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Another Monday post! Third one in a row if I am not mistaken. 

So it's been 3 weeks already? Damn...

OK, without further ado let's talk about "Four Elements Trainer".

Is it just another rip-off? Not quite.

Is it any good? Kinda...

So, few days ago I finally got my manly Russian hands on Four Elements Trainer (0.5.07b). Despite MITY's patreon campaign doing rather well https://www.patreon.com/mity I had reasonably low expectations for the game itself. But after completing the first part of it (Water) I must say... it's actually not that bad. 

At some parts it's even GOOD. I could nitpick on things but I won't. It's not like my own games are fucking perfect.

If I were to complain about one thing in Four Elements Trainer though, that would be MINTY's blantant use of PT and WT sound effects and music. I mean, it's not like I compose the music for my games, but chances are most of the people who will play Four Elements already played both PT and WT, and hearing the night theme from "Princess Trainer" in Four Elements Trainer was just... off-putting. 

Same goes for sound effects. Half of the FET sound effects come directly from "PT" or "WT".

That being said, Four Elements Trainer (0.5.07b) is still a decent game.

I am usually the last one to play these things, so I doubt there are many of you who haven't played Four Elements Trainer yet, but if you are one of those few, maybe you should remedy that and give FET a try.  

And that's about it. Four Elements Trainer, Mity, here: https://www.patreon.com/mity

And just like that we have another proof of life post. Neat, huh?

To other news...  Since lately Paladins (Hi-Rez) has been dishing out one disappointment after another, recently I've been thinking about giving Overwatch a try... 

I mean a $60 game with no singleplayer campaign, with lootboxes and mandatory PS Plus subscription? Sounds awesome, right? Right?

On other hand the abundance of Overwatch porn is an important argument in favor of making the purchase and selling my soul to the lootbox god...

Hm, what to do, what to do...? 

Maybe I'll just wait and see... Maybe Paladins will rise from the dead and become good again...?  (Fat chance of that happening... Fucking greedy Hi-Rez assholes...)

In the meantime I am working on The Mating Season THE GAME! Which is going to be oh so awesome!!! 

But please, guys, try not to over-hype things. I mentioned this before: (despite being SUPER AWESOME) Mating Season is basically going to be just one glorified sex scene, nothing more. But it will be polished to the best of my ability of course, since THAT'S HOW WE FUCKING ROLL IN AKABUR-ville! :)

Well anyway, thank you for your support guys. And for your trust in me. See you next Monday.

-Your fearless leader-




4E trainer is REALLY good and not much like PT or WT. I still prefer your PT though, so, any time you like it feel free to start making #2 *wink wink*


Glad to know at least Mity isn't pretending to be you, or saying that you're helping him.


Overwatch is fun, and right now I think you can get the game for around 25euro. And I didn't knew you had to pay extra subscription, at least not in Europe. Just beware not to fall into the lootbox ("gambling" thing).


Honestly imo overwatch is fun to play with friends that just like to play, if people do it competitively it loses its fum and just becomes a more boring TF2

DJ Quinn

Did you only play through Book 1? Book 2 is MUCH better and actually plays out way differently based your route, unlike Book 1's mostly being dialogue differences in it's scenes. Book 3, for what's available of it's slave route so far, is also fairly different than the last two books (the two guys who run the MITY team have frequently said they want to make each book and route feel different, so that it's like you get 8 games in one when it's done (in that vein, they've also said they've considered going back and sprucing up Book 1 at some point)).


Yay, another proof of life :D


We so love our visits to Akaburville, and we appreciate your underpaid maintenance crew that picks up all those tissues to keep the streets (relatively) sanitary.


"<a href="https://www.patreon.com/mity">https://www.patreon.com/mity</a>" link error? got a ")" gettin in the way there.. ;p


Awesome, I not liked the name of the FE Trainer, as it not make sense from the series perspective, so I will probably pass on this one. About Overwatch, I have been playing for 2 years, and you can always try it on one of those free weekends they do every 3 or 4 months, it also get as low as $20 bucks so if you are giving a try, look for it cheap ^_-

DJ Quinn

It actually makes decent sense for the premise of the game. You play as a future avatar being sent back in time in order to learn the four elements from people associated with your past lives, being sent to a different place and time for each element.


