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Hello, bros. It's been 7 days since we last spoke. How have you been? Well I hope? Don't forget to always watch your stress levels, get plenty of sleep, eat your vegetables and jerk off daily. That's right, unlike other creators here on Patreon, I actually care about you. Now please continue to send me your moneys. Thank you.

Post #77. Seventy seven weeks in a row I've been doing this. Can you believe it? Where is my freaking medal? Seriously though making these posts every week was a stroke of genius (if I can say so myself), I am happy with how it turned out. I should've been doing this since the moment I joined Patreron. We probably would've been at Monday Post #500+ by now :)

The work. It's been 4 weeks (almost a month) since Episode 07 was released for the patrons. I spent this week working on art assets. Managed to get a lot of stuff done, but still have a ton of work ahead of me. Like I said before next episode will be urm... special. If all goes well it should take me 2 months or so to develop. Week 4 just ended so we are basically half-way through :)

New Patrons. Several new randos pledged their allegiance during this week. Welcome aboard new bros ^_^ 

Teaser. Since the wait will be a bit longer this time I plan to feed you little teasers every now and then to keep things interesting. Care to guess who this one is for? :)

The Plans. If all goes well I will be hosting a few streams this week while inking some of the drawings, so if you think you may be interested in taking part in that sort of thing make sure to follow me on twitter, YouTube or picarto.tv ^_^

That's it. I don't have much else to share this week. Thank you for support, guys. Also I always read all the comment so don't be shy and feel free to say hi :)

The Gif. Another family-friendly Hermione gif. No objections I hope?




Another fantastic update, tahnks as usual for the good vibes

Aarvil Kemph

Amazing as usual... ;)


Here your badass medal🥇. Keep up the good work my dude.


The dress is for Miss Croft. Now where is my award? oO Joking aside, awesome work (as always) :)


Bad beat me to it. But yes Miss Croft. Maybe she could get a temporary tattoo for some needed undercover work. Oh. The medal. Do you want it in Aluminium or Lead?


It's either for Laura, Lara, or Miss. Croft.


Where’s that first pic from? I’ve seen the video where April’s fucking Casey, but that one looks hot af

Jonathan W Bain

Actually, I think that one reminds me more of our dear Mercenary. Onward to the motivational words and fortune cookie cheering! Balance is a noble effort, but is not easily attained. Focus, commitment, and knowing one's limits are the keys to surpassing them and finding your center. Stay strong, stay well, and above all, stay safe.


Hi Akabur, I just browsed through your very old posts, mainly to find that cat video you promised as the 300$ reward. I really found it! But I am impressed also to see all your old artworks. That Lola pic is so hot!


Spoiler: The dress is for the reporter's nerdy friend who makes a surprise appearance after getting a boob-job.


I gotta say aka, you've got some sexy fashion sense, ever thought about working for victoria secret?


You said streams? Yes! YESSSS!!!


Who rules? Gets me every time, I love that joke. The dialog seriously keeps me playing and supporting here on Patreon. The art is amazing and I love it got me to shell out but these days I keep supporting for the jokes and well written fun. 77 weeks yeah that is seriously metal

Trevor Bond

77 weeks, right on! Keep at it! The longer wait, especially forewarned, isn't even raising an eyebrow. Nobody should be rushing you, when you're russian enough! Also I love your clothing designs. You could always try your hand at fashion or maybe cosplayer costume design, if you ever need a new revenue stream!


I really love your updates, but I need some sources for the first pics, for research purposes only, of course


i too would be interested in the source of that tmnt parody


Hello good sir, I had this vivid imagination that I like to suggest you. How about we make Hermine Granger stand in front of UN and talk about feminism.


:O hopefully I can catch one of your streams :D


First picture source Valeriya DarkElf


Yo Akabur, had your patreon recommended, patreon said I'd be interested, they were dead wrong, I AM OVER-HYPED. Read a bit about your game and it looks/sounds awesome! Your art style is so unique and cool, and the passion you have for your games is out of THIS WORLD, I am strongly considering supporting your cause with some capital, but first I'd like to try it out? You describe this site as your tipping jar, so I presume I do not need to pledge to receive access to your games, specifically the Hermione one to begin with (btw which of your games do YOU personally prefer/recommend?). I can't seem to find the download button 😄 Continue the amazing work, much luv, thx in advance


You got it man. And hey, thank you for being super patient with me taking so long to replay to your emails. OTL...


There is no fooling you, huh? Thank you for your support, dude :)


You, my friend, have a keen I. A tattoo is an interesting idea. Not for this outfit but maybe for something in the future :)


The photo is from a photoshoot made by some russian artists (if I am not mistaken). There is no lewd stuff though, I did post a few photos from this shoot on my tweeter a while back. You should be able to find it if you scroll down long enough.


Thank you, Jonathan. Honestly, well said. Everything should be done in moderation indeed.


It must've took you a while to scroll all the way down 0_0 Thank you for your kind words, man. I'm not 100% sure which Lola pic you are referring to but I still am happy that you liked it ^_^


Yes. And I appreciate you showing up to say hi. It was nice seeing you in the chat, man.


^_^ Thanks, man. I really appreciate it. Honestly, considering that all my work is free these days seeing people still choosing to support me is honestly the best praise I could ever hope for. Thanks, man T_T


Heck, yeah! Thanks, Trevor! :) Also the "russian joke" almost made me "ha-ha". Almost ^_^ And THANK YOU for not rushing me. Honestly, I appreciate it more than you know. Next Episode Is Coming Soon*


Heh. The pic is from a non-lewd photoshoot by some russians. You can find it on my tweeter if you scroll down long enough :) EDIT: Here you go: https://twitter.com/AKABUR/status/861197440262787072


Here you go: https://twitter.com/AKABUR/status/861197440262787072


Hm... Dunno... I like the premise of it. But it's not really the 4th-wall breaking I would enjoy. A bit too contemporary... But again it would make for a hot scene -_-


Hi. I can't share links in my public posts, but yes, I absolutely don't need to pledge to get latest versions of my games. Just go to my tweeter or my website to get the links :)

Palamar Nazar

Акабур, привет, как с тобой связаться можно? почта мб?