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Hi, bros. So yeah, Episode 10 it took me exactly 3 months. Personally I am (almost) content with this time frame. Ideally I try to aim for a 2 months development cycle but this was a very special episode that took some extra work on my part. 

Oh, and if you are patron and did NOT receive a link to the beta build - let me know. Public release is next week as usual. There had been some problems with the android version so I wasn't able to include it into the beta build. But if all goes well I hope to send out the android build to you tomorrow. Oh, and I absolutely love this episode's cover art DAHR created for us ^_^

Also I watched "Starship Troopers: Invasion" last night.  The story got a bit silly towards the end. But all the women in this one are gorgeous and there is even some nudity and also that music theme from the original movie still gives me goosebumps. Will be watching "ST: Traitor of Mars" tonight. ^^

The discussion. Feel free to discuss Episode 10 in the comments. I am curios to see what you guys thought of it since it was so different from all the previous ones. This episode was a big undertaking for me personally. Considering how well-known Princess Trainer is by know, going back and messing with those characters again was a bit daunting. Also I had to cut a lot of corners with this one to make sure it get's released in this century. I toyed with an idea of breaking this episode into two parts at first, but ultimately decided it would work much better as one story shipped all at once. Anyway, I hope you'll have fun with it. 

That's it. I'll go play some SWTOR now.





Awesome way to start the week


I can't wait to see what the BEST GIRL has to offer now [s]he's back <3

Baron Ned

The monday post comes (1 hour) early! Even when we know what to expect you can still suprise us Akabur!


Lovely! And as usual, I'll make replies to this comment if/when I notice any spelling/grammatical errors.


Akabur playing SWTOR again? Daaaaamn, that's the good stuff. Have fun!


Agrabah is my home 1. Maslab: "Thought I lost my only brother". Not wrong, but sounds a bit odd to me. I'd like "I thought I'd lost". ??? ??? ???: "What's going here?". Should be: "What's going on here?".


One of the more fun episodes to edit.

Trevor Bond

Shall be getting and playing promptly! Awesome! And hey, 3 months isn't bad turnover!


ok, i just downloaded it and launched the game, i'll start this lovely adventure right now, but i have to say first, the cover art is amazing! Lara is the best here ;) Thank you Akabur, and DAHR too :D

Yuu Yi

I just finished the episode and all I can say is thank you so much. All the wonderful memories that you created and being able to see and meet everyone again is amazing. I cannot wait for the next episode and thank you again for all your hard work.

Yuu Yi

One possible error I found was when I hit the speech bubble with Lola's Slave outfit on the screen flashes as if there should be dialogue but there isn't any.


Yosh! Let's Rock ...I want a clear pic from menu T-T


Yeah, I renewed my subscription last month and log in every couple days for a couple hours. It's a great game, can't help myself ^^


I'm happy you think so. But I still want to at least aim for a 2 months window.


I know. It's not related to the story much of course. I just asked Dahr for a Princess Trainer themed cover art and he dropped that bomb on me. Absolutely fanatic illustration. You guys should now go harass him to draw those costumes for the game :)


hey I didn't get the link to the new episode would appreciate it then ill give the best feed back.

Sid Santos

Come on you apes, YOU WANNA LIVE FOREVER!!!


I'm on the "prison break 3" and Lola is captioned as L.O.L.A. - is that intentional?


Hi there, I didn't get the link


I am a new patron.... Can I get a link too?


Thank you man for fulfilling the promise, you are the best !!


Hey AKABUR i didnt get a link to the new build


I have no words to describe the feeling I have after finishing the episode. I am speechless. Literally. I can't say how much I loved it, how it took me back to the good old days of PT, how bad I wanted PT: GE to be released at the time, how much I played it countless times since then (at least a dozen 100% playthroughs so far). This 10th episode is a masterpiece. It made me -almost- weep in joyful tears [A man has to keep his dignity, doesn't he ?], every character in this episode has its own playtime, the CGs are a complete blast, the scenes are on point, the story couldn't have been better, it took me years back in the past, when I played PT and PT: GE for the first times each. I don't know what's going to happen in the next episode, but if it's at least half as good as this one, I'll enjoy it as much as I did with this one. Thanks you so much for all the feels, all the throwbacks, all the joy and the happiness tears you got out of me, BroWaifu. I mean it. That was the best thing that happened to me as a gamer since the release of Dishonored almost 8 years ago. Thank you with all my support and all my brotherly love. I mean it. Now I can -almost- die in peace [I have to see the next episode first, but you got the picture :P ]


I did not get the link


HI ! Can i have the link plz ! Forgot to renew my payment after i lost my card...


