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Ciao tutti! How is everyone doing? Today is Monday. Five days until my vacation is over. Is it weird that I am actually looking forward to going back home and finalizing the work on episode 03? Well, be it as it may I shall still savor my last few days in the land of pizza and olive oil.

About my vacation. Right after arriving to Italy I wanted to make another post mid-week, but a couple days later the hype kind of died down for me. It became sort of like: here I am, in Italy. Well, what else is new? Bonjourno! Io non parlo italiano! Parle inglese? No? Una pizza per favore! 

So I decided not to mess with the schedule ^^

And being a weird fuck that I am I don't even have that many photos of Italy to show off, since although I enjoy my stay here quite a lot I still can't stop thinking about my work and actually spend a lot of time sitting in my hotel room in front of my laptop putting the scenes together. But I can see a freaking ocean from my window now so it's all good. ^_^

About KOTAKU. Now I want to talk about this Kotaku article: https://kotaku.com/porn-game-developers-are-making-big-money-thanks-to-cro-1827846560

They reached out to me like 2 months ago, and I was really reluctant to answer their questions since, to be completely honest with you, I don't have much love for the site itself. But I figured since the article is not about me but about industry in general it will be written no matter if I agree to cooperate or not. Well, it's out now, and although it's not prefect it could be worse I suppose. I still wish it was never written though, since in my opinion last thing we need is more attention from the normies.  

About AWESOMENESS AS IT IS. Next thing on the agenda is Princess Trainer fanart by  Guron ( http://www.patreon.com/Guronart ) There are three pieces and I will be sharing a preview of one of them here. And also a full sized version of another one in this week's patrons-only post. (Don't worry I got the guy's approval). 

Fanart in general always makes my day. But this particular one is not only superbly drawn but also based on the actual in-game scenes. Scenes that up until now only existed in my head and as text in the game. Seeing them come to life makes me wanna squeal like a little girl. (Also kinda makes me want to abandon everything and get back to working on PT :)

About Episode 03. Work is getting done. I am almost finished with the scenes, only few more left. And I am super hyped about the project in general. I can't wait to release Episode 03 and get to working on Episode 04 right away. But let's touch on this in my next Monday post, this one has enough content as it is.

About the numbers. I have a question to ask you guys. Do you care about visibility of the amount of money I am making per month? My opinion is that being open about this is important. It shows you right away the difference you are making with your pledge and in general I think you deserve to know. But I noticed that some big names (like studio FOW for example) has that information set to private now. And I can totally understand that. It definitely gives and artist a peace of mind... 

That being said I don't plant to change anything at the moment I am just curious what is your take is on this seemingly minor detail. I will be attaching a poll to my patrons-only post so feel free to cast your vote. 

This week's PSD. Nothing exciting or even NSFW so I will be just sharing it here in the public post. Link is in the attachment. This is a rather simple drawing but it still has several layers and it was part of the game, so here it is.

Conclusion. Can I get mushy for a minute here? (Yes, again.) I'll assume you said yes ^^ I do realize that my outbursts are probably just making everyone uncomfortable by now, BUT I DON'T CARE! So, thank you all for being a part of my life. I always say "thank you, thank you, thank you" like a damn parrot, but it just never feels like enough.  Well, maybe I should really just shut up and thank you with the upcoming update of SC34 :)  

Still, thank you for changing my life, guys. I will never (fucking ever) be able to thank you enough for that. But I promise to keep on trying. OK, I'm really done now. Till next Monday.




Glad you are having a great time, thanks for sharing art and the great job. I would hide the amount, since it makes many jerks jelous and really not give us anything, but your call buddy, keep enjoying your time


you say "But I can see a freaking ocean from my window now so it's all good. ^_^ " You may see the sea in Italy, no Ocean there, by the way there some nice town around Rimini with medieval walls.


Glad to know you're keeping up with your stuff) Are you travelling alone dude?


Your italian is not bad, even if all the sentences are at least partially wrong :-)

Trevor Bond

I hope you get SOME enjoyment from your trip and relax a bit! As for the numbers thing, your call... I personally don't care one or the other way, but some people could be relieved to see you making a decent living at it, and some people could get upset about it.


These fan arts look awesome, and if they give you the will to come back to PT or even better, make you think of PT2, it's even better ^^


Happy to see u do also vacation. Enjoy. Look forward to play Ep3. Just replayed 1 and 2 and was exsited like first tume I played. Any teaser for girl? Maybe like last time with 3 options? Even if Hermione was my favourite. But on other hand. I didnt know long-ear before and had doubts, but know dont want to miss her. Ribbon quast was hype. Regarding pledge. I was happy to see you can live with that. It helped me to "distribute" my pledge across you and buddies like u ask in first page. This equality thing. Now its becoming more and more on values, communication amd fun. So I would not care any more. I agree like someone wrote before. There are jealous people. No need to feed them. Have nice 5 days and come save home.


I am so happy that you got to get away for awhile.


I don't know how hard it would be for you to move to another country, but seriously I believe the best thing is to have a view at the ever changing sea from your place of living/work, even have a swim during half the year. This is so refreshing and you get back to work with new eyes. Well, that's my plan anyway, and half of it is already done as I live In southern Europe. Now just got to short out the games part ^^. Sometime in the future I'd be delighted to accommodate you on my little place by the sea :)


You're awesome man (: Keep enjoying your vacation and thanks for all you do <3 I love following your creations and being apart of your community!


Did u have any plans to create any game or character from game of thrones like khaalesi or cercei ?


