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Sup, bros! Welcome to another Monday Post. We are slowly closing in on 100. Are you excited? Well don't be, because I'm not planing anything special for that day or anything. Still a 100 is quite a number. I hope we get there safely. Hugs and kisses everyone. Namaste and all that.

The massage. Time to put your tinfoil hats on, dudes! A couple of days ago I was going through my TMNT reference folder and found this screenshot. It took me a while to realize what I was seeing... Take a look at the picture - I marked the points of interest for you. Doesn't it look like that Japanese banner is saying "ANIME"? And right near it is another saying saying "ONE WAY" and pointing directly at the banner! Now let me remind you that this cartoon was released in 1987 by a western animation studio. That's a long time ago. And yet somebody on the team already knew. They predicted our future perfectly! 30 ago they already knew: "Anime is the only way".

To other news. This week was on a rather productive side for me. The RL stuff settled down somewhat and I finally had a chance to just relax and quietly do my thing. Thank you for all the support guys - it gives me a peace of mind.

The work. It's been 5 weeks since Episode 08 was released for the patrons. To be honest I have big hopes for episode 09, so for now see no reason to freak out about the release date too much. As usual, it's coming soon*. 

That's it. I'll wrap it up here if you don't mind. Love you all. Keeping this post short should give me extra time to get some work done this morning. So, I'll go do just that. Till next Monday, bros.

The Gif. Well of course. 




The post is too short :( But I got the secret message now >:)


Nice to hear things are going well, also vid related. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSxKzeYc8ng


Happy to see you keep well, I hope all still the same (or better ) antoher week at least. I didn't know the TNMT were from a Western studio, thank you!


Nice Gif, time flies, 5 weeks already? Many thanks for another great update

Trevor Bond

Interesting bit of tinfoil hattery! Good job! lol. Glad life's decided to keep it short and sweet with the problems! Catch you in a week!


Where is Don ? :D

Jonathan W Bain

Magic surprise message of inspiration! Just remember to keep to heart the words of Douglas Adams when you do your thing in this vast sphere of reality: Don't Panic, and Always keep your towel handy


Just my 2 cents: afaik, even many animation movies that are located/playing in the western environment have been produced in Japan. And this is also the case here: one of the production companies has been Toei Animation in Tokyo. So, in a way, they did not predict the future, it was the present already ;)


that's an awesome GiF


This is wonderful when some free time is refreshed and then you can enjoy your work. Go ahead!))


spoiler... the one way points to the anime sign and to the exit.... they were saying anime is trash long before the kiddies of today were.


Can you tell what episode is it?


I wonder why my messages from the previous post deleted T-T


recently pereprokhodil all game akabur, and saw that you live in Russia. so I have a lot of questions. (I if that himself from Russia) (questions on personal life) 1 do you still live in Russia? Do you like living in Russia? Do you speak Russian well? and can communicate normally with people? 2 will be whether to celebrate 100 monday post. (questions on your " work") 1 which of the games you created, do you like more? 2 (a bit personal question) how many you earn on the creation games + support with patreon 3 as to your "work" belong friends and native (just wondering) 1. when you have children in your old age, you will tell them about your "work". 2(again personal question) have you there is any phobias. 3 how do you represent your fans. (additionally) do you think bethesda killed the fallout series? ( I personally think so. BETHESDA SUCK! OBSIDIAN RULES! FALLOUT NEW VEGAS ONE LOVE!)


huh, patreon marked me as spam for sweet talks with you, lol


Wait, don't tell me you thought TMNT was an anime. There were a lot of non-anime cartoons back in the day ^_^


Yeah, dude. Time flies... Thank you for your support, man.


Hm... Dunno... You could be right, but there are no mentioning of that in the end credits.