Nope still nothing?


Yes I just got thanks ill start playing it!


No link, excited to see your work as always.


Are you going to release it for Android? Next week


I am a new patron.... Can I get a link too?


I hope to sent out android version to you guys tomorrow actually :)


Oh cool


LooseCanon's story was pretty good. Parody of my favorite movie, can't ask for more. I hope he will contribute again with some writing !


Hey Akabur, I'm a bit late for the party, but I just wanted to thank and praise you for the amazing job you did in the last Hermione/Hogwarts focused episode. It was a masterpiece showcasing great pacing, your signature humour and provocative designs all in a neat package. I'm an ass man, I love your interpretation/design of Hermione and I love your sense of humour, you had all 3 aspects in spades at the same time throughout the episode. Thank you very much for your awesome work!


SWTOR is quite an interesting role-playing game. Have fun. Regarding episode 10, I'm glad that you yourself are pleased with the result.

John Hall

The episode is great fun, and made me laugh out loud several times. And once or twice it was surprisingly touching. I think you managed to confuse yourself having L.O.L.A and Lola in the same episode, though, as quite a few lines of Lola's dialogue were labelled "L.O.LA". :)


hi akabur , im mahdiyar that persian guy in today stream. i want to know , how i can have conversion with you about translate the game???


My PC is dead and no android for me, I am sad


I've had a lot of fun playing the episode, it felt really nostalgic and heartwarming to see the entire old gang interact :D, cgs weren't really my thing but humor and plot made up for it. I missed girls from the ship tho. As for the bonus sim room episode, I didn't like it at first, was even ready to drop it and just write some mean things about it here but after halfway through it got a lot better, jokes started to land and I think this loose canon dude made the best he could with only character sprites at hand. Having said that I think that those bonus episodes can get boring really quickly if they will always be restricted to sprites only, there just ain't much to do with them. Oh and that quote greatly summarizes my feelings for next episode https://i.imgur.com/hcROzQa.png


Hey, I just become a patron, can i have link for this episode please :)


I've loved every chapter of this game, and always make sure to say so loudly and proudly. But this chapter I mostly found myself skipping. I can't put my finger on exactly what did it, I guess I just didn't really care that much about the old princess trainer cast even though I loved that game, and I would have preferred to just advance the stories of the existing cast. I have no real criticism of the quality of your work or anything like that, but this episode just really wasn't for me. I did get a lot of enjoyment out of that Iris scene at the end though! Keep up the good work, here's hoping for more development with the on-ship characters in the future!


About to download but I just wanted to say thanks, I honestly look forward to these way more than I do to any mainstream stuff.


This was such a fun chapter, and hnngh 2 Lolas at the same time! And I can fuck at least one of them! It's a dream cum true!

Durzo Shadowborn

So...beautiful. Glad to see the old gang, and in a proper welcome back story too! Can Azaela give the rest of the ship's crew some Agrabah slutwear like in the amazing title screen Dahr made? And can we get Rose's slave outfit back maybe? Real talk though...will we EVER see Dahlia naked? I mean seriously....though I do love that she's rich. Great work Akabur! Can't wait for Ep. 11!!


Excellent. In some of the szenes I cried a little (Lola, Iris) but in a good way. Please keep going.


I could use a link bro


OK, that might have been my favourite one, yet. Enjoyed the Sim room story, as well. I'm a little confused about where Jasmine fits into it, though. Is there another Jasmine in the palace or is it the same character from the ship?


Thank you for all your hard work, AKABUR!