To me FET just seemed like a rip off of an akabur game but with worse artwork and about a series that I've never cared for. That games a big meh for me


maybe someone should just make a game titled "RIP-OFF" at least they would be honest XDXDXDXDXD <a href="https://static0.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/disneyknockoff.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://static0.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/disneyknockoff.jpg</a> <a href="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e2/f5/11/e2f51117f704d189447e078f65e2ef22.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e2/f5/11/e2f51117f704d189447e078f65e2ef22.png</a>


I was actually looking at this game to do a review of it because of how many people have been requesting it. Also don't make just sex scenes! It makes it hard for me to make videos for you master :(


AKABUR, You when will proceed in the continuation PT?


Overwatch was fun for a while, but I feel like it might be hard to get into now, everyone kind of has things figured out, and the dev's seems way too concerned with trying to make the game an Esport, to me it sucked away a lot of the fun i had.


Actually i like Four Elements Trainer. So I am one of Pantreon you and MITY.


In my humble opinion the Water Chapter of FET makes worst impression since to me it looked like obvious Mity's try to make hype using some similarities of his game and Akabur's ones. I remember my feelings when I played it first time, and it seemed to me that Mity even trying to copy Akabur's style of making dialogs between characters. BUT! The next, Fire Chapter made me change my attitude. The Fire Chapter is what I love this game and Mity for. This is where he shows his real skills. This is where FET started to be a really good porn game. I played The Fire Chapter three times and it was freaking awesome to me. It's too early to say something about the Earth Chapter but I already like what I saw. TL;DR Yes, Mity did use many features of Akabur's games to make the first steps but then his game evolved into something unique and very good.


Patreon and it's auto formating BS. Thanks for letting me know. Fixed it.


Akabur, I would say that the first book of 4 Elements is by far the weakest of the bunch. Fire is a big step up from there and Earth is shaping up to be pretty good too. I think it's clear that MITY was definitely taking some inspiration ( and sound tracks) from your games when he started, but he's also done some unique things as well. Mainly, he has a whole arc of content within the Fire Book that is specifically for Ember Island. I also won't lie, I really enjoyed CRAB BATTLE. I guess what I'm saying is, don't write it off just because of the first book.

Gwen Evers

Akabur for life


Well, I get my stuff on US PSN, and it's $60 + $6 of tax. And as far as I know you can't play online without the PS Plus subscription... -_-


I agree with you on this one. I'm a filthy casual and never had any interest in leaderbords and stuff. Honestly I am only interested in that game because of the cool character design...


I had never heard of this until just now in gonna have to check it out. Still excited for some turtle power but i wont over hype lol. Overwatch isnt that bad but i think paladins had a different feel to it. Im pretty good at not blowing money on micro transactions but i know its hard. Good luck!!


I started book 2 (Fire) but to be honest I didn't like the writing much... That being said, I need to play it some more to have the final opinion. ^^


That's how it felt to me as well. And I also don't care much for the whole Avatar franchise. But I should give credit where the credit is due: both writing and art was way (WAY) better then I expected it to be.


Yeah, I don't think you will have much to work with with Mating Season. But that's kind of the point of this one. Worry not, my next project will have plenty of story and very little sex scenes as per usual ---


Hm... I see... Thanks for the info... Crap, if I buy that game and end up never playing it, it's going to suck big time...


Hm, alright. You gave me motivation to get back and continue to play the fire chapter. Thank you.


Alright. I should re-visit it and continue to play the fire chapter than.


Heh, Paladins used to be the shit! (For me). Man, it used to be so good... T_T But with cards unbound. new shitty skins and now months without updates... I just don't feel like supporting that game anymore... And they fired Tomas Holt, he was so passionate about the game... I don't know all that made me so bitter... Bitter enough to start thinking about getting Overwatch...


No OW, pls. PLS.


Overwatch makes for fun porn, but TF2 still outdoes it as a class based FPS with a cartoon aesthetic.


Also, on the note of the public domain music you use, it was funny hearing some of those tracks in some Dark Souls vids I've been watching recently.


