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First things first. Episode 04 is out. Congratulations everyone! I just sent out a bulk message with some family friendly content in it to all the PROCESSED patrons. Now, if you are one of the PROCESSED patrons and didn't get the message - PM me. If the testing goes well, the public release will be next Monday. Namaste ^^

P.S. A PROCESSED patron is someone who supported me for at least one month with at least $1.

My Saves? Right, your old save files should work perfectly well, as always. Or you can just start the game from the episode of your choosing (but don't forget to skip a day to avoid bugs).

Post #044! Heck yeah! Laying family-friendly content on you weekly like a boss! Heh... ^^ So, Lyk finished proofreading the in-game texts last night, I played through the entire episode, everything seems fine. Now let's do some math: Episode 03 was released on August 27th. Today is December 3rd. Which means this episode took me... about 3 months to develop. Not bad, but still not good enough. I will aim for a shorter development cycle with episode 05. That being said, Episode 04 is out! Yay! I hope you'll enjoy it.

Public release when? If all goes well public release will be next week. And android version release the week after.

akaburfake2@yahoo.com This is my email. Report all the bugs and typos there. Or you can also just use the comment section below. (Also send bobs and vagana).  

Scan? If you don't mind there will be no scan this week. I don't have much time to spare with getting the game ready for the release and such, this post already will probably be posted later then usual. So, no "patrons only" post this week. But if all goes well there will be one next Monday.

Gargoyles Date Night. Have you guys played this game yet? It was released recently to the patrons-only and public release is planned for the Christmas if I am not mistaken. Alx ( https://www.patreon.com/alxr34 ) was kind enough to send me the link early and I eagerly spent about half an hour clicking on things^^  It's a really well made little game with very little text and a lot of artwork. Give it a try if you get a chance.

What happen to Logan? No, seriously, does anyone know what happened to the guy? (  https://www.patreon.com/logan ) Somebody asked Lyk this, Lyk asked Smersh and Smersh asked me, and now I am also curious/worried. Turns out Logan didn't post anything anywhere for months. And does not reply to his emails anymore... Things like that happen on the INTERNET: if something bad happens and somebody goes quiet, there is no way to know what's going on unless you know them personally or something. Anyway, Logan, whereever you are I hope you are still breathing, dude. -_-

Not hiring anymore. I got two replies for my "looking for a chibi animator" request. If all goes well I will be commissioning the chibis from one of those guys.

It's December already. Fuck me... The time just flies by faster with every year. It feels like I came back from my vacation yesterday, but it's already December. Time is some scary shit. I hope you're ready for 2019...

That's it. Well, this is it. Episode 04 is out. I hope you will enjoy it. Feel free to leave your feedback and suggestions bellow as always. And I am already working on the next episode and aiming for a much shorter development cycle again. Wish me luck. Oh, and thank you for your support of course.

The Gif. And here is your mandatory Ahegao gif. 




I swear, you put too much effort into these posts.


As Yello said: Oh yeah! Thanks for the new episode.


I found a minor bug. In Genie's event archive, if you click on next page, and then click on previous page, it goes to Jasmine's event archive.


Gotcha. Will fix it for the public release next week. Thank you!


Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes !!!! Thanks for this new episode ! :D


Thank you for your support and making it possible for me to work on it. Epsidoe 05 coming soon* ^^


Awesome, sadly I would not be able to play until later, i am a bit sad that you not even mention that it was Lola Birthday this weekend, you bad parent.^^


I know, I know. I feel like I forgot to mention a whole bunch of things. It's been a hectic couple of days. And I still have several emails without reply in my inbox (yours is one of them). I will get to all that as soon as I can^^


Waiting for link ^^


I didnt get the links sadly. Or do I need to wait a bit to get it?


It says that your lifetime support is $0, so I can't send you the link till next Monday. Sorry OTL...


Your life time support is $0 so, you'll have to wait till next Monday. Sorry OTL...


I come for the gifs.

AJ Ferolie

excited to play this, but just curious because I am forgetting, what is new in this version?


Episode 04 is new. A banch of story events. New girl a couple costumes. Nothing major, just another update ^^


Just finished playing through. Thanks for another great update, Akabur! Did notice a couple of typos in the scene where the new girl is introduced to everyone though. Jasmine talks about a 'salve girl' instead of a 'slave girl', and when Lola is fussing at April she is calling her 006 instead of 005.


Akabur! My friend! Exactly on my birthday! How did you know!?! You saved my birthday, want you to know that <3 much love.


