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Hello guys! Your family friendly neighborhood Akabur is here. What do you know, still dishing out Monday posts like nobody's business! I hope everyone is having a great Monday! 

Welcome new patrons! I would like to give a warm welcome to all the new patrons. Thank you for all the "I just gave you $1, where are my damn links?" messages. Very cool!

Did you get it? I just sent out the links to everyone, and I mean freaking EVERYONE: current patrons, used-to-be-patrons and even followers. That's 16,148 messages in total. Patreon's messaging system is well know for being extremely reliable, so I have no doubt that out of those 16,148 messages about 5 or 7 were actually delivered. But do not fret, if you didn't get the links just go to my twitter^^

Version 4.02? Numerous typos that you guys have reported over this week. Few more typos spotted by me personally while watching PuritySin's walkthroughs. Bugged button in the Genie's holo-archives menu. Weird bug with Jasmine and Ashelin's missions overlapping. A bug where April's stress level would not display properly after the new girl joins. All of that has been fixed in version 4.02 ^^

Android when? Next week. (Probably, if Xaljio will be kind enough to compile it for me ^_^ )

Episode 05 when? So, Episode 04 took me exactly 3 months. Honestly I think I can do better so I will try to do just that... And that is all I can say at this point. Episode 5 is coming soon*

The feels. I would like to get serious for a second (for one second only, I swear) and thank EVERYONE SINGLE ONE of you who left positive and encouraging feedback about episode 04. I'm happy I have such a tightly-knit group of people that continue to support my crazy projects thought the years, both with their hard-earned coins and the kind words. Thank you. I kind of stating the obvious here but it doesn't make it any less true: I would never be able to do this without you. T_T

Summer Saga! Also whoever sent me this email, thank you. Next Summer Saga update coming soon! 

New video from your favorite youtuber! That's right! I recorded a family-friendly video where I embarrass myself for a whooping 30 minutes. Go watch it. In the vid I am reading mostly negative comments. At first I thought about reading your patreon comments, but soon realized that I would just end up thanking you for your support for half an hour or something... https://youtu.be/iLYYlGeGxw8

Logan is (most likely) alright! So, Mr. Ian W contacted me and gave me a good scolding for mudding the waters without good reason. After that he gave me a link to this website where Logan apparently posts his updates. Well, whatever, if Logan is fine, it's all good. Here is the link: https://trello.com/logan601 

Scan? No family-friendly scan this week again, sorry. Hopefully next week. ^_^

Akabur? AKABUR?! During this week I replied to EVERY email in my inbox. If you are still waiting for a reply from me, you need to re-send your letter because I probably missed it.

So... that's it? looks like it. I have a lot of work ahead of me and I better get to it if I really want to try and release next episode soon*

Ahe-what? Here is your completely family-friendly, stress relieving gif of the week. I hope it will help you survive this week. Namaste.





Got my message, so hope the other four or five folks got theirs too. Keep up the fantastic work, Akabur!


Акабур, ты, конечно, замечательная и великая личность, но всё же использовать слово "соседство" (neighborhood) по отношению к себе несколько преждевременно. "Сосед" (neighbor) будет более подходящим. И да, кто те ясновидящие, о которых ты говоришь в абзаце The Feels, кто успел оставить свои впечатления о пятом эпизоде, когда вышел только четвёртый? Или ты о превью, что было в конце четвёртого эпизода? Но это я так, рядовые придирки, всех благ!


LMAO at the vid XD .. your "small" russian'ish accent is great ! (can't see if its russian or polish or else, they all sound same to me, no offense XD ) i see ya PS4 player heh ! good choice :P. you should make more videos like that ( maybe shorter ), its cool to see devs that care about the peoples and get some contact , even annonymously... (not sure about the grammar here lol). Just.. keep up the family totaly safe work , my little.....eeeh.... son down there between my.. hm hm i mean.. someone (something) with me is growing every update , sooo...eeeh... i think i m gonna stop here lol. Just do what you do the best :D !


i precise i was talking about my... totaly safe and normal.."you know what" :)


Good to know. Keeping my finger crossed for the other four or five people^^


It's Episode 04 of course, not episode 05. Just fixed it. Thanks bud^^

Trevor Bond

And a fine monday to you as well, sir!


I liked the episode and Lara is really well done. ^^ Also, I think it would be more "exciting" if the girls were more "hard to get" like Ashelin at the beginning but that's just my opinion. :)


was awhile since i posted will try to play ep 4 soon :P also thinking to send one of you games to a friend of mine for x-mas :P


Hello My Russian Father. Love the work that you do, and look forward to seeing more in the future.