I know how you feel man. Especially when the game is starting to drift away from what it was. Then you start hearing about important members either leaving or getting fired. Yea its time to move on. Dont stay on a ship if its sinking. Better to leave with better memories.


1= I really like Mitys work. especially his vast choices of positions with the girls plus ALOT of easter eggs and hints to the original series!!! :D. book 2 is a million times better than book 1 js. 2= Buy overwatch on PC.. and you wont need any other subscritpions one pay and play.. (PS plus being an asshole lol) 3-I havent played paladins but 100 percent its a MEGA ripp off of OW based on gameplay I watched 4- April tits!


One thing is sure, April is surely coming early this year :'D (Sorry for the amazingly bad pun, I felt like I had to do it) I'm sure it'll cover my every childhood needs, as usual. Take care, BroWaifu, I'm going to send you a PM soon, as I have some things to say :3 See you \o (and good luck !)


I've played MITY's Four Elements trainer and I enjoyed it. Actually, when I first played it I thought you were involved, but now I know that is not the case. I still enjoy your games a lot, although I wish we were getting an update for Star Channel sooner. I actually recommend Book 2 Love Route more than anything.


Honestly Four Element Trainer is really good in my humble opinion. It has 2 routes for each Book (one book for each element) and it's quite sexy and diverse. Akabur himself recommends it, and I do too. Definitely worth a play.


Four Elements Trainer is a brilliant game with tons of content and great writing. Not sure why you think that the reuse of some of your sound effects is enough to diminish it to being a merely ok game. I would dare say I like it more than anything you've done, even if it is derivative



Dmitri Donough

I'm a big Overwatch fan so of course I'm going to suggest you to pick it up though I will say that after playing it both on PS4 and PC that I prefer it on PC simply because people seem slightly more willing to work together or at least communicate on PC compared to console.


I've recently picked up Paladins with some buddies and it's much better than I expected, the swordguy and Terminus are lots of fun, though maybe that's just because I like Melee characters (guns are for pussies). Some other heroes are fun as well, would probably be boring alone, but with some friends it's pretty good.


Overwatch is good but eventually, after you've found your good characters and such you end up playing it while you're waiting for other games to come out. That and the only time I've really been on it in the past like year is whenever the events drop so I can take a look at the new skins. Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome game and I loved playing it, truth be told I ruined it for myself the moment I stepped into comp. But anyways keep up the good work and Hail Akabur!

percy Jackson

Akabur-ville...... hmmm.... maybe we can create an entire village with all your followers. Huh? Huh? No.... anyways FET is an interesting game but it doesn’t have any new dialouge during the sex scenes. Kind of a let down for me but still a great game.


There will probably a sale coming up for Overwatch around its anniversary in a few months (I think it was May). And while comparing Overwatch to Paladins, it feels like your actions have much more impact in Overwatch, being able to one-shot people as snipers and with certain abilities or putting out truly ultimate healing with zenyatta compared to the somewhat lacking abilities that Paladins has. Overwatch is definitely much quicker paced and does not require any build optimisations or grinding for items/cards, which was a bit of a turn off for me when playing Paladins.

Anon E.

Get it for PC, you wont regret it


Well I WAS involved, in the way that originally it actually was a rip off. Back in the 4chan days. It changed a lot since then. Changed for the better. And Book 2 Love route. Noted.


Well you know me, I want everything to be perfect... And I have a keen eye so see exactly where they cut corners with Book 1. You wait till I play book 2 and start complain about that too. But all and all I am just glad that we finally starting to get more and more good indy adult games. You guys are awesome for funding that shit!


Well, apparently the free weekend is incoming. The lootbox gods herd my prayers. Soon I will know for sure if I like the game or not.


Yup. It's good. And I spent hour upon hour playing it. That's why I know that switching to Overwatch will be hard since I will be constantly saying to myself: "I liked how this was done in Paladdins" and stuff... And I don't think I will ever get used to switching heroes mid-match... On other hand - Overwatch porn.


Thanks for the info. Actually you are not the first one to describe the experience with the game in that way. Well, free weekend is incoming, so I'll have a chance to see for myself soon...


