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About weird picture above:  Patreon's policy on what is allowed in public posts and what is not is getting a bit unclear. And since my page got struck literally few days ago I decided to stay on a safer side for this post. 

About The Mating Season: Well, it's out isn't it? Finally! I sent out the download links to all the processed patrons. Have some well deserved fun, guys. Not of this would be possible without you.

About reporting bugs and typos: Please do so here in the comment section to this post or via email (akaburfake2@yahoo.com).

Public release when? In a few days. I need to give the Akabites some time to test the thing and report the bugs. But this is a rather small game, so it shouldn't take that long.

Android release when? As soon as the public build is ready I will be releasing it and also will be sending it to Xaljio so that he could compile it into android version.

Why MS release got delayed?: Because I was waiting on Dahr to put together that wacky VHS tape selection screen (you'll know it when you see it). That was something we both wanted in the game, but it was entirely DAHR's idea, and I had zero control over it. He just eventually sent me the fies and I was like: "Oh, photographs of used condoms... cool!" Honestly I am happy I decided to wait. Thank you for being super cool and patient about it, guys.

About my page getting suspended: Yeah, that happened. The official reason was - me sharing NSFW material in one of my public posts. Could be one of those links to sombody's drawings on hentai-foundry I shared in the past or (most likely) that link to dancing 3D Jasmine GIF by CRISISBEAT, that I shared in my previous Monday post. After the suspension I got rid of all the "questionable" links and submitted my page to be reviewed. The reply from patreon was that I should also ditch this pic form one of my old posts:

Or at least make the post "patrons only". I did what I was told and they unsuspended my page. End of story. 

Oh, and I should probably also mention that the Patreon Tech-support girl who's been handling my case was actually super nice.^^

About E3: Boring as hell so far. Cyberpunk 2077 trailer looked alright I suppose...

About Overwatch: Pew! Pew! Pew!

About SC34 Episode 03: Coming soon*

Well, this is it, really. Enjoy the game. Let me know if you liked it or not. 

I'll see you next Monday.




Awesome news, thanks for all the info and updates, the Overwatch one was rather clear. Making season is open

Paul Rendell

I really don't want to know what you're doing to that poor snowman, do I?


Great that you got it done! And next Project would be Princess Trainer and Witch Trainer for Steam. ^^ They changed the policies. Now there can be released almost everything. Time to share the the glorious message of Akabur to all the people out there. "That every stuck up bitch should be a naked horny bitch!" Then Akabur will be a millionair and buys a mansion full of bitches and butlers... or bitch-butlers! OMG Mindblow!"


Missed my link. Resend if possible. Any thought on alternative donation platform for safety reasons. I mean they dont send u money if the page is blocked?


I just became a supporter, may I get the link?


Cant wait! sorry I cant support like I used to. got cut off.. BUT I will again when I am able I promise! :D anyway not gonna make excuses so Im just gonna shut up and wish you good luck with your work! Continue to always put a smile on my face! Dont forget to rest!


Joy oh Joy! Great news there Akabur! Thanks for it :D All the waiting payed off! Downloading now!


By the Great Desert Sands, it's out. Well, as glad I am, I am unfortunately unable to comment any further, due to certain cirCUMstances I can't disclose. I am sorry, butt my planet needs me. See you \o (and thank you for MS <3 )


Hope you enjoy my testing vids master. <3


Oh... Mondays won't be the same with this new censorship. Could you use slutty pics but not as slutty as the girl with the snowman? 😅 (We liked the links and pic btw 😂)


A pretty decent monday :)


I'm really glad this story with suspended page ended well. So much stress and reasons to start panicking these days...




Oh yes thanks akabur ! Can i have the link plz ?


Yeah boii!


I just became a patron can I get the link?