Glad to be able to help ya Akabur! And happy that I was able to help make the public release not be tainted with perma-snape by play-testing and reporting it to ya. :) Keep on Truckin' Akabur, you're doing the lewd lords work 8)


I am sure you have an email from me that you not replied, awesome release, keep up the good job.


Yay, another family friendly post by the most family friendly awesome guy ever ^^ That youtube video was funny, I was surprised to see some good comment amongst all that negativity, I'm happy you learned to not be affected by it :) Oh so Logan is still alive, I had a link to his old Trello, and it didn't had any activity since april (who is the star of this update, coincidence `? I think not) it seem he has a new Trello, it's good to know he's ok and still working, but it would be nice of him to give some news. Thank you again for all your hard work, I think many people forget you are a one man army working your ass off to bring quality familly friendly content and not just some boring porn. Keep up the good work my friend, and I look forward to play Episode 5 in a few month ^^


Damn, this was so funny. You're a really good writer. And the character relationships. So believable : D Could have had more fap content this release, but hey still worth it

Aman roy

where is thelink ?


Glad to hear Logan is still alive and even working on his game lol

Aman roy

where is the link ?


во всю режусь)


As always waiting for android release! Keep that one updated too if you can.


Episode 4 is so much fun. So glad that Ashlein is becoming more okay with the sluttiness, just in time for Lara Croft and April O Neil(the biggest sluts on the ship, or just the bustiest?) to get developed. Also, Lara and Ashlein? Just Friends, or maybe more? I'm hoping more. Also April's Splinter Plush with giant dildo...Would be just wonderful to see her using Splinter on herself, Plush or Rat version it don't matter to me. Loving every update Akabur.


Прошел залпом и стало интересно: 4 эпизод наиболее "собранный" в том смысле, что в дает цельную историю для одного персонажа и совсем немного отвлекается на других в пропорции типа 60-30-10. Последующие эпизоды пойдут в этом же направлении или контент будет более широко распределен по героиням? (отдельно обязан отметить маскультурные отсылки и внутренние мета-шутки, несколько раз я буквально снимал наушиники и шел хохотать мол как этот акабур вообще мог это придумать) (обязательно стану патроном, как только перестану быть тем бродягой из нищего района аграбы)


You really got a thing for that Ahego girl, eh? She gonna be the next waifu in Star Channel?

long a nguyen

I used to have this catfish shark thing that ate up the algea in my aquarium and that last gif brought back fond memories of the little bastard. cheers


I have heard of this Akabur guy somewhere before...


What the dingle dangle is summer saga?


Odd, didn't get the link, so i guess not EVERYONE. :P


I always want me some hermione, but I have to say, this episode was fucking amazing. Thank you.


I just Complete episode 4 and it was very good.Keep up good work. I am looking foward for next part.


Dat Yahego face, we need a full rough video with that face :D pornhub never answer to my specific naughty need but SC34 did. Heil SC34 !!


In terms of story this episode was better than episode 3. obviously since you made it in 3 month (congratz btw) this episode was quite short but thats the goal, shorter episodes but updates are quick. I do miss sending the girls on new missions like we did in episode 1 and 2 i thought it was a pretty cool concept, hopefully we can start doing that from episode 5 (fingers crossed). of course i missed our guy snape, our only true bro in the universe, hopefully we see alot of him in the future. I agree with your idea of not introducing a new girl in the next episode, the current girls didn't get much screen time other than lara and april. Keep up the good work akabur. (also im surprised the old man has gone 4 episodes without fucking any of the girls yet x'D)


Perfect, just perfect. I'm glad you keep safe another week, hope I can say the same next week too (and next and next...)


episode 4 was fun even if quite short wished there was more lara croft content but eh, i like the comedy in it which is great overall short and good content :P great work akabur keep up the good work


If all goes as planned, Hermione will be getting more screen-time soon*


done in less than 1 hour? dang i knew you goign for shorter formats to push more out but this was kinda lack luster even with the CG! hope we get a shit load of outfits next time to make up for this


credit where its due the lara art work is top notch and ashlien story with her is good. i foresee some hot and sweaty lesbo/3some action in gym soon hopefully. also nice use of tardis rofl ;l)


Yay, it's time to play some good lewd stuff:) Thx Akabur!


As u see already pretty babes arent as pumped by doing ahegao thing. Or is it just her?!


