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Wow, just wow. I'm not quite sure why, but my most recent writing video has brought a dozen+ people to my Patreon! Thank-you, ever so much.  Some of you might have missed the link to the Discord in the thank you message, but here is a fresh one that expires in 24 hours 


Welcome, stay nerdy, and thank you <3




Really happy to be able to support the creator i look up to whilst in my studies on writing and becoming an author.

Joshua Swart

I've been considering supporting some YouTube creators for quite a while now. Towards the end, this was undoubtedly the most deserving channel. I've been subscribed long enough to see HFM improve in quality, and never been disappointed. Some channels just seem to be content-factories, that endlessly spew mediocre, insincere content for income alone. HFM has always seemed to me to come from a place of love and adoration for the material covered, and the ideas and concepts addressed actually feel relevant. I can't say the same about many other channels. Well done.

Hello Future Me

Thank you! This is really high praise. I try my best, and I hope to keep up that level of quality in the future. I really do love this stuff I talk about.