Not a village. A Playboy mansion. Or should I say AKABUR-mansion. Damn, that would be cool. And as for FET, yeah, had simiral feeling about texts during the sex scenes in the game...


hey akabur do you know a game called momcest trainer, it is very good but the person who was creating it I leave it, to me you seem to be the one indicated to continue it and take it to the next level, what if you check it and think about it. A big fan


Are you retarded? Sorry what I mean to say, I'll get right to it! Thank you for the info! Love you!


PC? But... But... But I want to play with a controller like a proper filthy casual...


Well, they just made a post on their twitter about the upcoming free weekend, so that will be my chance to make up my mind properly.


Glad you liked 4ET. I actually see it as you having created the "Trainer" genre, from which many have copied your core gameplay elements and made it their own. What I can't stand for are those who directly modify your game code, steal your art, and diminish the game's quality with piss poor writing and their own shitty drawings. Those are the shitty people. MiTY is honestly someone I could see you getting along with. He has accomplished something you were pretty worried about back in the day- expanding the work beyond himself and hiring people to be a part of a team, from which he releases updates to the game monthly. The art isn't nearly as good as yours, (biased) but the length of the scenes and having actual sex scenes vs chibis makes it very fappable. I think you hate writing and like drawing the best, so it might make sense in the long run for you to share your ideas with a similar perv and let them write with you as the editor in chief... giving you more time to draw! I'm definitely excited about mating season though, sweet sweet CGs!


Let's be honest, there's probably more WT and PT rip-offs on Patreon than there are rats in the NYS subway system. I mean, they do say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Not sure that applies to theft though. As for Overwatch. Well, it will certainly offer some costume ideas to use in your work. And unlike Paladins, these ones will be extremely iconic. Not saying Paladins is a bad game, just not nearly as popular as Overwatch. As far as being a fun game, it’s comparable. I mean, I still had more fun playing Battleborn and that has a community of like 500 people who play regularly. Overwatch is all about working together, but the problem is no one does it. Unless you have a dedicated team who you are communicating with, the matches can be one loss after the other. Even when you go in with a good team comp, you can still have a bad day with players who think they can tank with a Genji or focus on getting ‘boops’ with Lucio instead of healing. Even if you are playing your character’s role, it won’t matter unless everyone else is doing the same. When it comes down to it, everyones experience in Overwatch is unique. There will be good days when you get victory after victory and play of the game every other match, but there will also be the bad days when you just can’t score a single hit and are snipped immediately by a pro widow maker exiting your spawn area.


Overwatch is a great game on PC you can have it for 30-40 $ the lootboxes are free you have one per level (there are more than 3000 lvl) the only thing that I reproach the game is the community which is cancer sorry for my english i use translation :D

Young & Naughty

Well, OW was good enough to inspire us to make a game based on it, lol. So, I think it worth a shot


Warframe is an excellent PvE game on PlayStation that I play. Also SMITE is a good PvP game. The Overwatch porn is better then the actual game. I don't think the game is good at all.


Akabur-ville... ah, memories. The art you made of that was awesome. Perhaps fitting for a future game idea? Glad to see you have found a game that isn't a ripoff of your stuff.


Damn it, wanna play overwatch, but my friends dosen't have ps4 or prefer PUBG. Still can't stop playing persona 5.


Overwatch trainer PLZZZZ!!!


Why? What the alternative? The only other hero shooter worth mentioning is Paladins and I don't feel like supporting Hi-Res anymore... So what am I to to? Play fucking Lawbrakers?


I believe you, but I need a game I could play on my PS4...


I would buy Overwatch on PC... But I am a console peasant... T_T And as much as I am disappointed with Paladins I can't agree with you on the rip-off thing. It's nothing like Overwatch... Otherwise I would just buy Overwatch... And yes on April's tits!


Well, I agree pretty much with everything you say here. And you advice is noted.


Fine. Gimme and alternative then. And please don't say Warfarme...


Few month back I gave Battleborn a try. I enjoyed it a lot. And I mean A LOT! But soon found out that developer has abandoned the game and it killed it for me... I am looking for a current game with regular updates to get excited about... -_- And the way you describe Overwatch experience, well it's very similar to Paladins or any other command shooter I would assume. You have good day and bad days. Sometimes you have great teammates who know what they are doing, other days you have idiots in your team who ruin it for everyone... So, I think I am ready for that...