Не пойми зачем посмотрел сейчас ролик с чтением комментариев и могу сказать, что поддерживаю парня, который жаловался на несобранность старченнела по сравнению с прошлыми играми. Witch Trainer в этом плане был лучше всего, концентрируясь на Гермионе, старченнел же сильно распыляется. Четвёртый эпизод, впрочем, наконец-то дал ощущение, что я пытаюсь чего-то добиться. Раньше просто видишь очередной квест или событие, фармишь бабло и звёздочки, посылая девчонок на миссии, которые просто проматываешь. Случается что-то, становится доступным что-то не связанное с ним. Снова фармишь звёздочки. Теперь же я звёздочки ради карьеры Эйприл, это вполне понятная цель. Наконец-то. Ну и сам персонаж Эйприл пока что лучшая девушка в игре. Геймплей менеджмента всё также говно, но отсутствие необходимости фармить на ЭКО и наличие свободных от квестов девушек помогают его пережить. Спасибо за эпизод, жду следующего. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqt61SV3Jp8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqt61SV3Jp8</a>


There is a great framework building here for some really cool inter-girl scenes. Can't wait for the next chapter! Thanks ^_^


Thanks^^ And don't worry, there will be plenty of "hard to get" in the future episodes.


Yes. Don't forget to send a copy to your family and loved ones as well. Spread the love and positivity.


My son I didn't even know I had! Well met. Episode 05 is coming soon. Tell your mom XD


I hope the fix I implemented worked -_- If Snape will ever bother you again - let me know^^


Yes, sir. I already replied with a small question. Check your inbox.


#^_^# Yeah. And that video got a lot of positive comments to, which was SUPER unexpected, I was honestly bracing for a shit-storm. But now. Internet is a place full of wholesome people after all. Yay for family friendliness^^ Also yay for Logan being alive (if it is in fact though, I still got no official conformation from him). Thank you for your support man. ^_^


I try. I don't think I am THAT good of a whiter, I just always want things to be "perfect" so I do a lot of re-writes. I am glad it ends up being an entertaining story for you guys though^^ There will be more fap-content in the future, I give you my word. But it could take a bit of time before we get to that point... I like to build things up properly, sorry ^_^


Me too. Still, I wish her would make a proof of life post or something -_-


Yes, ANDROID release is next Monday and (unlike with Ep.03) this one will include all the fixes of the public release ^^


Heh... I'd say Lara and April are only the bustiest for the moment. They still have some way to go before they become "the biggest sluts on the ship", but they will be at that point eventually for sure. ^^ Also I won't comment om Lara x Ashelin thing, but that is an interesting idea to explore. I just need to figure out a way to present it in a natural way, so that everyone stays in character^^ Anyway, thank you for your words if encouragement. And now I better get back to work^^


Heh... Who doesn't love a good ahegao gif? Only I am running out of good ones, so I will have to come up with some new idea soon :(


Well I can honestly say that I agree with pretty much everything you say here. I can't give you any concrete promises for Episode 05. ^_^ All I can say I will do my best.


When you guys say: "it was too short" - I can take it. My main fear is people saying: "it was to long" or "dragged out". As long as you looking forward for more, it's all good I'd say^^ Episode 05 coming soon^^


Episode 05 is coming soon^^ It's gonna be the best thing ever of course.


Ok that's what I saw sorry my bad... but I thought you would have drawn April drinking her milk...


I found your games just recently but man they are so goddamn good. Congrats man you are one of the bests out there!


Version 4 isn't showing up on your site for me. Is it somewhere else now?


Hey man. As an aspiring artist, I just wanted to ask - what do you think of inking with a watercolour brush? Is it at least on par with inking with a dedicated inking brush? Cuz I've been having issues with the bristles widening while inking and I was just wondering if I made the right call to buy watercolour brushes, which I have often use before in my paintings, for it. Love your work btw, hands down top 5 naughty games developer out there.

Adm Trd Ferg

Do you have to start over for it to work right? Or are old save compatible?


Hi Akabur, I recently downloaded your games from your website and they were amazing. But you say here that Star Channel is up to V4.02 for the public, yet on your website we're still downloading V3.02? Is the website being updated?


Hi. The website usually is one episode behind since if I put up to date links there people start to flood in and crash the whole thing. You can find the most recent download on my twitter. Or just email me and I'll send them to you directly :)


I'm a bit stuck. The only girl that is getting any progress now is Jasmine, very slowly... Genie is stuck at events 4/9 and quests 1/2 Lola is stuck at events 1/5 and quests 1/6 Ashelin is stuck at events 3/6 and quests 4/12 I've been repeating the same crap for AGES now. I'm on day 450. Is the game just broken if you start from chapter 1? Edit: Oh that is just so fucking dumb... You have to do all of the episode 1 content (which is 90% Jasmine) and then a button appears to move on... Why are the updates not properly merged so you can 'train' the girls as you please? This *episode* nonsense just has you going around in circles and breaks the flow of the game.