Rimini! You're actually pretty close to my city. Great to hear you're doing well and enjoying yourself, good for you. BTW, that car parked in the wrong direction in the last picture just screams Italy, to me XD


I really hope that if Patreon backs out of the adult industry that we can get together and create a Porntreon to do the same thing. There’s no reason we shouldn’t have this sort of content, it’s harmless and fun, and the market has spoken that there is a want.


when you have the chance again I recommend paris.. THE GIRLS THERE ARE SMOKING HOT. it would be good *inspiration*


PT Platinum edition coming at some point (or PT2 maybe? xD)


I didn't know we had an ocean in Italy, I'm gonna go and search for it! :D


Please don't think less of me because of this, but I actually don't know what the difference is between and ocean and a sea. I suppose ocean is bigger but you can't really figure it out by just looking, right? Alright, I see the sea from my window, but it's glorious. Could be an ocean :)


Yes. It was hard enough getting visa for one person. They gave me visa that was only active for 20 days. I had to act fast. I can only imagine the gamble it would be trying to get two visas at the same time... Or maybe I am exaggerating a bit? Dunno... Maybe next time I go somewhere I try to bring someone along, sure would make things more fun. This time it's just me.


Ha-ha. Thanks man. I have no clue how to spell properly in Italian, even the few words I managed to pick up ^^


Thanks man. It honestly warms my hard to hear things like this, since I take this "silly hentai games" of mine really seriously. As for the new girl, I think everybody already know who that will be, but I still won't outright spoil it. If all goes well (like it almost never does) you will see for yourself soon enough. And thanks for sharing your opinion on the number thing.


Me too man. I desperately needed this little change of pace. ^^


Well thanks to patreon and the overwhelming support you guys keep spoiling me with, I could afford the move. But the bureaucracy of getting visa will be such a pain... I will give it some more thought later...


No, Zirex, you're awesome. Thank you for playing my games and for being a patron.^^


I can't say that I have, sorry. But I am not flat out saying "no" to the idea either.


Heh. I am actually surprised how relaxed and well-behaved the drivers seem to be in comparison to my hometown back in Russia.^^


I kind of hope that it never comes to that, but at the same time having a platform like that would be cool.


I'll keep that in mind. Never been to Paris, maybe one day. But to be honest, even in Paris I would probably be busy working on PT 3 and supervising development of SC Episode 420 or something.


Sea... It's a sea. (Same damn thing to me -_- ) Gimme a break...


I don't mind seeing the donation amount. The majority of your supporters are $1 with very few going above as per your front page disclaimer to instead support your friends who help you. That's admirable and a hell of a lot more honest than some creators who are making a lot and could run off $1 donations (because of so many supporters) but throw NSFW content behind $5-10 tiers and hide their income along with how many people pledge each tier. Keep being awesome. While you're being honest though, how much does Patreon cut from our donations?


Wow, that was a long ass article... and I now feel the same way. It was a good read, but I really don't think that anyone outside of those who already support these kinds of things are going to appreciate it. Instead it might just draw ire from those "normies" and IRL-based people who think the internet is a scary place and don't understand porn. It would be the same as trying to discuss anime during a session of congress, they'd just not get it and label it as strange or obscene. It's dumb. I do like that you gave your two cents, so they didn't just talk out their asses about you, but I think they're just in it for the hits.


I get why someone would hide their pledge amount -- hell, I'd consider it if I was a creator. But honestly, whenever I go to a page and the income is hidden, I always think the guy is hiding something, like, "wow, he must be making soooo much money he thinks nobody will pledge him if he is open about it." It's not a big deal, but I prefer to see how successful a creator is.


Patreon takes a decent chunk of the money you guys pledge. I think about 10%. (This information could be old though). Back in the day they would show the exact number on the front page, if people donated $100 it would show that. At the end of the month Patreon would take their cut and creator would get $90 (for example) so it was pretty obvious for creator how much money he gets and how much goes to patreon. Nowadays they show (more or less) the final number. For example it could show $100 on the front page and that is roughly the amount the creator would get by the end of the month, but the actual number of pledges could be $110 or even $150. It's a good thing though, now they account for all the fake pledges too (more or less). I usually get about $100 less of what it says on my front page, but it is still a close proximate. My money go through two banks and also they always get automatically exchanged into rubles (using the lowest rate possible) so I lose some more along the way, but the initial amount is big enough to compensate for all that. I've been living like a proper human being (which kind of a luxury here) for I think 3+ years now. All thanks to the support people show me. -_-


Yes, I absolutely agree with you. And that is why I still wish the article was never written. But it is what it is. Kotaku is Kotaku...


Yeah, I actually agree with you on this. I was just curios how many people other then me see it that way as well. Apparently quite a few ^^


What? And do not go to the author of this article in the ass? Akabur earns what he loves, and this is the main thing, and these dirty whiners can only cry, creating such articles, adult games are an attempt to look adults at the animated series / game / movie, there's nothing wrong with that.


I fucking love this guy. Ill take your mush you grandmaster of my fantasies. Akabars' Army forever man. As for the money stuff well like ive seen people say i can understand hiding it. I just personally want to know. But you do you man!! Good to hear from you. And love the pictures hahaha😁


I know I'm late to the party, but I just read the Kotaku article. Lemme just say that I hate Luke Winkie's writing and also thank him for giving me an amazing source for new erotic games. He was clearly either being openly biased against porn games for the sake of keeping face, or he just doesn't know how to write a good pros and cons essay. Either way, fuck 'em! Also hugs and kisses to you Akabur. Hope you have a safe trip home and I can't wait for SC34! <3