I'm glad you enjoyed that little story. And I'm sure LooseCanon will appreciate your feedback ^^


Thanks dude. I'm happy to hear that. Here is hoping to not disappoint you with the future releases as well :)


I'm glad you liked it ^^ And yeah, having to Lola tags in the script got confusing. I already fixed the wrong naming you mentioned. Won't be present in public release ^^


Hey, dude. Thank you for keeping me company during the stream ^^ Like I said I am not against the idea. If you ever finish your translation - I can even mention it on my post or on my twitter. But that's all I can help you with I am afraid -_- And my email is: akaburfake2@yahoo.com Feel free to drop me a letter.


I hope to release android version later today. There won't be a post though, I'll just sent it out to the patrons.


Well it seems like you enjoyed the episode somewhat at least. One quick question though, when you say you didn't care for the CGs, is it that you don't care for my art is general usually or did you think that this episode's CGs were not up to par?


Got it. I it makes perfect sense for you not enjoy this one if you didn't care for the characters that much. This episode was a super odd one, I do realize that. -_-


I'm happy to hear that. Although main stream stuff does not set the bar very high these days. I hope you enjoyed the episode though :)


Thanks. I went of course with this one, and not everyone seem to appreciate it. But I'm happy you did. ^^


Azalea can't do that. Dahr could I'll try to pester him about it but he is a busy man -_- I can't believe that Rose had that slave outfit. I didn't want to clatter up the crew tab too much so even if I put the slave outfit in for her there would be no way to select it -_- If it were up to be there would be more CGs and more costumes - including naked Dahlia. But the time constraints are real man. 3 months for an episode is as long as I can afford T_T Bottom line: I'm happy you enjoyed the this episode ^^


Thanks man. Yeah, I tried to do those character's justice. I'm glad it landed. Thank you for your support, man.


Yeah I made sure to avoid the whole Jasmine thing since it would mean Genie going on a guilt trip. But yeah the idea is that Jasmine is currently being married to Jafar. Jasmine on the ship is from another timeline. If I ever decide to revisit Agrabah with another episode or something it would probably be about liberating Jasmine from Jafar. Damn, having regural jasmine and broken, post-Princess Trainer on the ship at once could get trippy. Well I am happy you enjoyed this one :)


Well your comment wins a medal for being the nicest feedback I've gotten so far. And it came just in time too. Really made my evening last night. I don't even care if you exaggerate a bit. After freaking 3 months of not being sure if I am doing the right thing or not I just needed to hear that. :) I was hoping that oldschool player would get kick out of this one. I'm so happy you likes it. Love you man, as always ^^


It was great... but :D I feel like next episode will be back to normal on the ship and I'm sure you'll invent something nice, but I'd much rather like a sequel to this one with spaceship girls involved in the Blue Bull brothel. I hoped it was going to be this when Fat Lilly asked for 3 more prostitutes but now I'm not so sure. What can you say about this ?


Damn, we forgot about Hermione, she’s still dressed) And remake the skins after striptease please. Group shows wouldn't hurt)


Did not get a link :)


I have people saying they want another one PT centered episode, I have people asking to never do anything like that again and concentrate on the regural SC34 stuff. What to do what to do :)


Very nice episode and the trip to Agrabah was a lot of fun. That said I hope the next update has more episodes and postings and actual costumes in the shop. (poor shop has been neglected for a while :D ) All these fancy things you do are awesome. But it would be nice to get more of the base gameplay features next time!


became patron few minets ago .....and i need a link


Omg, the BP with I is FANTASTIC Akabur, your art... I completly destroyed my mind with the last scene, love so much.. Keep up the good works !


i wanna link


Just finished the update! Another fantastic chapter, and a lot of nostalgia with all the characters popping up. Looking forward to seeing how and where things go from here!


Did not get a link :(


So many people didn't get the link, it's insane. Patreon is being Patreon as usual -_- Well in any case, I just sent it to you. Check you inbox.


Thanks for the feedback, man. I'm glad you got a kick out of this one :)


Heh... Yeah I was a bit on the fence about the final scene, but I think it makes perfect sense for a girl like Iris. I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^


I hear you. But my main focus right now is regular updates. New game-play features add to the work load. What you are talking about is a path of development hell so many other indy developers are stuck in at the moment. I've been there, it's not fun.


