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Hello, cherished allies. How is it going? Ready for another empty Monday Post? Well tough luck, because this one is full of love and positive vibes and all that garbage. Can you feel it? Of course you do. Welcome to the most family friendly campaign on Patreon!

The vibes. Yeah, you better be satisfied with them vibes since that's pretty much the only thing I can share with you this time. I'm like that gatekeeper from FE who starts almost every conversation with "nothing to report". But that doesn't stop him from being the best boy, right? <3. 

So yeah... I'm still around and working. Locked myself in the lab and writing, drawing and coding and doing all sorts of questionable things. Episode 09 is coming soon*... And it's going to be filthy^^

The work. It's been 4 weeks since Episode 08 was released for the patrons. I have a feeling that I will be terribly late with this one. Some RL stuff has happened and still happening, I don't even want to talk about it, but just don't freak out if Episode takes a bit longer this time. Personally I am not stressed about the release date because this time around it's not on me. Things just happen sometimes. But hey, I am working and I continue to release Monday Posts on time, so it's all good I say :)

That's it. Thank you for your support. Love you guys.

The Gif! And the gif of course. 





Biker Mice From Mars, I always knew you were a man of great taste, BroWaifu &lt;3


Biker Mice, nice, here some positive vibes for you as well


Hope the personal stuff work out in the end. Good to hear you are fine, though. Don't stress about release to much. Have some positive vibes back :)


I used to think the biker mice were just an internet joke parody of the turtles since their show was never broadcasted here as far as I know. Though judging from the gif the animation's surprisingly well done. Then again the turtles show was from the late 80s and Biker Mice from Mars was from the early 90s, so that might've mattered there.


Have a good week and nice oppai Aka-sensei (. )( .)


Alive another week? Nice, I'm more than happy, keep up the good work!


Goddamn RL. Always getting in the way... :)


Yes, work on the episode and no matter how long it takes, the main thing is the quality of the work)


Ashelin shows update *blessrng*

Jonathan W Bain

I always enjoy a nice rip of my childhood. Sadly missed the last post, but i had a lot to do. Sti;ll, With luck the problems will resolve, and the surprises in store will be more than worth the wait. Best wishes, friends.


WE LOVE YOU AKABUR!!! KICK THAT RL STUFF'S ASS!!! Lot's of bro hugs and no homo vibes &lt;3

Trevor Bond

Good luck with that RL stuff.... I find it tends to be a real nuisance! lol!


Ashelin shows update (blessrng)


Heck yeah. I watched it almost as often as I did TMNT back in the day. I still remember the story arc where they went back to Mars and met the rebels and such. Good stuff. Damn, I need to to download that show and re-watch it.


Thanks. Yeah, will have to deal with RL every now and then... Thank you for the vibes. ^^


Heh... I see how you would think that. It actually was it's own thing without any influence from the TMNT as far as I remember. The girl (unlike April) was actually in romantic relationship with one of them (the white one). I have fond memories of that show.


Gatekeeper is best boi


Yeah, dude. You too. I'm happy you are around and well too ^^


Right? I sort of realized that even before the meme got born. I remember being so happy to see that he made it past the time skip ^^