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No, seriously, when? So, I looked it up... Apparently the public release of Episode 02 happened on the 30st of October 2017. It's 9 months ago, guys. Nine freaking months! How? How is it possible? Where did the time go? This is depressing...

Looking up the release date of Mating Season made me feel a bit better though. Public release was on the 18th of June. That's less then two month ago. Yes, that sounds way better, we can work with that. 

DISCLAIMER: Let me remind you that Monday posts are all about positive vibes and platonic love. Namaste my dears. <3

About my Discord server. Well, it still exists. I did finally made some (long overdue) adjustments to it few days ago. Still needs work though. Well, anyway I hope you are enjoying it, but please don't try to contact me there if it's something important, since like I keep saying, I check it very rarely. 

About today. Today is actually Thursday (August 2nd) for me, but it is going to be Monday when you will be reading this. Tomorrow is my last day in Italy, and I imagine things could get a bit hectic soon. If everything goes well I shall be home late Saturday... But just to be safe and to make sure next post will be released on time I am writing it now.

About this week's post cover page. While browsing for family friendly content on the INTERNET I actually found an adult movie literally called "Family Friendly". I couldn't post the DVD cover in it's original state of course but I am sharing the censored version. You are welcome.  

About the numbers. Thank you for taking part in the last week's poll about the whole hiding the monthly income thing. And big thank you to those of you who also shared their opinions on this. I am happy to see that if push comes to shove many of you won't hold it against me if I decide to hide that number. But like I said, that was just something I was curios to know your opinion on. For now I will be leaving things as they are.

About the work. Well guys I am officially on the final stage of development. I will be working on the sound and music now, and that is usually the final stretch. After that I will give the game one more test run and it will be time to release Episode 03. I did slight changes to the game such as adjusting aspect ratio to proper wide-screen, adding the function to review already seen events and such. That took some additional time on my part. Also going on vacation didn't help either. But even with all that I am content with this episode's development time. It took me less then 3 months basically. It's a bit smaller then Episode 02 in size, but at least it didn't take me freaking 9 months to produce (yes, I also created Mating Season during those 9 months, but sometimes I like to add the drama) TEN FREAKING MONTHS, GUYS!!!!  

About Episode 04. I have big plans for episode 04 and hope to start working on it as soon as Episode 03 is out. That being said my major plan for this project still to find a way to update it frequently and efficiently. Episode 04 will be awesome and it won't take me another NINE FREAKING MONTHS to produce I assure you.

About hype. Please stifle it if you can. Yes, next release is almost ready, but with every release something always goes wrong. The date is still coming soon*

This week's PSD. Today it's the game's title screen (the-game-that-shall-not-be-named). The girl on the picture has her panties pulled down, so it could be considered suggestive I think so I will be putting the file into the "patrons-only" post. It has all the layers as per usual.

And this is it I think. As always thank you for your support guys. ^_^

EDIT: Today is Monday. I made it home safely. A lot of things to take care of, a bit busy. Done with the sound. Sent the texts to Lyk for proofreading. Coming soon*




Episode 3 near you Autumn 2018, happy that you are safe and sound, great news.


Давай братан. Еще чуть чуть и буит мясо.(надеюсь шутки и порно буит на высоте)


Когда примерно выйдет? Хочется уже узреть твои труды


Thanks for the update Man! :D Glad ya made it home well and all that. And I'm super excited about Episode 3!! I can't believe it's been all those months since the last one was released! It seem like even the first episode was not even released that long ago. I personally haven't felt like I've waited too long for this new release though. Time goes by so fast. And your quality of work always delivers no matter what (: Thanks for your work as always! Have a fantastic week &lt;3


Nice post as always akabur, i was wondering, when ep 3 comes out, and we download it, do we get to jump straight into episode 3 or do we have to play through the first 2 episodes.


really cool.. thanks Akabur... still gotta make that sandwich tho... SEEYA! (cant wait for ep3)


will there be again a poll for ep4 new addition?


When i see Hermione's face like that it makes me want to play the unnameable game again


Good, waiting for update ┌( ಠ‿ಠ)┘


Heyyyy. Been awhile since I checked on things around here. Good to hear you had a nice vacation. Good luck with ep3.


I have only one question : Will you ever complete Witch Trainer ? Cause this game is great, that's for sure, but it's unfinished has well and i'm so sad about it cause it could the best harry potter visual novel ever created ! ps: sorry for my english

Trevor Bond

Glad to hear things are going well! I hope you enjoyed your trip a lot!


I know, right? Where the hell time goes? 0_0 Thank you for your support man!^^


There will an episode selection menu, you can start from whichever episode you like, or you can download your save and continue playing :)


Thanks James. And thank you for joining my stream today. I didn't realize you were Jone None till I checked the youtube feed :)


Now you are cool, Aleksander! Thank you for playing my games and reading my silly posts.


Thank you for sharing your opinion on this, I appreciate it. But to me WT is a complete game. ^^


Akabur are you aware their moding witch trainer on f95 they released with trainer silver some tacked on some additional content might be worth a look if this is the first your hearing about it . They credit you as you as the creator so I don't know if your ware of it or not.


Witch trainer*


I know that there are mods out there. But I can't honestly say that I have much interest in them.


Is there an uncensored version of the "Family Friendly" photo? Strictly for research purposes of course.


Idk, I kinda always liked witch trainer. Dont really know why there is so much negative around it. The only thing I personally didnt like too much was there not being enough! lol

Tobi Stevens

I hope you had a wonderful vacation. You deserved it after all the trouble you went through just to GET a vacation :)


Vacation's gone? Damn, that was fast. I hope you had a nice time there in Italy!!


I pray to see more Ashelin


Akabur, have you considered adding Raven from Teen Titans? Or at least a big titty goth gf?


Thanks you. The vacation went well. I feel a bit more rested :)


Yeah, it went by in a flash. I feel a bit more rested now. Thanks :)


бля соори что бомбил мол ты делитил коменты. Це гребаный патреон не показывал их(ща увидел). Скоро выйдет? если ответишь "скоро" то я обижусь