Hoepfully sony press conference will spice thing sup!!


same here, just became a patron. Don't mind to get a link too ^^

Tracy Scops

Ah-MAZEBALLS! Your games should be at E3! =D


i cant wait SC34 EP3


Woooooooooooooo! Glad to see it finally finished. ^^ EDIT: Unsurprisingly it looks a lot more appealing when not in code-form. ^^

Nikolaj K.

Nice! Now that this is out, its time to constantly ask the question "Where is SC34" every week! I knew knowing how to program chat bots would be useful! No, but for real, great job xD Keep up the good work ya'll Edit: Wait, why the crap is your email "Akabur Fake"?? ^^'


Don't worry, either way it'll be public soon.


Seriously, I think it would've been totally possible with current Steam policies. But sadly, stupid copyright issues will surely prevent this from happening :-(


but did you get proccessed tho <a href="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/885249452235042816/V6jfxoQu_400x400.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/885249452235042816/V6jfxoQu_400x400.jpg</a>


Really glad everything worked out. I figured public post couldn't have nsfw pictures but I hadn't considered links. I'll need to keep that in mind with my own post.


219/5000 thank you akabur! I'm sure the game is amazing! , thanks for the patience, on E3 ... I'm waiting for good news for the PS4, maybe .. a remake of Witcher trainer, right? hahaha, thanks again! Akabur rules!


yay :) ... still waiting for those Slytherin girls :/


The MS was very well done and of course the artwork as always was fantastic. (April looks stunning)Not to bash on SC34 but this game was what we really needed from you. A game with little grinding but funny and sexy artwork. Just wished for a bit more positions but that's just me being greedy. Thanks for the game!


since your an ow fan, how about a widowmaker trainer game? Starting with her capture, brainwashing ( training part ak the good part), and becoming a talon agent.


How much do I need to pay to get the game now? EDIT: Wait if I become a patron now it still won't charge me til July? So that means I either wait the couple of days for the public release or nothing?


How do I get the link for the game? Did not recieve anything dude


I just played the game... Dude! How should I be able to enjoy the high quality adult content when I have to laugh all the time from the funny interactions?! Awesome work! Now I can't wait for SC34!


About to play it right now after this post! Hope everything Is going well for you today (: And thank you!!


Awesome piece of work, I must say. A little bug(glitch?) in a pizza scene - cum sprite on April's pussy (if there is one from before) persists even when she is being fucked and that looks somewhat out of place. And "UR MOM GAY" - come on, you could do better than that.


Game was awesome!! got right into the action with no wait once in the game at all! (: Definitely worth the wait and is super polished. And now I'm wanting the new SC34 episode even more :p Can't wait for it! Thanks Man!


Man, you're so good at this ! Congrats for MS it was really cool :)


well, not gameplay but.....sooooo freaking hilarious¡¡¡¡¡ there moments i could not stop laughing, very well done man¡


I had the same bug but it started earlier than the pizza scene IIRC, during during or after Leonardo's. And the cum sprite persisted in the intros and every scene all the way to the end. I'd gone for all creampie on the playthrough were this happened, no idea if that caused the bug.


That was some nice, smutty fun. Thanks for making this. I loved the episode system with the videotapes, btw. That looked really cool.


if i've just become a patron, how do i get my hands on the maiting season?


You did not disappoint Akabur! :D You rule man, it was exactly what you promised! p.s. April is an awesome gal ;)


Gotta wait a month, or wait a few days for the public release.


New patrons have to wait till the end of the month to be charged, or just wait a few days for the public release.


ah i can't wait thank you for the game i'll be back when i get to play it :)


Once again, man, above and beyond. Your games have become my go to comparison nowadays. I didn't mind the wait, because you always ensure the art and code is great before it's released. You're like the CD Projekt Red of lewd games. P.S. For some reason, I clicked on the tutorial (and I passed! I'll take that gold star, thank you)


I thought the Resident Evil 2 remake trailer looked pretty good...


