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Sup, bros? Ready for another portion of strictly family friendly content? Well here it comes! Well maybe I shouldn't hype it up like that since this will be just another short post.

By The By. Newman's Patreon (patreon.com/Newman) got reinstated. I am still not sure what the reason behind the whole thins was, but all is well that ends well, right? 

The work. So, it's been 13 weeks since Episode 04's release. I am working on putting the story events into the game. A lot of coding, going thought different facial expressions, positioning character dolls and such. And that is all I have to report.

The teasers. I don't feel like sharing any this time. I still want to surprise you with a couple of things during the actual gameplay^^

The Suspension of disbelief. Something I would like to discuss with you: since going out into the world is becoming a more prominent part of the story I will have to limit your control over the girl's look somewhat. Now before you go and cancel your pledge, hear me out first. Here is how it is going to work starting with Episode 05 and onward: you can dress the girls any way you want while they are on board the ship. But for when they go into the world, sometimes they will be wearing their default outfits as to not ruin the suspension of disbelief completely. HOWEVER: that won't apply for when you replay the already seen events from the archive. So basically I will be limiting your control over the girl's look when story demands it, but only when you see the event for the first time. After that you can just go to the archive, and re-play any event you want and this time around the characters will retain the outfits you picked out for them (however outrages they may be). Wow, that was a lot of words... I hope I did manage to get my point across. In case I didn't though just relax and trust me ^^ Episode 05 is rumored to be released in 2019!!!

In general. I don't have much to say about this past week. Just another week... I managed to catch a cold, but it was a rather minor thing and I am almost fully recovered by now and it didn't affect much of anything... Honestly, no news, just the regular week: sitting behind my desk all day only taking breaks to eat, sleep and on occasion visit the gym. Living a dream if you ask me ^_^  

The Photos. Another batch of old ones from back at in the day when I only begun putting together the first episode of Star Channel. See the attachment section of this post for the RAR download. 

And that's it. OK, I'll just wrap it up now I think. Thank you for your support and here is your GIF. See you next Monday, bros.




Fantastic, i think is cool loosing a bit control in order to keep the plot consistent, specially if there are situations that call it for. Many thanks


love star channel 34 but I also love your originals, witch trainer and princess trainer, are you think of maybe a new addition to either one?


looking forward to it


i will wait

Jonathan W Bain

I will demand an apology muffin in game. Cause it's a muffin... breakfast cupcake, however you choose to label it.


Lord AKABUR is alive? WE ARE BLESSED! He was photographed naked, in bed with three, very beautiful to him at the time I'm sure, animals......moving on. Good to see you are still around despite the whole Patreon Controversy thing. Keep up the good work and take care of yourself.


Sounds like Episode 5 is almost here. As far as 'suspension of disbelief', wearing default outfits in the world makes sense, but does this apply to events taking place on the ship? Also, does doing it this way reduce the frequency of bugs in the game?


Frequency of bugs? Were there any I wasn't aware of? 0_0 The problem with the outfits that if the story takes place in the outside world and the girls is dressed outrageously but people participating in the story ignore that it just looks odd. But like I said, while replaying the event from the archive you can dress characters up anyway you want. And this will only affect Episode 05 and up.


Right, that's totally me. I am turning into a literally e-thot. ^^


The thing I enjoy the most in your games is the "progression of corruption", you just do it in a very satisfying way. Because of that, I suggest you create an option in the archives, where we choose to use the default(your choice) event clothing or whatever we made them wear. This way, for example, if I want to revisit the progression of corruption of hermione, I would turn the default clothes on and rewatch the scenes in sequence. I truly think this would add a substantial layer of quality to the games. Just my 2 cents, but I really liked your idea and this would be a natural way to expand it.


Hm... I see what you mean. Hm... This would mean another extra bit of work... But it may actually make things a bit more straight-forward game-play wise... Alright, if in the archive of Episode 05 you see that switch - you should know it was your idea :)


Another monday, another family friendly post, it's great to see you again :) I see, I understand why you are doing this, it mean you must break the girl spirit before she accept to wear more reveling cloth in the same situation ^^ I look forward to play this new episode, keep up the good work and take care of yourself :)


Oh my! What an embarrassing situation that duck has found himself in! By the way, are all of your drawings done on paper first? Is there a reason you haven't moved to cintiq yet?

Trevor Bond

The default clothing makes sense to me. Sure, Jasmine might get away with whatever she likes wearing, and if you included say... Jessica Rabbit in game she could probably get away with anything short of murder in her shows, but someone like Hermione or April is going to attract an awkward bit of attention showing up in a ribbon to their normal life!

Black Fox Lingerie

Ooooh fantastic work, I can't believe you put so much into your public posts! It's really engaging though so I hope it's working well for you <3


will i ever get to see Hermione get properly rammed...


Do you plan to add more girls in distant future? And if yes then what girls you consider as possible candidate?


Makes total sense. Can't wait!


1 year of family friendly post, hope this platonic post will continue !

John Hall

If you are ever looking for more girls to add to Genie's crew, could I suggest Lana Kane from "Archer".


Yeah, I think so too. And I'm glad you agree with me, man ^^


Yes, only when I have the opportunity to do that properly. Starting a project like that in my current situation wouldn't be smart. "Yes", the short answer is "yes".


Hey, Dorago. Yeah, the whole "sexy-character-development" aspect really complicates things. But that's the whole point I guess ^^


I love drawing on paper, and since I run my own operation here I can do things the way I like it. It's a blessing really ^^


Yeah, that exactly my way of thinking. Jassica is on the waiting list by the way, I hope to add her eventually^^


I can't believe it myself sometimes. The things I do for you guys. <3 Making posts weekly though helps me a lot in a sense that I don't have to stress out about being quiet for too long anymore. These days it doesn't matter if I have any new stuff to share or not, Monday is Monday - new post incoming. *Boop!* ^^


Heck yeah. I have quite a few lined up: - Wonder Woman - Black Widow - Jessica Rabbit - Many others ^^


<a href="https://youtu.be/iLYYlGeGxw8?t=533" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/iLYYlGeGxw8?t=533</a>


I still can't believe it's been a year already. I didn't miss one Monday though. Heck yeah! ^^