"You weren't supposed to see this...". LOL


Yay, I'm happy to have Familly friendly contant to spend time one, I'm so tired of all that vulgar porn :p Oh, I played the first game from Alx, I look forward for the public version to be out ^^ Yeah, I too am worried with Logan, no news since more than 6 month, I really hope he is ok and we get news soon. Anyway, good job my friend, you deserve a nice rest before taking 2019 by the familly friendly jewels :D


Really enjoyed the new episode. Would have liked to see a family friendly continuation of the Ashelin x Jasmin story line and maybe a bit of progress with Hermione, but considering how great and educational April's story was I can't complain! And i think episode 5 not adding a new girl is a great call, we've got a great cast of characters now who are screaming out for development!


I have to say Ak, you really hit it out of the park with Lara's model.


Completed successfully ^^ . You should've created a patron post, so we can talk about the things. Here I don't want to spoil :( . I enjoyed it and Laughed so hard on Captain's movement on gym XD XD XD And I have to wait for 3 months :( . Now I understand how my patrons feels :|


Ok, I see the quality of that gifs keep increasing each week. Keep safe man, and keep posting :P Oh and congratulations for the release, I guess is like taking a weight off.


Love the new Hermione dance chibi. That's the first chib"i I've ever seen that I actually thought was sexy. A bug: I ran "Inspiring The Troops Ep 2" and then immediately ran "A Whole New World Ep 2". Ashelin's vid ran fine, but when I ran Jasmine's I got a strange mash-up of the two, with the scenes and text from the new shows intermingled.


Just fixed both instances. Thank you so much. Typos are easy to fix but hard to spot. And I'm glad you enjoyed the new episode.


I will be honest, I'm not sure which part of the story you are referring to, but I'm happy it made you lol a bit ^^


I know, right?! Vulgar porn is the worst. True intellectuals only go for tasteful family friendly porn! Yeah, I enjoyed Alx's game more then I thought I would! #^_^# Thank you for your constant support, Dorgao!!!


Yes, Hermione was getting neglected lately, I am aware of that and plan to start fixing that in Ep.05. Also the Jasmine X Asheline story is definitely on my mind, I just want to continue it without turning it into mindless fanservice, want to come with something clever. Anyway, Episode 05 is coming soon, and not having to develop a new character will give me some extra time to work with other girls, so you should look forward to that^^


Thank god. I had to retouch it several times because it never looked perfect enough. But I'm glad that you liked the final result. Can't wait to work on some sexy stuff for her^^


Congrats! And I think you should worry about spoilers THAT much^^ Also I actually plan for the next Episode to take less then 3 months, but we all know how plans like that usually go... -_-


Heh, glad you think so^^ Yeah, it does feels nice to be done with another episode, but I am already working on the next one -_-


I'm glad you like it. Although it was already there in Episode 03^^ And I will look into the bug you mentioned.


Hope that for next episode we get some shows with april and maybe even lara


Well, my old chibi animator guy left, but I am already looking for new one, so hopefully you'll get what you're looking for with Ep.05 ^^


I think it's a good idea to not extend the harem next episode. Much rather see some progress on the existing girls for an update or two or three.... I vote no new girls until we get a good CG of Ashelin fooling around with Lara. :-D


Give us what we all want, the continuation of the piggy quest pls.

Baron Ned

Hey Akabur, I didn't get a link, perhaps because my processing was late.


Patreon is being buggy as ever. I'll send you the link right away.


Don't worry, I haven't written off that arc. There will be a continuation...


Yeah. We have a big enough roster for the moment I think. I plan to concentrate on new costumes and events for the existing girls for now. Glad you approve^^ And I already shiped Ashelin and Lara as friends at least... So, maybe^^


Good work the game looks great


So far so good, dude. Wilder than ever, totally not as monday posts. But I indubitably can't blame it, chastity is a sacred thing after all.


Darn, Akabur. Highest quality work as usual! I loved every single second of it! I hope you will continue your work for as long as you can breath, because you definetly make the BEST family friendly games that exist. I love you and what you do, so a deep thank you from my heart


Hey, dude. I know you just joined, but your lifetime support will remain at $0 for another months, so I can't send you any link out of respect for the rest of the guys. Public release is next week, and I'm sure there will be links floating around on some forums before that. But I can't spread them myself...