I hear ya... But I am a console peasant... ^_^ As for community, you can mute people right? As long as you can mute people, I think I will be just fine :)


Believe it or not a couple of moths ago I did give Warframe a try... I heard a lot of good things about the game so I decided to see for myself... And from what I have see it is a good game... And as for Smite I play it from time to time. But I honestly don't know what winning in a SMITE match feels like. And I did try Overwatch once, during one of the free weekends long time ago. To be honest I loved everything about it but the gameplay. But back then I was really into Paladins... Now I don't have much choice so I may learn to enjoy Overwatch simply because my options for a hero shooter are limited...


I plan to get to playing persona as soon as I am done with Tokyo Xanadou. But that is a story driven game. Sometimes I just want to play a hero shooter, and since I can't stomach Paladins anymore, that leaves me with Overtwach... This weekend will be Overwatch free weekend, so this may be a great chance for you to make your friend try it.


"It's not like my own games are fucking perfect." Except ... they are, almost. FET is shit compared to your games. Sorry to say this, but I played it, and it never remotely reaches the quality of your games.

percy Jackson

Yaknow Ive been reading comments and if you are looking for a game that is like overwatch then maybe consider Team Fortress 2. no power ups but it did cause a lot of questions on where blizzard got their ideas from. most say its from team fortress 2 and I kinda agree with them.


I know 4ET lacks polish. That's what made it difficult for me to enjoy it. Especially with book 2. But, it's still a better game then I would ever expect it to be. And it seem to have quite a few fans. And that's a good thing for me. I would like games like 4ET to be popular and mainstream, while I could have a small tight community of trusty people around my work :)


Yes, you are not the first one to recommend it... But I am a fucking console peasant T_T


Played 4ET, the success is principaly due to the enormous content and the parodie effect. Mity works a lot indeed, and behind this tons of content, polish is correct but not YOUR level of polish mastah ! In the other hand YOUR game are so fucking frustrating, when I ended SC-35 EP02, I were so pissed off because I know I'm an addict and I will not have the rest till month. Need my drug akasan !_! About the mini-game you currently work : Did you intend to use some of the art for SC-34 too ? Your the best !


That's actually someone else's mod of WT. For pure Akabur goodness, stick with the originals.


overwatch agent trainer confirmed? jk


Quick question: When will we see the next update for star channel 34?

percy Jackson

He’s currently making a fap game with the tmnt. He has not stated what the next idea is after this game. Then again he never really has an idea on when he releases his games.

Josh Spicer

For those unsure if they should play this: do it. It's still early enough where MITY's working on the core of the story and the game (and I'd hope they'd get rid of the parts from WT or PT eventually just to polish it out), but the writing is phenomenal. And it's got a knee-deep story that I personally enjoy, as well as choices of which route you might wanna take.


No update on SC34? :(


im pretty sure four element trainer sexual training method is just inspired by you you pretty much set the standard for that way to sexually train in games


The second book is a lot better.


<a href="https://adultgameson.com/innocent-witches/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://adultgameson.com/innocent-witches I Think Some One Is Ripping You Off</a>

Josh Spicer

Sad Crap are the same folks who "remade" Witch Trainer. Innocent Witches is completely different and made from the ground up even if the core idea might be similar and the menu is inspired by it. If you're gonna rip on Sad Crap for shit (oh please do, they're awful at just about everything except legit game making [at least for now]) rip on them for their WT "mod".


А я без звука проходил первую книгу. Если они просто взяли твою музыку, то это действительно отстойно. Во второй книге я бы порекомендовал брать путь соблазнения ( для русской версии ), либо Love ( для английской ). Этот путь более сосредоточен на сюжете, да и, как мне показалось, длиннее альтернативного раза в 2. В первой книге особо нет сюжета, поэтому не столь важно.


In my humble opinion... There can be a good rip-off, but in Akabur's case there aren't. So to say I've been through hell and played every rip-off of WT, from Silver to Sad Crap's crap to Momcest trainer... I'd say that original WT is still the best after all... Because it's an original and no matter what they do a rip-off is still a rip-off