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Well, it's Monday. Again.

This weekend was "Overwatch Free Weekend". (The generosity of Blizzard truly knows no bounds.)

Good thing I already had the PS Plus subscription, because my buddy Smersh didn't and he couldn't even start the thing on his PS4.

So yes, I finally got to play Overwatch. Here are my initial impressions:


- Design of everything.

- Female character's butts.


 - Zarya looks nothing like a Russian girl. 

-  Female character's tits.

The gameplay in Overwatch is very different from Paladins. In Paladins battles are slow-paced and tactical. If you leave the game mid-match you will be marked as a deserter and won't be able to join another game for 5 minutes. In Overwatch everything is super fast paced, people come and go. If I were to describe the gameplay in one sentence:  Overwatch is Paladins on drugs. 

That being said, I still went ahead and bought a copy of the game since it was on sale. (I have no other alternatives for hero shooters now anyway). And I do plan to continue to play Overwatch every now and then. When I feel like it... ^^

And that is all I have to say for now. I realize that this post was not particularity informative (even less so then usual), but this is a proof of life post, right?

As for my work, it is business as usual here. I am finishing up on a big chunk of content that I will be sending to Dahr soon to give him the general feel of the game and make it easier for him to hit the right mood when he will get to working on the additional art assets for the game.

That's it. See you next Monday.

Mating season THE GAME is coming soon*

P.S. Special thanks goes to banana 33 for providing this awesome Lola art for today's post. Great job dude, I love it! ^_^




Well, yes tits can have some improvement and no comments on Zarya, yes the game is fast, specially if you play the quick character, not sure if I have to say congratulations or not, but playing when you feel like is the best way ^^


Widow is waifu. Obiously, the fact that she's French has NOTHING to do with it :P Good luck and have fun playing OW and godspeed for MS \o/


They nerfed Widowmakers ass.. used to be bigger and better (not too big. Plus tracers tits are nice. But her chest gaurd takes the attention away.


Awesome! Glad you enjoy overwatch!


Glad you like it. Personally Mei is my waifu


Who's your fav. overwatch girl? Any thoughts to add her in sc34?


imho i think Overwatch's asses are too overrated..... ....... ....... ....... <a href="https://gfycat.com/IncompleteGeneralFinch" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/IncompleteGeneralFinch</a> <a href="https://gfycat.com/JampackedAbleGhostshrimp" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/JampackedAbleGhostshrimp</a> <a href="https://gfycat.com/UnawarePreciousFly" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/UnawarePreciousFly</a> <a href="https://gfycat.com/OrganicMessyIberianchiffchaff" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/OrganicMessyIberianchiffchaff</a> <a href="https://gfycat.com/OffbeatFirsthandArctichare" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/OffbeatFirsthandArctichare</a> <a href="https://gfycat.com/GivingSpiffyHummingbird" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/GivingSpiffyHummingbird</a> <a href="https://gfycat.com/LonelyWellinformedIndigobunting" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/LonelyWellinformedIndigobunting</a> <a href="https://gfycat.com/BlissfulGorgeousAoudad" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/BlissfulGorgeousAoudad</a> <a href="https://gfycat.com/OrneryUnsungChupacabra" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/OrneryUnsungChupacabra</a> <a href="https://gfycat.com/AdmiredJointHorseshoebat" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/AdmiredJointHorseshoebat</a> <a href="https://gfycat.com/MiserlyEvilAlbertosaurus" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gfycat.com/MiserlyEvilAlbertosaurus</a> ........ ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, OK.....maybe they are NOT. XDXDXDXD Cheerios!!!

Tracy Scops

I'm not sure what you meant by "I have no other alternatives for hero shooters now anyway", but I am in love with Destiny (1 and 2). Have you played it? The great thing about it is that it has both PVP competitive and PVE cooperative modes. The 6-player PVE raids are da bomb! =)

Naughty Games

well if you leave a ranked game you get banned for 30 minutes:P


Have you tried Warframe? It's apparently free and amazing.

Nikolaj K.

What? The boobs are a downside? That it. Im reporting you to patreon, and im calling the police.


Why exactly are the tits a con? Are they too small?


If you truly have grown to love it, there's an adult OW game in very early development made by Young &amp; Naughty (<a href="https://www.patreon.com/youngnaughty)">https://www.patreon.com/youngnaughty)</a> that has much potential. Definitely worth checking out even if it is just to see what is going on.


Be careful of Blizzard. They are owned by Activision, and they have made at least one scary patent on a system that can make people buy more microtransactions. As for the tits, I would love to see your improved versions ;) I would even pay to see you draw one of them to my size prefference ^_^


The asses are enough to spend 20dollar on the game. So....when will there be a Dva trainer™?


She looks like a loli. :D


DAHR thinks Zarya looks like Stefania Ferrario. ;) <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/some-working-16184215">https://www.patreon.com/posts/some-working-16184215</a>


first, Akabur Rules! Thanks so much for your great work! and thanks for knowing that you took a day off to have fun! haha ha

percy Jackson

Proof of life is always needed. You should look a darh’s feed. Most of his posts don’t mention anything informative. See you next post.


i would be careful with blizzard they recently changed their terms of service to include that you have to act to a SJW standard even off platform. it was also bought by activision. both are rather bad signs, though the buy out is probably the least problematic.

Jerome Fournier

On the A+ side if you like the Overwatch girls (or any blizzard girls) you might like them enough to include one in Star Channel, that would be great.


Yup. The bottom line here is that I finally did become a part of this whole Overwatch thing^^


D.Va. As for her joining SC34 ranks, well, I am only getting to know her. Give us some time first, dammit. :)


A hero shooter (Or any game in general really) must have sexy female characters with interchangeable skins... If it doesn't it's going to be really difficult for me to get interested in it... -_- I


Oh yeah sure... As soon as they replace faceless androids they have as main characters with sexy girls - I'm game!


Please don't. I love flat chests! Some of my best friends are flat-chested.


Oh, you don't need to tell ME that. I think entire western video game industry was long infested by SJW, Feminism and other cancer of the developed countries. In fact when I play a western game that doesn't try to shove some sort of agenda down my throat I am always genuinely surprised... Thanks for the warning though. You be careful too, my friend.


ждем &gt;


Oh cool^^ Yeah quickplay in Overwatch is kind of... lacking tactics but as soon as you get level 25 and access to the ranked more theres much less leavers and the game is generally more tactical :)


&gt;- Zarya looks nothing like a Russian girl. Но она все равно милашка! *^___^*


Some people tell to play competitive others say to stay the hell away from competitive... What to do, what to do?


Ну они там в большенстве своем все милашки, поэтому и играю.


As someone who put over 1000hours in overwatch: Ranked is definately the better experience if you want to play on higher skill levels and actually learn the game, QP is just skirmish for fun, nothing to lose, nothing to win, nobody cares about teamplay or mechanics. But the big downside to ranked is the community, so if you tend to rage quickly or get offended by every mean comment, stay away from it. But if you, like me, can still have less casual fun without punching your TV or crying because your teammates are so bad, you'll have more fun in ranked :)


Is the title a Cyberpunk 2077 reference? 'Cause I'd love you even more.


I was just thinking the same thing. The E3 anticipation is real. So is the ep 03 anticipation for SC34.


You mean their tweet post? Of course. I took it straight from their twiiter post ^^ (Waiting for E3 news!!!)


So cute! She almost looks like one of those lovely, pure, innocent, sweet girls in this image. hehe ;-)