You have no idea how happy I am to hear that^^ Yay! And yes, we can never have to many family friendly games. Let's hope you won't have to wait too long for the next episode! ^^

DJ Quinn

It's funny to me all the jokes about Hermione's age when Jasmine was 15 in the movie (the upcoming birthday mentioned in the movie itself being her 16th). Then again, few people realize just about all the disney princesses are minors, so I guess it makes more sense from a collective conscious point of view :P


Mmmm master brought me a treat to record for him!


There's a tiny bug ( I might have downloaded it wrongly ) when I go in the holo-archive of the captain and click on "previous page " it lead me to the holo archive of jasmine .i thought you might have wanted to know about it .P-s I like your work (obviously )

Black Ankh

Thank you for the link Just started playing it Just LOVE how you redraw the "new" character ^^ ! And as usual, love the humor Great work so far, as usual. Thank you

Nikolaj K.

Haha, I really loved this episode :D Im hoping for some more Hermione story next time. She didnt really get much in episode 03 either. But its cool, im actually pretty interested in what the hell is even going on in this game, with the crate and whatnot. I didnt find any bugs at all, so well done!


Hey Akabur so hype to see the update. Been a follower since before the mating season, literally can’t wait to be done for the day so I can play it. Keep up the amazing work I’m sure it’s great even though I haven’t checked it out


Months for a wall of text, cant say I expect anything less from this shitshow.


Wow, I have to say even though you said it was coming soon I didn't expect it this soon! I'd say if you can somehow keep up the 3-4 months schedule going you'd pretty much have every other dev beat. Nowadays the usual wait time is 2 months between releases, and none come close to the quality you put out so in my eyes this is a huge event and I congratulate you on it.

Pale Horse

Yeah but most other devs add actual you know, scenes, and a lot of them at that. Most other devs produce 3 scenes a month, with Akabur you're lucky to get a single sex scene a year.


You would think its a two man team and the artist just died or something, but no, he just cant be bothered to draw.


Yes people can go missing without anyone know that are on Patreon or other sites.


I lost my shit, when genie started losing his shit about less jiggle breasts. HA XD


I suppose I'd better write in English, so more people will be able to participate in discuss, if there will be any. Great episode and great story overall, it's my first feedback here at all, although I've been playing and following for quite some time before. I imagine you, Akabur, are currently more focused on story itself than on anything else (safe for QoL-changes like archive), but I wonder if you consider to enrich gameplay part in future? I mean, there is certain level of management and even RPG elements in game, but so far they barely had any use. It seems like no matter how many times girl danced, she won't gain more money or tire less, if you fill gauge of in-game episode, it'll just give different set of comments, nothing else and so forth. I understand it may need a bigger update and postpone release of new episode, but I'd love to have a feel of actual training of girls, not just unlocking new ways to make money via story itself. Do you have plans to expand this part of Star Channel in some distant future, perhaps? New dances, better (completely family friendly, of course!) strip tease, unlocks, upgrading spaceship in some way, quests, which require actual management, not just running errands. I saw some opinions claiming previous games being rather grindy, but I'd like to have a feeling of sending girls on tasks not just to earn money for another time-warp for another star for another unlock of event, but to achieve something, train in something, complete something. Still, I love the way episodes are now and I wish you to keep up with good work!


Found a bug where going to Genie's event list clicking Next Page and then Previous Page takes you to Jasmine's event list.


noticed one bug and one minor mistake, Bug: Aprils stress doesn't display right on the "girl select" page. Mistake: During the "my semen is not vile!" cut-scene Lola calls April "crew-member 0-0-6" twice instead of "0-0-5". Didn't know if anyone had said these ones yet so i thought i'd let you know. Keep up the great work.

Hego Damask

AKABUR........hucows?!.........you are a god. I have spoken.


OH MY GOSH ! The Lord poop again ! And what a marvellous poop :D This stuff provide good mojo for a week ! Thanks for your hard work dude :)


Another awesome job, Akabur, as always! The Ashelin/New Girl scenes were hilarious (the treadmills and 3 genie rules, omg) and I loved Lola's increasingly frustrated antics towards April (spaceships have trapdoors?). Speaking of, that full-screen CG... 100% worth the wait. #thatsmykink ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) No seriously though, *spoilers* I hope Vernon doesn't go too crazy with that footage, but all in all, 10/10 will continue to donate $1 (right after I bake some apple pies) P.S. Near the end of Aprils Ev. 06, her jumpsuit looks a little different, specifically two spots in the front, could that be a wardrobe option? I know she's already got A-E, but that one could be M ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) P.P.S. Because...you know...if that injection had any *lasting* effects...well, that'd just be awful ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I am having some resolution issues on windows. cant see half the game bc its all zoomed in too far. Do you know how to fix that?


