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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This is a family friendly post. If you are looking for some kind of sexy stuff or some sort of crude humor, please look elsewhere. Thank you. Also don't forget to be kind to others. #SpreadPositivity #RespectEveryone #HugsAndKisses

Also. On a completely unrelated note: Newman's Patreon (www.patreon.com/Newman) got suspended a couple days ago. 

Also #2. To those of you how are new to my Monday Posts, in case you didn't know: I make a post every Monday. This has been going on for 56 weeks now, and I have no intention of slowing down. Yes I know, I am pretty awesome. What was that? Next update release date? Who cares about that! Making a post every Monday is my only priority. Namaste <3

The work. So, it's been 12 weeks since Episode 04's release. By know I've reached the acceptance stage. I have accepted the fact that any vague ideas I had originally for the release date are completely out of the window. I am not even stressing out any more, just continuing to work... And that is all I am going to say for now.

That being said I am really excited to share episode 05 with you (hopefully in this century). I have big hopes for it, and content-wise I am really pleased with how it's coming together. My only complaint is how much time/effort it's taking me. Other then that - you should definitely look forward to it^^

The Drawings. Here is another batch of my super old drawings. There are quite a few of them so you'll need to download the RAR if you're curious to check them out. There was one picture with a bit of nudity on it, but I blurred the naughty bits out, to spare everyone's feelings. This is a family friendly content zone after all.

The Teaser. Since, by know only the God knows when the release will happen, I decided to share another teaser with you. You will be visiting this location a lot during Episode 05. Make of it what you will... 

That's it. I just spent almost four days re-writing a rather lengthy story arc. I really hope I didn't waste my time for nothing and the story improved drastically thanks to the re-write... As it often happens with me after a prolonged creative work I feel empty and dead inside now and want to just stare at the wall for the next 2 hours or so. I think I'll go do just that, and I hope you will forgive me for ending this post here.

The Gif. And the gif of the week of course. At the forum I pouched this treasure from it was literally signed as: "Two girls supporting each-other during an earthquake". I find this gift to be uplifting and inspiring. #HumanSpirit #TrueComradery

Later, bros.




Fantastic update, and is never bad to be careful about everything, thanks for the posts and Sneak peeks, looking forward it


Haaaaaa!!! Drawings.... I am gonna melt away.. :D ...


Good for ya!))


Ok cool


Akabur, sir, what do you say about the new Aladdin 2019? Raped childhood?


what happend to newman?


I wonder if their is going to be a will smith joke in the next chapter


Nothing like a little hand holding to light the fires beneath this old furnace of a heart I keep.


I will wait!

Voodoo Monkey

You have my patience good sir!


Loving Lola's new look! (referencing first pic)


Awww, those 2 girls are so close during a very hard time... Such a wholesome gif :)

Trevor Bond

Artistic delays?! MOST unorthodox! Harrumph! *monocle*! Nah' it's cool. Keep on keeping on and keep your head above water!


It's from an interracial foursome porn video. Elsa and Jean I think their names are


As long as i get my Lola fix im happy, and happy to show my support keep up the good work. Who rules? Akabur rules (Lola does too.)


Yay, another family friendly post :D Now I'm curious about this teaser, I wonder to which girl it's related, I could think to either Lara or April, personaly I hope it is the later one as I like her because of you and your comics :D Well, keep up doing good (god ?) work, I'm sure the new episode will be out eventualy, and I'm sure it will be awesome :D

John Goodman

So is there going to be any actual adult content the next update?


Thank you for keeping such a close track of all my posts. You are usually the first to comment.


No way. I don't even want to acknowledge the existence of that abomination.


Thanks for the info, dude. I post plenty of random gifs and pics I post, and naturally I can't keep track of all the actresses and such. Thank you for coming to the rescue :)


Of course not! I am deeply offended that you would even assume such filth about my games. Please move along sir, nothing to see here.


Thank you Dorago. You faith in my and my work keeps me going, dude^^


just going on detective mode... i see a desk, a drawing pad/tablett...some figurine of mario, yoshi, DBZ and others mangas... japanese food... and the drawing on the tablett look like 2 things ( an classic japanese school classroom or the desktop room itself (drawing the place where you work, yeah why not ? XD ). if i regroup all my knwowledge i got from my investigation, i would say if a new girls is related to this place, then that girl must be pretty close to Hatsune Miku... XD. or maybe its just Akabur desktop room he just put some 4th wall in there as a april fool (little early). only god know..and Akabur... wait ? maybe its the same person ! hmmm...

Glenn Lewis

Hay man. Just an opinion but you should finish magic shop when your done using Geni in your games to give it the great finish it deserves. Since we all saw his adventures to different worlds to come back to the very beginning where his adventure started.


Hey, I want to start by saying that I LOVE your games, seriously one of my favorites. Reading this post you mention that episode 4, for I assume Star Channel, was released 12 weeks ago but using the recent download link for it still took me to version 3.0.2(instead of 3.0.3 like it mentions on your website) and when I hit "next episode" it just tells me that episode 4 is coming soon. Did I do something wrong or am I missing something? Sorry if you already explained this somewhere before.


Nevermind I just went through all your posts and found to go to your twitter for the most recent update. Anyways love your games keep up the AMAZING work!


Планируешь ли ты продолжение или что-то на подобии witch trainer и princess trainer?


Еще магаз забыл поддерживаю!!??