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Hi guys. 

So it's been a week since I send out the Mating Season to all the (processed) patrons. From the looks of it you guys really enjoyed the game, which makes me super happy ^_^ 

A standalone TMNT game (even a small one) was long overdue.

Very few bugs were reported, which means I managed to ship the game in a nearly perfect state this time around. Yay me. It may not look like it but that whole "cum on April progression system" gave me a lot of grief, but I'm happy I manged to pull it off.

I fixed all the reported bugs and typos and releasing the game to the public. I am not sure is this is allowed on patreon anymore so I won't be sharing any download links. Also I can't put the link on the front page of my site just yet since last time I did that my site got too much traffic and got suspended and I had to contact my hosting provider to resolve it.

So this this time around I will try sharing the download links on my twitter account. There will be links both from MEGA and MEDIFIRE. And if you are reading this the links must be up already so feel free to go to my twitter and download the game if you haven't played it yet.

And that's it. Thank you for all the comments and messages guys. I know I say it a lot, but I NEED you to know that your support literally keeps me going. (Both emotionally and financially obviously :) Thank you guys. I would never be able to do this without your help. Hopefully I will be continue to do this for a while and we will have quite a few interesting projects in the future. 

Have a nice day everyone.





A job well done.


Damn, this was pretty hot! Liked the writing and variations. Especially the Master Splinter with Aprils clit scene :D




the game is amazing man thank you but i want to ask if this is the full game (i mean will it have updates in the future)


Thank you for everything, your content is incredible and your monday updates are something I always look forward too. You are hands down the best at what you do and your art is so good that it turns people on which is amazing when you think about it. I look forward to your future endeavors,


Today I will command pizza :)


As always you have delivered exceptional work. Looking forward to episode 3 of SC34

Bruce Wayne

You're the best man!!!

timothee lefebvre

Hey thanks for the game, but before playing it I would like to know what it is about? Didn't follow for long enough to know


TY for the game


About teenage mutant ninja turtles fucking a girl....I think that it. Its a little game so don't expect a hours of story.


Look. I've seen mating season. And it is one of ur shortest games in terms of text. Quite an improvement on gameplay with chapter to chapter cumulative cum. Want to see more of this scenes connections with not only text but graphics also. Perfect lines. But boobs are starting to copy each other. Maybe u need a little break to think of something that will deepen ur games and make them into masterpieces. Plot and nudity graphic. Then we are talking about some adult games in wichit u recreated a genre. So only if u want to improve.




нуу че ещё тут можно сказать... watch?v=I-vfkporkQ0


The game will be on android or nah?


Twatter? Bah, I hate that place.


Waiting for android version :-)


Incredible quality as usual. Everything you've put out is amazing, and manages to get a few chuckles out of me as well. This is no exceptions.


Super dope!


Definitely outstanding work, I've never been disappointed


Yay you! xD


I didnt like it. Green strange dicks and rat dicks looks really bad. If there would be an optuon to replace them with humans this would make a good game

percy Jackson

don't play it then. to be honest just think about the situation and your golden. forget the dicks and enjoy the story.

percy Jackson

cool effects with the VCR thing although the pics with the tapes, were those your tapes? also loved the tutorial, very enlightening on how to play the game.


Where's the twitter link? :


I'm having trouble finding any link at all. Please help.


Thanks. I'm supper happy you guys liked it. And no, I have no plans of updating this game. This is a standalone piece and it's finished.^^


Thanks, man. I try to work hard and produce the best result possible. My work is far from perfect of course, but I always try to go an extra mile. I'm glad it shows ^_^ Again, thanks. And stay tuned for SC34 Episode 03 :)


Noted ^_^ I plan to create something super cool again eventually. It's just the time is not right yet for such a project...


I already sent the files to Xaljio. Android version is coming soon*


Fair enough. But you don't need to register there, just google for my account. (Or don't :)


I hear yeah. I also often here that my games are tame as fuck. I wish I could literally please everyone T_T


Thanks man. When it comes to visual novels it's supper easy to bore the player with the in-game text. That's like my worst fear. So I always try to make sure that the writing is witty and to the point. I'm glad it shows ^^


Greatest game creators do turn out to be good publishers. Still being developers at the same time.


Wild eyes it’s on his twitter


Hey, the game in general is cool and fun. But there was something that was awkward. Akabur never used the word "rape" in his games before. So it was kind of strange to read it a couple of times the turtles saying it. In the other games there were words like "fuck" and "screw" or "pound". Honestly i dont like the word for the meaning and it felt great in the past, that this word was never used, it makes it look like they would get corrupted by their desire. In this game it felt like doing something terrible. Sorry for bragging about such a small detail but Akaburs stories mean a lot to me.


See, good things come to those who wait. Love the episode select screen!


Listen, dude, your virtue signaling is cute and all, but how about you grow up a little? From what I understand you played the game and it hurt your precious feelings. Here is what and adult would think in such situation: A. Maybe I am a bit too sensitive? B. Maybe I should stop supporting Akabur? Instead you decided to go with "C": shift the blame on somebody else. You decided to take up your grievances with the creator of the game. Because it is (of course) not your fault. It's never your fault is it? You are not one of my supporters, so you literally paid 0 dollars and 0 cents for this game. So here is my reply to your childish, snowflake-like behavior: grow up, be a man and next time stand up for what you believe in, instead of whining. If you truly think that I am in the wrong here - stop following me and boycott my future projects. But we both know it's never going to happen because you gonna read this reply, you gonna think to yourself: "Oh boy, Akabur is such an dick! But he is still in the wrong since it's never my fault." And the moment I release my next game you gonna play it as soon as you can. Because people who are prone to virtue signaling usually as the ones with the least virtue in them. Oh and here are some cold facts for you. The word "rape" was used: 19 times in Princess Trainer. 22 times in Witch Trainer 10 in Star Channel 34 (so far). Did you forget that I personally write all the texts for my games? Go melt somewhere else. :(


The whole VHS menu was the thing I've been waiting from Dahr. It's his doing. And I also thought it was quite brilliant. And I'm glad you found tutorial helpful XD


Me too! It was Dahr's doing. It was his VHS tapes and his toys ^^


Good stuff Akabur, keep on freakin' you Champion of my precious perversion!


no full screen yet..whats wrong with you? Music is kickass though


Finally a game in 16:9 fullscreen! THX! Great game by the way :) Can't wait till SC episode 3...


Yeah. It's my first 16:9 game... Glad you liked the change.


I just joined the fleet of patreon supporters. Will you post a Mating Deason download link for those of us who just joined recently?


Where can we download this game?


OK so I just commented some where else that stuff takes a little while to come out (which is completely understandable) but I had no idea how frequently you update and that you were doing anything except star channel 34 for the last nine months. So... Sorry.