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Hello, Bros. Mister Family Friendliness is here. Did you miss me? Well, I certainly did miss you. 7 days without you guys... it was hell. But now were are together again. Happy emotes, hugs and kisses. Welcome to the Monday Post #076.

Everywhere you look you see pics of me drawing. Do you know why that is? Haven't you heard? I am a serious artists now. All grown up and boring-- *khem!* I meant to say professional. No edgy jokes or juvenile gifs here. (Please, somebody kill me...)

The Video. Did you appreciate the inking tutorial? Don't you dare to say that I don't record any video now. Because I clearly do. Recorded this one with my phone which I was holding in my other hand. You can even hear the camera desperately trying to adjust the focus every 2 seconds. The high quality content you came to expect from me, right?

Got my IELTS test results. 7.5 points overall is a pretty good result. But 5.5 for the writing part is a bid depressing. Especially considering that I do a lot of creative writing for my games. I think I may have a dysgraphia or something. Honestly I always double and triple check everything I write (comments and emails included), because when I don't.... well, when I don't I get freaking 5.5 points on my IELTS test T_T. *Sigh...* During the test they give you harsh time limits, so there is no time to check your own writing properly. I also attempted to be funny a few times in my essay, probably was a bad idea. Oh, well, 7.5 overall for an Acadimc EILTS test is still a good result. I shouldn't complain :)

New patrons. I've been meaning to bring this up for a while now. We have a pretty tightly-knit community of like-minded individuals here, which sort of fully formed quite a while ago. So I don't see "You have a new patron" notifications in my email that often. But it still happens every now and then. Going through the data and mentioning every new Patron by name would mean too much work. But I just want to say this to all the new Patrons: welcome to the family...

My website. Thankfully nobody bugged my about this yet, but my website has not been updated since the release of the previous episode.. The reason for that is that I lost the password to my website-building app. And the recover thingy just refuses to send me password reset email for some reason. Anyway I am way too busy with working on Episode 08 at the moment to try and resolve this problem. Also nobody seems to care too much, so I'll just leave it as is for now.

Peach Ball finally dropped on Switch! Last week I wasn't feeling like doing anything at all, since that's how I usually feel during the writing phase of the development. That being said I did manage to spend a few hours with Peach Ball and it proved to be a lot of fun #^_^#

Fire Emblem. Also counting days to the Fire Emblem Three Houses release. Less than two weeks now. My body is so ready! :) Oh, and on a completely unrelated note, I don't see any appeal in the Swicth Lite (or whatever it's called), but if it will help Nintendo sell more consoles, more power to it I guess.

The work. It's been 3 week since Episode 07 was released for the patrons. In the ideal world I would be almost done with Episode 08 by now . But in reality I am actually barely done with the writing. Now before you cancel your pledge and request a refund let me explain. I am trying something different with Episode 08. Something I've been contemplating for almost half a year now actually... *dramatic pause* To Be Continued...

More about Episode 08. Like I said, I am trying something new. And it will be a one-time thing. With Episode 09 it will be business as usual again  - will be aiming for a 1 month development window. But with this one it will probably take me a while, so just be ready for that.

More excuses-- *Khem!* explanations I mean . This thing I am trying with Episode 08 will warrant more effort on my part, but it should also translate into more content. (Hopefully). If all goes well Episode 08 will have 3 different endings and also some characters will be getting new, story related costumes. All in all it should be a lot of fun, but will take me a bit longer to develop. I am currently aiming for 2 month tops. If it will take me longer than that I will be very sad.

Teaser. That was a lot of words so here is a picture. This one is fresh from the lab. Care to guess who is this new outfit for? :)

In conclusion. I got 5.5 on my writing test... *Sob!* Life is pain. Jokes aside, thank you for you continuous support, bros. I still haven't given up on the idea of hosting some streams or recording proper videos of me working, but for now I need to concentrate on Episode 08 because, like I said, this one will requite some extra effort on my part OTL...


Old School Inking! In-depth tutorial!!!

Recorded with my phone which I was holding with my other hand. The is the high quality content you came to expect from my channel I know.