Oh, man!! Just played through the game and it was ALL THAT! Awesome work and congratulations - it was well worth the wait and your quality standards rise ever higher! Tried to fap to it but I ended up laughing my ass off - your humor is amazing and right on the spot! Plus: A) did you make that chapters page background yourself, you little creative perv, you? Loved it! B) the whole seamless, 90's-reference-packed presentation of each chapter made me shed a tear of nostalgia - if only you had a time machine, to present this game to teenagers back in the day, man oh man! It would be an apocalypse! :D


Well done Akabur! Had so much fun playing the game, are you going to add new episodes in future or MS is finished game?


Yeah, same feel about C2077, but well at least we got hottie in DMCV c; And Lea in Death Stranding .


Now that I have finally CUMpleted the game, I must say : I AM HUNGRY. That will be all. Thanks again for destroying what was left of my childhood. I still love you, though &lt;3




nice game. here are my thoughts: at first i thought the intro was glitching, then noticed it was just several jumps and not really animated. it fits well. donny says that he is always serious about pizza, but that is mike's thing. poor donny never creampie's april, despite gettign everything going. poor guy.


donny does get to creampie april, i just have to not pick the pizza option.


what reward tier do i need to buy to get every release A.S.A.P.?

Voodoo Monkey

This was pretty awesome! Seemed like a really fun distraction ^_^


more of a adolescent radioactive black belt hamsters fan but this game was great fun.


One minor glitch and a suggestion -- the background page Doesn't work clicking on any button but the exit one does nothing. Being as you have two similar good endings and it least some shags are barebacked how about one where April is knocked up? 6 months later instead of 2 weeks?


I think I ask you for this on every game... Could you make the "H" button only hide the text and not the whole picture? CMD-H or ALT-H could hide the whole thing if you're at work or in public?


<a href="https://cdn.dopl3r.com/memes_files/what-do-ninja-turtles-like-even-more-than-pizza-Kxb2J.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cdn.dopl3r.com/memes_files/what-do-ninja-turtles-like-even-more-than-pizza-Kxb2J.jpg</a> XDXDXD.


I'm glad that your account got un-suspended but seriously what is wrong with Patreon nowadays ? xD


Just done playing tms and it was great, do u think there's a possibilities for april to show up in star channel 34?


Oh man, ive loved your work for ages, and the Mating season comics were some of my all time favorite comics in general, cant wait to play a game version


where can i have the link


Were you at E3?!


I love you bro, take your sweet sweet time boi. in the mean time the balls get filled for your work!


Hey Akabur big fan of your games which game are you currently working on man and when is the next update on star channel expected to be finished? im definitely in no rush man you have my support love the time you put into your writing and im looking forward to your future content you have my pledge bro keep up the good work


xD Amazing post ! (Patreon policy got month after month complicated to deal with...) About Meating season, I'm hype will see ♥ About E3, Cyberpunk 2077 looks sick but at least there is some other cool annoucement like Sekiro : Shadow die twice for exemple =3


And the best use of condoms in an NSFW award goes to...


i think i found several bugs.... in involves behave in a certain way to be able to progress in the story XDXDXD <a href="https://pics.me.me/me-respect-women-21560688.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pics.me.me/me-respect-women-21560688.png</a> is possible to fix that? XD


Sent you the link days ago, hope you enjoyed the game. Thank you for your support, man.


Yeah, it's a bit of a bummer. But as long as I can continue to work and share my thoughts with you every Monday, it's all good. Episode 03 coming soon*


Yeah... It was rather unpleasant. But it was resolved and things are back to normal. At least for now...


To be honest the UBIsoft press conference was the most entertaining for me. And it says something since I fucking hate UBIsoft. But that's just my grumpy opinion. I know many people thing this year's E3 was a huge success... -_-


Normally I would say "you are being to kind". But seeing how shitty most of the modern games are I think maybe you are unto something here. Princess Trainer 2 announced for every console ever! That would be fun ^^


Me too. Working hard on it right now. Release coming soon*


Thanks. akaburfake2@yahoo.com was my email since the beginning of time. Episode 03 coming soon*


Yeah... That's exactly what I thought... Oh, well, now we know.


