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I just wanted to say thank you all of you who got behind this charity event. It's a massive event to organise for me, but it's been one of the highlights of each year — and you made it work. I might give it a platform to happen, but it's your generosity that made it work. In fact, you didn't just make it work, but we surpassed last year's total by $8000. That's insane, and I love it. 

This money will go to a great cause: the Child Rescue Coalition, which currently works to dismantle the vile child sex trade within the United States. I was kind of afraid it wouldn't quite work as well as it did last year, but it did, unequivocally so. 

To those of you watched, thank you for sticking with us through the tumultuous breakdowns and failures — not only of my computer, but my many failures playing Breath of the Wild. I hope I made you cringe while I failed miserably, even though I did get to Ganon's castle tip!

Stay nerdy,




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