Ahegao Girl is Belle Delphine I think?


Wow, its kinda of obvious with this update that Akabur doesn't give a shit anymore. Sad.


#Krisshot What a conclusion. Any details about that devastating oppinion?


Akabur, I always enjoyed your games. In fact, you were the guy who brought me to this genre in the first place! Keep on the work! I hope to get a chance to play Episode 04 soon, but currently I am still looking at Lara Croft's behind in the jungle of South America ;) And yes, I've been worried about Logan, too... And about Simbro, but they at least managed to milk their community three months with fake updates before going completely silent.


fuck me... of course my card declines the month of the release


Send him a PM if you've supported him for more than a month. That's what I did. Hopefully he'll understand banks are dumb sometimes.


Don't know if a bug or I am stupid, but I am completely stuck. Just got April, and I have no events or quests for anyone. Help?

Trevor Bond

Oooh, marvey! Good times! Thanks for all your hard work!


Good job Akabur, love the April events and hope for more April screen time.


Congratulations, man! These keep getting better and better, you're doing an amazing job! I absolutely love the "meta" thing of it all and the delicate balance you keep between storyline and good-ole pervy shit. Genie losing his shit over bouncing tits was not just hilarious, it was a pearl of precious man-wisdom (mansdom?). Words to live be! Btw, do you actually have a storyline for the whole blue box / federation / nature of the ship thread, or are you making it up as you go? I mean, don't get me wrong. I was raised properly. I'm not one of those story-lusting weirdos. For me, it's all about the tits and the explosive cumshots but, you know, I love a tongue-in-cheek sci-fi storyline just as the next guy!


If i started giving as a patron after the release on Monday can i get it now or d I have to wait for public release?


I appreciate you trying to get out episodes faster! Your art is amazing as always. Looking forward to the next.


Looks like you've found the sweet spot for putting out shorter episodes more frequently; I'm looking forward to seeing you keep it up! Also, new episode is hilarious as always.


I sadly have a nasty bug :( i clicked fullscreen on a 4k monitor and now the game only shows a really small part of the game


Yay! ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\


:O .... *throw cookie to Akabur and run away with the game downloaded*


I think Jasmine was actually 14, no? Only it was in the original fairytale, not the Disney adaption.


I glad you happy with new character's model. It took me a while. I was trying really hard to get her right.


I don't want to spoil things to much, but if all goes as planned Hermione will be getting some love in the next episode^^ Also didn't expect too complicated story, but yeah, some non-sex related things will be happening in Episode 05 as well.


People go fucking missing on the streets to at the city I live in 0_0


Ha-ha. Good to know. Every time somebody laughs at my silly writing it makes me feel a little less dead inside XD Thanks, man. Stay tuned for Episode 05!


Thank you for the wall of text, dude. (Not being ironic, I appreciate you taking the time). And I am ALMOST focused on the story first. Even with my old drawings you can see that I always try to put some sort of story behind it^^ As for enriching gameplay, I can tell you right away that it's not going to happen. With SC34 the idea was always to add new content with each episode. Only new content, not new features. So the gameplay will stay the same throughout the SC saga, sorry.


well... it was short ( its always too short). appreciate the new lara (wich is not new, we see her coming from miles away lol) also the fact she fit pretty good with Ashelin , hope we get some wet t-shirt content in futur or something about "who get the best boobs" challenge like for the ruban :P overhaul, it was pretty nice, a good laugh at moment.. not my favorite update ( i very not like April, AT ALL ) sooo.... yup, still not bad, i m gonna wait for the Jasmine update. Bet she better get her slave ( and make that slave Ashelin soo we can finally have fun with her :P , and we all know she really want pointy-ears as slave ) a decent update imho, short (its always too short.. did i say it again ?) but still correct and with some cool scenes on it XD keep up the familial work ! :)


Eye of the tiger song. LOL.


man that little for that long of a wait


OK now that I played through... is there a way to gain new reputation points? I only see the option to let the girls dance (to earn money) and to click the event that appears after the day passed. That event will cost the points you earned in the previous episodes, with no possibility to earn them back, e.g. with missions like before. Am I missing something? It seems to me that you can only re-play old events and missions, and trigger new events, i.e. the only useful button is the upper right one in the girl's screen.


are there any new scenes ?


