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Last year, I released A Catalogue for the End of Humanity, a collection of short (and long) stories I've either had published or are completely original and exclusive to that book. This year, I invite you to do a bookclub with it (and other stories connected).

There are 12 stories in Catalogue, and each month, I'll be breaking one down in a livestream and video, talking to why I wrote these stories the way I did, why certain ones got published and others didn't, the worldbuilding, and anything else you want to discuss around the story.

If you go to the #cfteoh discord channel, you can put YOUR thoughts and questions on the story, and I'll be responding to those in the video! You can read along with me, or simply join me in the livestream to hear the story.

You can read along with us by purchasing the ebook or a hardcopy here https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CNSV1W2X You can also, of course, read them in the magaiznes they were originally published in.

JANUARY = Two Robots at the End of the World

FEB = The Life and Death of Lucia's Library

MARCH = The Exclusion Clause in the Small Print of Life

APRIL = The Funeralists; Or Hate in Five Parts

MAY = Constellations of Flesh, Blood, and Bone

JUNE = A Worm Beneath the Skin

JULY = On the Beach of Forgotten Things

AUGUST = Flight of the Ten Million Moths

SEP = Just Dust in the Light

OCT = Panstellar

NOV = Trickle Down Lobotomies

DEC = A Catalogue for the End of Humanity

The first livestream will take place on JANUARY 26th UK TIME.

So join us in the discord with your copy! Leave any questions or comments or thoughts you have on the story of the month in the #cfteoh channel, and let's talk books together!

Stay nerdy,



Miy Eterp

Wow amazing!