Congratulations on the 7.5, looking awesome, welcome to Senran Kagura Buddy ^^


I was ready to watch 40 mins inking video.. Until I realized it's seconds T_T But Congratulations on your 7.5 score (!) :D


I was always wondering what was the secret to getting those perfectly perfect jiggly lines. Now I know xD . As for the costume, Ashelin, and it's looking fucking great. Cant wait to see it finished :)


7,5 overall is still an improvement though, isn't it? Also hey new patrons 👋, be nice to him about the writing, any typo left in there at the release is my fault. ^^


Oh that little screenshot reminded me that I need to re-play Princess Trainer. AGAIN! p.s. Congrats on your tests results ;) p.p.s. For the god's sake, your drawings are so amazing!

Jonathan W Bain

Wit is rarely appreciated, but then again, if the test was made using British standards, I'm not that surprised if it was taken into account. Overall, a win is a win! Congratulations, and may the work go smoothly.


I must say that your English grammar is excellent. I figured your writing score should be higher.


Exactly!! Ask for re-evaluation. Tell them to play your games ^^

Mitsy Marcella

Congrats on the test! Don't put so much pressure on yourself, there are plenty of native English speakers who couldn't get a score that good,, nor have your natural wit.


Still looking forward to when he has fully figured out the contextual difference between 'then' and 'than'. But that is just one little thing, generally he has very few contextual mistakes in his writing :)


their are English speakers who you are way better example newfoundland "English", “Long may your big jib draw.” aka "have good fortune for a long time" there is a certain charm to it but I sure as shit have no idea what they are saying


What kind of camera do you use to take such crystal clear pictures?


Fire Emblem HYPE

Voodoo Monkey

I didn't realize you ink with a brush! Good stuff :)

Abraham McNeil

Akaboss! Request permission to speak. If there are three different endings, will we have the chance to replay the mission to see the path(s) not taken?


Of course. I won't go too much into the details because I am still trying to tweak the way this whole thing will work (it could end up being a disaster honestly). But I hope to put it together in such a way so that you could re-play it over and over to try different choices and dress girls participating in the story differently and such. ^^


Really? Yeah. I often ink by hand. With brushes and pens and such. :)




Yay to double/triple checking.. I guess, it did pay off with 8.5 in reading ^^

Trevor Bond

Well, to be honest writing properly IS the hardest part of English with it's wishy-washy rules and crudely nailed-together structure. Also, now I'm really excited to see Episode 8! Sounds like fun! You take your time and get it right, we'll wait and see the results when you're good and ready!


Hi guys. I am a new patron and just noticed there are patreons only versions of SC34. What is the difference to the public versions? or are there none at all? I am a little confused. thanks in advance


No difference, patreons get the episode 1 week before others.


I find writing the hardest part of the IELTS. It actually is designed with a specific writing style in mind, imho, Especially, academic writing. It requires you to know and use certain words and phrases.


I feel your pain, man! Those colonialist IELTS academic pricks (I mean needles, not the other connotation) *dared* give me a 6.5 in the writing part, even though I'm a traditionally published writer in English. But I also attempted to be funny in the essay, so I guess that's always a bad idea. The world is such a soulless place :P Still, if you scored the minimum requirement for entry where you're applying, fuck 'em. You're good to go. Congrats!


Yeah, me too. It's a bit daunting since several characters will be getting new costumes and I need to ink and color all that stuff. But hopefully the end result would be FREAKING AWESOME :)


Thanks, man. Yes, it's a decent result. I am happy for now :)


Yeah. Reading is easy. I had a lot of practice with plenty of Japanese Games of all kinds :)


Thanks, Trevor. Honestly, I really appreciate when you guys say "take your time" and such. Hopefully it won't take me too long though :) Coming Soon*


Yeah... Maybe I should be thankful I got 5,5 and not 2,5 or something -_-


Mr.Stibbons, haven't seen comments from you in a while. Glad you are still around. And thank you for the continuous support :) Wait, are you saying that English is your first language and they gave you 6,5 points? Damn... That makes me feel better ^_^ Also the minimum requirement for the thing I am planning is 7,0 points. Since I got 7,5 it's all good ^^


I don't know if this was intentional wit, but the fact that the sentence complaining about your 5.5 score has a spelling error is sublime :) it is a bit and not a bid btw... As to the three endings. Will these have consequences after the chapter end or just three alternative paths with no bearing on further chapters?


Yes, right, that was totally on purpose. Episode 08 will be sort of a self-contain ting. So there will be no consequences. ^_^


I now see why I can't draw. I am not patience enough. Very good technique.