Heh... I think you maybe confusing my work with somebody else's modification of my work. I don't think I ever promised any Slytherin girls -_-


Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. A game solely about April (even a small one) was long overdue. As for positions, my main idea was to save your "progress" from episode to episode: if you cum om April in previous episode she will have that cum on her in the next one and so on. I managed to achieve that, but to be honest it wasn't as easy as it sounds. Adding even one new pose in this sort of mechanic would complicate things even more. Don't worry though, April will be joining SC34 crew so you will have more chances to have fun with her :)


A proper game like that would take me at least a year of hard work. I enjoy Overwatch but I don't think I am ready for something like that.


Hi. The link was sent to all the processed patrons (people who supported me at least with $1). Public release is on Monday though :)


Heh... I'm glad you enjoyed the game. Episode 03 is coming soon*


Thanks you!! ^_^ I am full at work on Episode 03 now, so COMING SOON*


Thanks, I honestly try to do my best. I'm glad it shows ^^


Yeah... I though it would be cool to pay a small homage to the good old days and such. I'm super glad you enjoyed the game :)


Yay! I'm supper happy you liked the game. Thank you. And thank you for your support. Episode 03 is coming soon!


If all goes well I will be releasing public version with all the bug fixes in a couple of days.


Eˇ3 I like the fallout 76 &amp; the trolling elder scroll 6 trailer lol


I remember somebody on the CD project dev team saying that they always try to over-deliver, well I think I always try to do that as well. Even though my resources are limited here. Glad you liked the game. Now stay tuned for Episode 03 release :) P.S. Congrats on passing the tutorial!!!


Ha-ha. Ah, sorry about the jokes, I just couldn't resist :) As for the background I actually commissioned it from a professional background artist. It wan't cheap but thanks to you guys I can afford it. As for the nostalgia, that was the plan: lure you in with boobs and beat you senseless with the nostalgia stick ^^


Glad you liked it. Mating Season is a small little standalone piece. I will be adding new episodes to SC34 but I am done with Mating Season :)


I wish I had time for additional endings, but I already moved on to SC34... -_-


The "H" command won't work since I use screens to display everything in my games and "H" hides all the screens... Sorry, I do what I can but I must keep things simple, otherwise the development cycle will become longer and I don't want that.


Yes, I am also glad this got sorted. And there are a lot of things that are wrong with Patreon, but at the same time it allows me to keep on working on my projects, so I don't think I should complain... -_-


Of course... The rumor is she will be joining the SC34 very soon actually.


Thanks. I hope you liked it. And if you haven't played it yet, the public release with all the bug fixes should happen on Monday.


If all goes will, I'll be releasing updated version of the game on Monday,


I am currently working on new update for SC34. It's coming soon*


Yeah, Cyberpunk 2077 seems fun and all but will it be released in this century? I'm not sure -_-


I think I actually heard people booing when they announced that Fallout 76 will be an online game &gt;_


Again you exceeded expectations, but I'm not sure that I should be so surprised after your years of overachieving. I suppose perfectionism can pay off. Artwork was great as usual, but you took the humor to the next level on this one. Couldn't stop laughing! I especially liked the crafting element of this game. :)


Hey, i have been a fan since star channel came out and have been following its progress, but i have no idea how to have it update. Is it supposed to be automatic or do I need to go to a specific page on your website to download the updates?


Hi. I can download the latest version from the front page of my website. That being said if you have episode 02 in your version of the game - you already have the latest version.


Is this a full complete game or just a start ?

Alex P.

I like it a lot. Each of your games are more polished than ever. Using old VHS pictures was original and feel very nostalgic. I love April's face expressions. Music was cool. Great work ! :D


how to install the game