

Trevor Bond

I want to say by the way, this episode was some of the best writing I have enjoyed in a dog's age.... in almost any medium. I mean GEEZ.... it was so nice seeing the old gang, but watching our old pal the Genie stitch his group back together and help them straighten out their meandering paths? That had some real feels to it man. You help Madder get back to buff, get back in touch with Crocus even, geez you even get Rose back into the group! Loved every minute of it, and I can't wait to see more. And the Thing simroom bit? You chose well, my friend, and picked a real winner!


I'm feeling silly, but where can I find the download link?


"Lola's slavegirl outfit has a proper phrase now" . Could you also add one for L.O.L.A. for C till F options for the Star Channel Reporter skin? Clicking the button just 'refreshes' the page. I usually use option E but was a bit saddened she says nothing, not even "..." or something. As you added a sentence for such a situation for Lola, maybe you'd also consider doing that for L.O.L.A. :)

Austin Hanson

I won’t be able to check it out until tonight so great job ahead of time! I hope you’re doing well during this pandemic.


Legendary Man. It's nice that you still have not abandoned what you are doing. You have created a spark in some to create and imitate. Legendary Man!


Thank you very much for this episode man. The amount of content, the storytelling and this GODDAMN HUMOUR... I always laugh out loud when your own characters mock you as their creator or when the plot is just too convenient and when the game doesn take itself to seriously and so on and so on... but as usual, it makes me feel a bit sad once I finish an episode... your games get the players so heavily immersed that it always feels too soon. Oh the blessed souls that one day will be able to play through the whole experience from beginning to end... that being sad, let's hope this journey never ends. Thank you very much, buddy. You're doing us all an indescribable service.


LOL Aka just exposed himself to the public and he didn't even get paid...


where is Episode 10.02 cheats?


There are no cheats for this visual novel. You can make money when you send the girls on stage and stars by sendig them on missions.


"EDIT: Actually forgot to add L.O.L.A.s pantiless version. Sorry. Will add it with next update." .........NOOOOoooooo WHHhhhhhyyyy?!?!!


Hmm. Did anything change in the Android requirements? My (yess OLD) tablet with version 5.1.1 does not want to install the APK (had no issues until IX)


cool shit my dude :D im halfway done with it i think im at the point where rose sings to the guard inspecting stuff no spoilers and i kept hearing do right like other men do song so i looked it up because it sounded familiar :D i heard that song in fallout 4 i think :P good shit man good shit keep up the good work :P your faithfull non paying critic :D


I'm happy you enjoy this episode, man. Also this is the song Jessica Rabbit sang in the movie ;)


Congratulations my dude and thank you for your awesome work! \(^_^)/ Now I know, how I will spend my weekend (>_>)

Michael M.

Lola's "Daddys Slut" Alternative outfits (B,C,D,E) dialogue has the same dialogue as the slave girl outfit right after she says she's daddy's slut but outfit A is just the Daddy's slut line.


The download link on the site does not work:(


I don't see star channel34 anywhere on itch.io why don't you post it on hentai foundry may be or Mega or Google Drive.


Comment like this keep me going. Thank you for taking the tame to write this, man. You made my day.


You did it. You crazy son of a bitch, you did it. You gave us a sequel to Princess Trainer (well, sort of)! Loved the new episode, man. Absolutely brilliant! You do realize that you're creating the Leisure Suit Larry games we never had (but always wanted), right?


Heh... Thanks. Reading stuff like that makes me way happier then it should ^_^ I guess I am just glad all the time I spent on this episode resulted into some positive wibes. Thank you for your support, man.


No idea. I am not the one packing the Android version. But if I were to guess it should work just fine -_-


Sharing it on itch.io saved me a ton of time. If you still can't find it - just drop me an email - I'll upload it to mega for you :)


Well not a sequel. More like a very long epilogue ^^ Thank you for your kind feedback. I'm happy you enjoyed this one ^^


Another great episode, sir. Now i feel like giving princess trainer another go through. Also a huge thumbs up for loose cannon's work. He really did a great job and captured your style perfectly. You chose the right guy. Keep up the good work, you mad genius.


The Most "Feels" episode yet and i loved it.


I've tested everything in the Personnel files and came up with these smalls things (not mentioning the one from L.O.L.A. as you already fixed that one for the next version): 1) Ashelin's 8th outfit doesn't do anything when you speak to her, none of the versions. The slave outfit. 2) The B version of Ashelin's outfit that can be semi-transparent results in the A version when you talk to her whilst wearing it (the outfit itself, not the dialogue). 3) Selecting option B for the JGSA outfit of Lola, when talked to whilst wearing it, it has some part in the conversation about being a slave, which seems to be slave outfit text. 4) Same goes for options B till E, of her slut outfit. Talking to her whilst having it on, she also says the lines of the slave outfit conversation. Hope this helps 😊


This Ep solidified Lola as best girl. Legit would pay money for a "Lola trainer" or a singular EP for just her.


Hm... An Episode dedicated to breaking Lola, huh? I'll keep that idea in mind.


1) Will fix. Thank you for letting me know. 2) Is supposed to be like that. This is supposed to imply that she just covers herself up. 3) Will fix. Thank you for letting me know. 4) Will fix. Thank you for letting me know. ^_^


So far my favorite Episode. Mostly because i love the Princess Trainer, and its connects the Universe way better now. The Old Man gets his own kinda franchise... I wanna see if my guess for Ep11 will be true, if yes it will be fun as hell. KEEP GOING AKABUR!