I was not prepared for these feels


Loved this episode! <3 So fun to see everyone again. Now here's me hoping Lola, Iris and Azaela, and maybe even Rose end up on the ship, meeting the rest. The only thing I would've done differently was that I was secretly hoping for some Genie on Rose stuff, or at least the possibiliy for that in the future. Now she's with Mazlab, I do feel genie is a bit of cuck, and NTR (cuckold) is not my thing. That's why I always go the private routes (like I did with Azaela in PT and with Hermione in WT) and not the public ones.


To clarify, it is logical in the story, and I don't mind it went that way, and it's not actually NTR as genie and Rose didn't have any relationship aside from friends, but still. Just take the thing I said above as a big "imho" :)

Chevalier Azur

Seriously man ! Did you make me cry over a family friendly game caracter ! Twice !! I feel so weird... A mix of insanely perversive excitation and sincere feelings... What didi you do to me ???


Can i get a link?


Really great episode! Were do you get these fantasies and stories from :) ? The only problem I have are the display settings that don't work properly on my Windows 10 computer: The "full screen" creates a cut-out of the middle part of the "preferences" window from which the only escape is contr.alt.delete, whereas the "windowed" creates a full screen beneath the bottom computer bar, so that that has to be hidden manually. And it is not possible to switch between "fullscreen and windowed in the normal way in the Windows window (it is greyed out).


The full screen problem seems to be very common. It has something to do with you video card settings or WIN10 screen enlarge setting which is used for high def screens to make sure everything is not super tiny. Anyway it should be easy enough to fix if you know how. Also you can freely resize the window mode to make it almost fullscreen. Also I'm happy you liked the episode ^^


Sorry. I prefer fun family friendly storied but I felt like the tone should be a bit different here. I am happy to hear that you found this episode to be... touching :)


can you send me a link pls??


could i have a link pls : )


Loving the new menu background. Have you ever thought of putting all the different Episode menu backgrounds in an in game gallery?


Your wish is my command. I just spent some time adding the thing. It will be present in the public release next Monday. (In the CG gallery).


Loved this episode and how it felt, great artworks too! The only thing I wouldn't keep for future episodes would be the transitions à la Powerpoint between scenes. A handful of them would have been alright, like an hommage to old films and star wars transitions, but it was too much there. Keep on the good work, and the 3 months time frame is ok to me!


Hm... Alright, I hear you about the transitions. Also I'm glad you enjoyed this ep. Thank you for the support, man. ^^


Where do i get a link?? i found something online but i get somekind of error. The game starts and im at a characters screen where you can change their wardrobe and stuff when i press the back button it gives me error


Great episode. But trying to run new sim-room story just locked sim-room button after intro. Is there some way to continue it? Or is it a bug?


Check your money. You should have at least 100 UC to run the thing.


Great update, I was glad to see Lola back, she's still best girl. Can't wait for the next episode! Also Maslab's story was jsut the spark I needed to start exercising again, so thank you for that too.


I'm happy to hear that. And keeping in shape (at least a little bit) is super beneficial. Personally whenever I start to neglect exercising - my body promptly reacts with neck pains and back pains and all sorts of "awesome bonuses". So I try to keep in shape so that I could then spend more time sitting on my ass drawing and playing video games. Basically exercise to be able to spend majority of my day not moving. The irony XD Anyway, I'm glad you likes this update. ^^


Thanks for this episode. It was great to head back to see all the PT characters again and the story was amazing. And of course all the great art :). The only niggle I had was with the new SIM. It was a good story but I felt it needed a little bit more art. Especially the scene where the Genie and Hermione confronted the possessed April. It was a lot of text and even a static picture of Hermione and April going for it would have added a lot. But it's a minor whine really. Great work as always. :)


Thank you for your feedback. I'm happy you enjoyed this episode. As for the sim room, the idea is for me to have as little involvement with it as possible. If I start diverging my attention from the main story to work on Sim Stories it will slow down the main story development and ruin the purpose of the whole thing. That being said I agree with you still. Currently I am considering hiring and artist to illustrate future side stories... -_-