Heh... Thanks, man. Makes me supper happy to hear you like all those Ashelin x Lara scenes ^^ As for Vernon, I don't plan to anything drastic with him yet, don't worry^^ As for your request about adding those mile stains to the wardrobe I'll see what I can do ^^ P.S. The injection having a lasting effect is actually an interesting idea. I'll give it some thought... Really interesting indeed...


Yeah, I have the same problem. That's because Win10 is garbage. 4K resolution conflicts with artificial screen enlargement or whatever... You can probably by going into your video card settings and making some changes there. Or you can just play a windowed mode and just stretch out the game screen manually to almost full screen... You could also google for a solution because I am not the best man to ask about tech stuff... :(


I didn't know about the Simbro situation. Last post was 4 month ago I see... Is somebody taking down NSFW patreon creators one by one? Also good luck with Lara! ^^


That's season 3 right? Try skipping a day or buying an outfit... That's usually the triggers.


If it was up to me I would go April only for three episode or so, but I imagine that would upset some people^^ April will be getting more screentime in the future for sure though. (Along with the other girls).


Hey, dude. Thank you for your kind feedback T_T I'm glad you appreciate that joke about bouncy of Ashelin and Lara and every girl in general^^ (Mansodm lol) The blue box story is a part of the non-pervy story that is going on at the background along with the spaceship and that. It will slowly continue to develop while you keep doing pervy things to the girls, *khem* while you continue to save the galaxy I mean. I do have some twict Sci-Fi plot twins and turns in mind but we'll see how it goes^^


Since you just joined you are not a processed patron yet. Sorry. But public release is on Monday and it will have couple minor bug fixes and way less typos.


Thanks, man. Let's hope next episode actually comes soon* I'll do my best!


I'm glad you think so. I am also happy about that. But still not completely satisfied. A slightly shorter development cycle would be better I think. Well, Epsidoe 05 is coming soon*. We'll see how long it will take me. Thank you for your support!


I know. I suffer from the same thing now that I am on Win10. Try playing in windowed mode by stretch out game screen borders to an almost full screen... That's what I do -_-


Well, with EVERY update I left out TONS of text. I always try to make events and phrases as short as possible because at the end of the day these games are just semi-interactive E-Books with a few pictures in them. I need for a person reading it thought: "Man, I want more!" instead of "Man, that's a lot of text." ^^ I'm glad you like Lara - Ashelin dynamic so far. I am not ruling out a threesome but it's way to early to talk about that. Please don't ask me for that...^_^ A wet T-shirt contest could be interesting though... (What's a "RUBAN"? I googled for it and found some Detroit Ruban Show... So confused). Well, anyway, I'm glad you liked the update despite April taking a lot of screen time in it. Don't worry I will be sidelining her for the next one, so stay tuned for Episode 05^^


Dude, I shouted Soo hard when I saw Lara that my dad came in and slapped me and said nothing 😐


I just wanna say I love your work, and the fact that it is all free and you are so grateful as you are(I had seen some patrons that change so much after getting their money xd) not like I wanna suck you off but what I'm saying is in a simple way, good job, hope everything keeps going wll, and hope that in a future I have the tools to sponsor you


i just became a suporter but where can i find the download for the new episode


While the April arc was underway, I kept thinking it was going towards April being fucking live on TV with the camera on her and no one knowing about it. Then I realized that we haven't seen a full fucking CG yet, so my hopes were crushed (for now). Love the writing btw, the porn got me here, but the writing and humor keep me here.


I hope ashelin get more features on the upcoming episode, because the others most likely have their own games but still thanks for the great games akabur!

percy Jackson

I didn't read all the messages but as far as I can remember he couldn't keep up with his money needs and patreon wasn't helping. So Logan decided that he was through making TDLT and went out to take jobs outside. So unfortunately if he hasn't posted anything else then he's done with trying to update the game. It was sad and the idea was great but he just couldn't do it


This news enlighten me. Thank you Akabur, we are sure to love the new episode.


Greetings Akabur. I watched a let's play of your last Star Channel 34 and I thought, can you make April drinking her milk?


Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the episode despite anything ^^


Quick little bug report. I found when starting fresh on EP1 and going into Genie's profile Day 1 and going through the previous event log, if you hit next page and back then exit you end up on Jasmine's profile page, even before she is supposed to be activated. Thanks for the game broski.


Hm... What version of the game is it? This bug should not be present in version 4.02. Could you please confirm this? Because if it's still there it means I need to dedicate some time to fixing it asap...


I didn't got your link,i have been your follower for long time,can i get this now


so this has been out for a few months apparently, where can i find it?